Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter One

I stand frozen at the edge of the living room, invisible to the three men surrounding my parents who are forcefully made to kneel in the middle of the room, by two massive men, who resemble tree trunks rather than human men.There is a stifling energy that is so palpable filling the room, making it hard or where I can’t even seem to look away from the horrifying scene that is unfolding in front of my eyes.

“Tell us where the child is, and I promise to give you a swift and quick death, refuse and I will drag it out, making sure to torture you slowly and painfully in front of each other, until you give me the little brats whereabouts.” One of the men, who is slightly less beefy, and a lot leaner than the other two barks at my parents who are staring defiantly at him.

“Go fuck yourself!” My father spits at the man with more venom and hostility than I ever thought he was capable of; he was always so kind and caring to everyone he ever encountered. “We aren’t ever going to disclose any kind of details about our child, no matter how much you decide to torture us, so you might as well go ahead and kill us!”

I stand rooted to the spot, tears steadily falling down my cheeks as I realize that I am the child they’re referring to. I start to walk towards my parents hoping that maybe I could save their lives, when my mother catches my eye and subtly shakes her head and mouths ‘RUN’ everything continues in slow motion as the man who threatened my parents is handed a broad sword, the blade looks as if it has been sharpened and polished recently, just for this very occasion.

The memory of my parents’ murder vividly flashes before my eyes, in rapid succession, the images moving so fast that it starts to make me feel dizzy and disoriented. The images start to blur into one another to where there is no color just the bright white light of them blurring together spinning around in my head.

I’m brought out of the memory-dream by someone rubbing small circles on my back saying something that I can’t quite make out in full, but the sound of it is soothing. The light starts to fade as the words become clearer.

“Falencia, babygirl, it’s ok; you’re safe, come back!” the voice of the woman who had once been my nanny tells me soothingly.

I start to stir as the soothing words and comforting circles being rubbed on my back start to calm my mind. I sit up as I take in my surroundings, I realize that I’m no longer in bed but on the floor of my bedroom. “What happened? Did I start sleepwalking again?” I ask.

“You were trying to crawl out of your window when I came in to check on you.” Berik explains. “I was able to get you away from the window and safely on the floor.”

I groan. “I honestly wish these episodes, or whatever the hell you want to call them, would stop.” I rake my fingers through my shoulder length golden brown hair in frustration.

“They do seem to be getting more and more frequent as of late.” Berik agrees, still trying to soothe me as my body continues to tremble from the memories that have bombarded my dreams. “Do you know why they are more frequent now than they were before?” she asks worriedly.

I bite my bottom lip in the attempt of keeping the tears that are threatening to spill over the threshold of my eyes, not wanting to recount the events that led up to me being adopted by Berik and her daughter. Shaking my head, I take a deep breath to control the shakiness that I feel “I wish, but nothing comes to mind.”

I start to get up from the floor as Freyja comes into my room, “Is everything alright? I heard screaming.” she asks sleepily leaning against the doorframe.

Berik and I look at her and nod “Yeah, just another nightmare.” I reply weakly..

Worry fills Freyja’s bright green eyes as she comes to sit on my bed, patting the space next to her beckoning me to sit with her. “You’re sure you’re alright? The nightmares seem to be coming more and more frequently.”

My jaw tightens as I grind my teeth together in annoyance. “Yeah, I know, I honestly don’t know, nor understand why either, I’d love to figure it out though.”

“We could make an emergency appointment with your counselor, maybe she could come up with some answers?” Berik suggests.

I roll my eyes and huff. “No offense, but she is honestly the biggest quack I’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting.”

“I thought you liked Sarah?” Berik asks in absolute confusion.

I sigh “honestly, Sarah says that they’re manifestations of how I’m feeling. I honestly think that she doesn’t have a fucking clue as to why they're coming back, nor what the hell they actually mean. She also says that ever since my parents passed away, I may feel abandoned, that the dreams are just a way of expressing the emotions that I felt and may still feel as a result of being abandoned at such a young age.” I sigh heavily, shaking my head. “I honestly don’t know if I trust her completely or not. Especially since psychiatrists are just legal drug dealers who only care about pushing their product rather than actually helping their patients.”

“I know you don’t like therapy, but it helped at first, didn’t it?” Berik asks.

“Maybe, at first, but then when I’d try to explain my feelings, she’d ask me ‘how does that make you feel?’ in a bored tone, as if helping me was becoming a nuisance.” I sigh deeply, trying to get rid of the annoyance that has crept up.

“I understand how you feel, sweetie. I just wish I could take them away for you.” She replies sadly.

“Do you want me to keep you company for the rest of the night?” Freyja asks.

I shake my head, “thank you for the offer though, I just want to understand why they’re coming back.”

“I’m going to go make you girls some hot chocolate, do you want salted caramel or original?” Berik asks.

Freyja and I reply in unison “Salted Caramel, please.”

Berik chuckles as she walks out of my bedroom and heads towards the kitchen to make the hot cocoa.

“I hate to bring this up, but could the reason that the dreams are coming back, be due to their death anniversary coming up, tomorrow?” Freyja asks.

I take another deep breath trying to calm my nerves. “I hadn’t even thought about that, I didn’t even realize that it was this close.”

Freyja smiles warmly at me “I hate the fact that you share your birthday with such an ugly day! Do you want to take the day off from school today?”

I take a deep breath and center myself. “I’m OK, I just need to find a new way to deal, I don’t think ignoring it is doing much good anymore.’”

Berik walks back into my room, holding two steaming mugs. “Here you go girls, did I hear you say that you’re not going to school?”

I shake my head “No, I am going and thank you for the hot cocoa,” I reply, taking my cup gratefully, taking a careful sip enjoying the feeling of the warm chocolate making its way down my throat and settling comfortably into the pit of my stomach, helping to undo the knots that had formed there during my sleep. I settle back against my headboard comfortably as I look at the clock, which reads 1:30 AM in bold red numbering. “We probably should try to get a little more shuteye,” I say as I nod towards the alarm clock on my bedside table.

Freyja looks at the clock and groans loudly, “Thank the Gods it's pajama day tomorrow, so I won’t have to wake up as early.”

Berik giggles at her daughter's antics while I nod in agreement. Freyja stands up from her spot on my bed and stretches, lifting her mug carefully above her head so she doesn’t spill any of the hot liquid that sloshes around in her cup. Berik and Freyja leave my room, closing my door to head back to their rooms, leaving me alone with nothing but my thoughts for company.

Snuggling deep into my super soft and thick purple blanket, I fall into such a tangled-up mess of sleep that by the time my alarm goes off at six-thirty, I don’t feel rested, even in the slightest, the thought of calling out sick crosses my mind briefly, but the thought disappears as quickly as it had come, as I don’t want to ruin the perfect attendance record that I have kept since our first year of High School. I groan as I sit up and stretch, peeling the covers off of me and swinging my legs over the side of the bed, letting my feet rest on the royal purple squishy rug that sits on the floor. Standing up, I squish my toes into the carpet and stretch some more, popping my back and shoulders into alignment; I sluggishly cross the floor to my adjoining bathroom, ‘What a wonderful way to start my seventeenth birthday.’ I think to myself as I brush my teeth and hair before turning the water to the shower on, I make the water so warm that it’s almost scalding hot, figuring this would be the perfect way not only to wake myself up but also to soothe my tired, aching muscles, as the water heats up, I strip out of my pajamas and look at myself in the mirror.

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