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Chapter 5: She is really a beauty

Gina stumbled along, lost in thought, as he walked through the translucent floor-to-ceiling revolving glass doors into Pittman Group.

In the corner of the second floor of the company, there was a cream-colored desk with a cluttered desktop and a high pile of documents on it. Tightly pursing her lips, Gina just pulled out a chair and sat down, and immediately a woman who looked like a secretary walked over with high heels and toes.

The heels of her shoes hit the floor with a crisp sound as the secretary heaved another pile of papers in her hand down towards her desk, leaning over and propping her hands on the desk, her cleavage clearly and openly exposed.

"Enter it all into the computer, and don't leave work until you're done."

Looking straight at the huge number of documents in front of her, Gina wiggled her lips and finally couldn't say anything. Just work, ignoring everything outside, mechanically tapping the keyboard, word by word, knocking the file towards the computer.

By the time she looked up again, it was touching dark outside the window, and the company staff around her had pretty much gone, leaving only the computer in front of her lit up with a glowing white light.

"I fell from the edge of the cliff and fell into the starry sky ......" The phone on the corner of her desk suddenly rang, and a name that made her heart palpitate appeared on the display, "Aaron".

Hesitantly pressing answer, Gina swallowed his saliva and put the phone to his ear, "What... what is it?"

"What is it?" The tone on the other end of the phone was cold and sarcastic: "Trading your body for your mother's life."

Hearing those words, she couldn't stop shivering. Originally thought that what Aaron said in the afternoon were angry outburst, but he really let herself go to accompany the guest. Her eyelashes trembled and she slowly closed her eyes, how could she forget that Aaron, he, never did what he said he would do.

Seemingly dissatisfied with Gina's silence, the tone on the other end of the phone took on some threatening meaning: "The Bruning Hotel entrance, if you don't see your person in half an hour, your mother will die in the hospital."

It was as if a boulder kept sinking in her heart, without end, falling deeper and deeper.

Opening her hollow eyes, a long weary sigh pressed out of her throat. Wrapping her jacket around the back of chair, Gina ran quickly down the stairs, holding out her arm and shouting, "Taxi!"

Gina, who was following behind Aaron all the way, was very apprehensive, like a frightened little animal, trotting to keep up with the man's pace, his pale little face carrying panic, which anyone who saw it would pity.

But Aaron is not included.

With his hand on the door handle of the private room, he twisted his head to look at the woman following him, the look of resignation on her face displeasing him greatly, "Why are you making dead face?"

Just barely managed to squeeze out a smile when the door was violently pushed open by him.

The bosses in the booth saw such a woman with a double-class figure and looks, with straight and slender legs just right, towering breasts calling out, pupils cutting the water, and a loving expression on her face.

Such a beauty!

"Sit next to Mr. James." Aaron's face changed into a false and enthusiastic smile as he pointed to a middle-aged, bold man with a large belly and instructed Gina.

"Mr. Pittman always has a knack for it, and what you brought over this time is really something special."

"Good luck, Mr. Pittman, how about I pay 5,000 and take this woman for one night."

"I'll pay 10,000, Sleeping with this kind of woman must be enjoyable."

The Gina, who clenched her lower lip, slowly walked over to the lecherous-eyed Mr. James, pulled out a chair and sat down on the wrong leg, and unpleasant words rushed into her ears like a tidal wave. The whole person's posture is incomparably stiff, slim shoulders and back straight.

Aaron also heard these unpleasant dirty words, and his anger rose up from his heart, how could this woman let them sleep around. Clenching his fists, the man shouted angrily, "Shut up! This woman's status is special, what are you all doing."

Seeing Mr. Pittman so angry, the people in the room shut their mouths, except for their eyes occasionally glancing at Gina, raising chopsticks and gobbling, so a happy atmosphere.

"You look down on me?" The greasy-headed middle-aged man once again raised his glass and passed it to Gina's lips, his already small eyes narrowed into slits, a lecherous smile on his face, "Or else drink this glass."

Really, she couldn't drink any more, and she frowned at Mr. James' fat, irritating face as the middle-aged man's piggyback-like hands under the table were slowly stroking her own black silk-clad thighs, with a tendency to move upward.

Just as she wanted to open her lips to refuse, Aaron's gaze flew over like an icy blade and plucked her cheek fiercely.

"Why yes Mr. James. I'll drink." Forcing down the helplessness and despair in his heart, Gina took the glass of wine and tilted her head to pour down the whole glass of white wine.

A few drops of wine spilled from the corners of her lips and rolled down her slender neck, tracing across her parted collarbone as if it were a starry teardrop slipping down.

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