Chapter 5- Reject Him or Else

Salara’s POV

Nerves wrack my body as we make the long trek to where Derrick’s pack lives in the hidden woods of Kansas. The trip is a four hour drive, and every second of it spent trapped in the car with Henry was like a thousand tortures.

Henry reminded me repeatedly that the only reason that I am coming along on this trip is to tell Derrick that I am not interested in being his mate. That I love my husband and will not leave him for another man.

My heart breaks at the thought of saying any of those things to Derrick. Even though I hardly know him, it is like I have known him all of my life. My soul has been calling out to his since the moment that he stepped through my kitchen doorway.

Could this be the mate bond that I have read so much about in my books?

Whatever it is, it is not something that I want to give up on. But I have no choice but to go along with what Henry demands of me because if I don’t then he will alert the media about werewolves and show them where Derrick’s pack is living.

I can’t let that happen! Especially when the only reason that Derrick revealed himself in front of Henry is because of me. I can’t let his pack suffer because of me.

After another ten minutes of driving pass by within the car, we finally reach our turn off and are greeted by two men standing beside a jeep. Henry pulls up beside them and rolls down his window.

“Are you our escort into the pack?” Henry asks, flashing a brilliant smile to the two men. The men ignore his display of charm, nodding their head in agreement. The smile slowly begins to fade on Henry’s face as he studies the two muscular men standing silently outside of the car window.

“Follow us.” One of the men says before they both turn around and walk back to their jeep.

Henry frowns, but says nothing. We follow the two men in silence for around ten minutes before the trees around us start to lessen and a large city is revealed at the end of the path. My eyes widen in aww as we drive past houses and businesses, much like you would see in a small town.

“Don’t get too attached.” Henry sneers at me. “You won’t be staying if you know what’s good for everyone.”

I cast my eyes downward to avoid looking at the people and buildings we pass along the way. After a few tense moments, I feel the car begin to slow and risk looking up to see where we have ended.

A mansion stands before me, beautiful in its old colonial style look and feel. White columns grace the front of the building, holding up a roof that covers the front porch as well as the multiple balconies that can be seen from the front.

Windows cover the entire front side of the mansion, letting in natural light to all of the rooms that can be seen from outside. The building was breathtaking to look at and must have cost a fortune to build.

My heart begins to thump loudly in my chest, making me wonder if Henry can hear the thump thump thump of it from his place in the driver’s seat. My eyes flash to his quickly to see if he caught on to my nervousness.

A frown appears on Henry’s face as he stares, not at me, but at the large mansion I was just admiring. When I turn my gaze back to the beautiful building, my eyes are graced with the sight of the gorgeous werewolf that has invaded all of my thoughts since yesterday.

My heart starts racing inside of my chest, louder than it was before, and this time I am sure that Henry can hear it from beside me. Derrick looks just as gorgeous as I remembered him to be. His dark curls styled atop his head in a way that appears accidental.

His clothing today looks as if he carefully picked them out in order to impress someone. My heart flutters within my chest at the thought. Could he have dressed to impress me? His black slacks mold to his body perfectly while his light blue button up shirt accents the tanned color of his skin flawlessly.

The top two buttons of his silk shirt is lefted unbuttoned, revealing patches of dark chest hair hiding beneath. My fingers itch to run through the hair before moving along his body to feel the strength that I know resides beneath the surface.

Heat pools between my thighs, soaking my panties and making me thankful that Henry isn’t a werewolf as well so he won’t be able to smell it.

My eyes widen.

But Derrick IS a werewolf and he WILL be able to smell my arousal. That would only make things ten times more difficult when I have no choice but to reject him in order to protect him and his pack. Something I desperately don’t want to do as I sit here transfixed by the sight of him.

“Close your mouth Salara. You’re such an embarrassment.” Henry snaps from beside me, opening the car door and slamming it shut in his anger.

My mouth snaps shut with a loud click, sending pain radiating throughout my jaw from the impact. Keeping my eyes downcast, I slowly undo my seatbelt and follow Henry out of the car. Moving to the backseat, I open the door to get my daughter Hayden out of her seat.

“Do you need any help?” A small voice says from behind me. I turn to look at Miguel, giving him a warm smile at the offer.

“I’ll have her out in just a moment, but thank you. You are too sweet.” I tell him before turning back to release the carseat straps from around my daughter. Hayden immediately pushes out of her carseat and shoves me aside so she can get out.

She lets out an excited squeal before introducing herself. “Hi. I Hayden.” She says, giving Miguel a toothy grin.

A huge smile spreads across Miguel’s face. “I’m Miguel.” He says, reaching out a hand for Hayden to grab ahold of. Without Hesitation Hayden places her hand in his and allows him to lead her towards the front of the beautiful mansion.

“Pretty.” Hayden says, her eyes going wide as she looks up at the huge house. “You live there?” She asks, stopping to stare, her finger pointing in front of her as she glances over at Miguel.

Miguel lets out a chuckle. “This is our packhouse.” Miguel explains. “Lots of people live here.” With that he starts moving again, leading the way at Hayden’s pace.

He would make such a great big brother. I wish I was lucky enough to have him as a son.

That thought stops me in my tracks. I can’t allow myself to think like that. I am here to tell his father that I can not accept being his mate and that he should move on with someone else. Even if the thought of him being with someone other than me kills me inside.

Squaring my shoulders, I walk towards the front porch where Henry and Derrick stand talking with determination.

It is time to get this rejection over with and go back to my miserable existence.

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