Chapter Seven
“Cherie and I were talking about going to the mall, would you want to tag along?” Freyja asks with hopeful eyes.
“What are y’all up to?” I ask her knowing that she and Berik have something up their sleeves.
“Just shopping?” She says questioningly as if there’s nothing behind her reasoning, granted they never really need a reason for going shopping, but there is definitely a hidden meaning behind the reason.
“Uh, huh. Sure.” I replied.
“Scout’s honor!”
“You weren’t even a scout!”
“So, you don’t have to be a scout in order to know the honor code.”
I roll my eyes and sigh “I give up, fine, I’ll go with y’all but can we stop for food first?” I ask as my stomach grumbles.
“Of course, where are you thinking, or do you want to get food at the food court in the mall?”
“I think food from the food court will be good!” I say “Are we all going or just us girls?”
“I’m tagging along so I can hang out with Frey for a while,” Justin says smiling. I love how he is with her, he treats her just like one of those loving mates from the werewolf stories I’ve read off of the various reading sites I am always reading on. He is a typical jock, the quarterback of the football team, captain of the basketball team, captain of the swim team, and even plays tennis. He’s not overly muscular, just enough to where his muscles show through his football jersey, his dark auburn hair is shaggy but cut nicely to show that he’s not a scoundrel, his blue jeans are tight in all the right places but loose in the places that matter, and his blue eyes look at Freyja with such love it’s hard not to notice that they’re perfect for one another.
“Do you guys want to come with us?” I ask Addam and Nik with a pouty smile on my face, hoping that it works just as well on Addam as it does on Nik.
Nik groans and to my happy surprise so does Addam ‘That’s not fair!” The boys say in unison.
I grin “It’s not meant to be.”
Nik glares at me playfully “You suck!.”
I can’t help but smirk “hmmm no, I really don’t.” I reply, making him think of my sex life, or rather the lack thereof, really making him and Addam cringe.
“I honestly don’t think I needed to know that information.” Addam chimes in making me laugh.
“You went there? Really?!” Nik asks, shaking his head trying to get the image out of his head.
I smirk evilly “It’s my birthday, I get to do what I want!”
“You’re lucky I love you.” He replies.
I can’t help but laugh “I know.”
Nik sighs “Fine, but since you’re dragging me along to the mall, you’re riding with me.” He says as he drags me towards his cobalt blue ‘05 Expedition. “You want a ride Addam?”
“That would be awesome, thanks, dude.”
“So, we’re grabbing food first right?” Nik asks.
“Yeah, other than the pizza and cupcake all I’ve had so far today was a banana,” I reply.
“Falencia, you know you need to eat more than just a banana for breakfast,” Nik says scoldingly.
“It’s not like I meant not to eat all day,” I tell him as we follow Freyja and Cherie to the mall.
I started to feel that creepy neck-crawly feeling again as we found a parking spot. Looking around discreetly I notice that there isn’t anyone in particular that stands out to me. “You alright Falencia?” Addam asks, noticing my uncomfortable state.
“Yeah, just been having this feeling of someone watching me on and off throughout the day,” I reply.
“I get that feeling too sometimes,” Addam says, smiling at me in reassurance.
“It’s creepy as hell and I’m honestly getting tired of it.”
“Let’s put the creepiness out of your head and go enjoy your birthday,” Nik replies.
I smile, “Yeah, I really shouldn’t allow some creeper who obviously doesn’t have the balls to come and talk to me face-to-face get under my skin.” I reply as we find a parking spot close to Freyja, and start to get out.
Freyja and Cherie walk up to us smiling “So, birthday girl, what kind of food are you thinking?” Freyja asks, smiling.
“The Mongolian place,” I say with a grin.
“You really love that place don’t you?” Cherie asks.
I smile and nod in response as we walk inside the mall.
As we head towards the food court my phone chimes with a new notification.
‘Hey sweetheart, I need you and Freyja to be home at seven for your birthday dinner.’ Berik sends with a smiley emoji.
‘Oki, I’ll let her know.’ I reply, then put my phone into my back pocket.
“Everything alright?” Addam asks.
I smile and nod at him “Yeah, just got to be home at seven.”
“That leaves us with a good,” Freyja starts, looking at her phone. “Three hours.”
I smile and nod “should be plenty of time to get some shopping done. Right?” I ask hopefully, not wanting to really be at the mall for three full hours.
Freyja smiles a wicked smile “Oh, three hours is never enough time!”
I groan “You seriously need help.”
She smiles and winks at me “in more ways than one, sis.”
I facepalm at her gutter-mind joke “Seriously?!” I exclaim “I don’t need nor want to know about your sex life.”
She and Cherie giggle as we walk into the food court “Sorry sis, but it wouldn’t be me if I didn’t tease you a little bit.”
I roll my eyes at her “you’re such a brat.” I say then stick my tongue out at her.
“I am, but you realize that having your tongue pierced can also bring unwanted attention? I mean, it can be and usually is used as a sex tool and toy.”
I groaned “I knew getting this piercing was going to give me more issues than it was worth.”
“Do you like it?” Addam asks thoughtfully.
I think about this bobbing my head side to side for a second “Yes.” I reply honestly.
“Then who cares what others think or have to say? It’s your body, I say, do whatever makes you feel good about yourself.” He says with a grin.
“I totally agree with you, which is one of the reasons I got it in the first place.”
“One of the reasons?” Nik asks.
“Remember when I pierced my nose?” I ask.
Nik nods in response.
“The skin started to heal around the ring, almost encasing it.” I point out. “That’s when I learned that my body rejects foreign objects, such as piercings, but the one thing I don’t really understand is how I can have my tongue done but nothing else.”
“It could honestly be a number of things, genetics plays a huge part in someone's physical make-up,” Justin says, astonishing all of us.
“Wow, that was actually really smart,” Nik says, not thinking before he speaks.
Justin chuckles “I may be a jock, but I still have a brain, you know!”
Nik looks horrified at Justin “I wasn’t- I didn’t -” He keeps cutting himself off which makes all of us start laughing as we walk up to the Mongolian counter.
“Dude, I’m just messing with you, I know you didn’t mean it to sound mean or anything like that,” Justin says as we start to order our food.