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Chapter 2

Nellie walked into the council meeting head high without fear or worry. She knew whatever judgment they were about to pass on her wouldn't be in her favour but she had to maintain her stand as the Alpha she is.

She stood in front of the council members all staring her down and hoping to get her to say something they could possibly use against her in their final judgment but she remained silent without uttering word.

'Won't you defend yourself Almighty Alpha" one of the council members asked with a frown on his face.

Nellie intended to frustrate them with her silence and her plans proved successful.

'I'm pretty sure I've defended myself enough. You have already decided on what you plan to do to me" she scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest.

'Bella was right… you have no respect for the Pack and it's Elders… a witch like you had no place in this pack more or less to be our Alpha. You are hereby banished from this village and shall live the rest of your life as a rogue" Another Council member yelled standing to his feet as he slammed his hands on the desk in front of him.

'So that's it… you're just going to banish me without proof" Nellie protested knowing fully well that they wouldn't even think twice about their decision.

She was still in her discussion with the council members when Bella walked into the room with a bunch of rogues behind.

'Bella, what are those filthy animals doing here?" the council members chorused.

'Taking out the trash… as your new Alpha, I deemed it right that she be escorted out of the village by her new king…rogues" Bella smirked as the Rogues gradually approached Nellie.

'Bella… you are one hell of a fucked up best friend" Nellie snorted backing out of the room slowly.

She knew was in danger and the presence of rogues only made her worry the more about the safety of her pack than that of hers.

'How sure are you these rogues won't attack the villagers Bella?" one of the council members asked with worry all over his face.

Rogues had a habit of attacking wolves would belong to packs for no reason and that was what bothered the council members and Nellie herself.

'Oh don't worry, these rogues are trained and they only attack who I want them to and right now, I've instructed them to take care of Nellie if she refuses to leave the village at once" Bella said with a mischievous smile on her face.

Nellie felt helpless and she didn't want to surrender and admit defeat but when the safety of her pack was at stake, she had no other option. She quickly transformed into her wolf form as it was a full moon tonight and dashed out of the room and headed for the forest with the rogues chasing and following her at top speed.

She was eventually able to escape the sight of the rogues, breathing heavily, she shifted back to her human form and adjusted her cloth quickly. She picked up a race again because she never can be so sure if the rouges were still hell-bent on searching for her but she suddenly stumbled across an unconscious body behind a tree.

She paused and looked around. Who was this person lying on the ground? It's obvious he had been attacked. Should she just leave or…? She looked around again and set her ears keenly to be sure there was no nearby sounds of steps. Nonetheless, she can't afford to stay around here. Protecting herself was more important now than any other thing. If those rogues find her, they will never take it easy on her.

When she was about to leave, she decided to take a closer look at his face to be sure it wasn't someone she knows.

‘How can a man be this handsome?' she thought as she casted her serious and flabbergasted face on him. She looked around the forest again and casted her gaze on his then and squatted before his body, ‘why does he has such a cute face? Gosh! See how hot and well-built he looks.'

She adored him so much and even find herself licking her lower lips, she had never seen any man as handsome as the man before him, not even the one who cheated on her with her best friend.

She decided to help him, a handsome man like this shouldn't be left to die here, she made him rest his body well on the tree and then examined the injury on his neck. It was so deep.

She stood and quickly looked around for some healing leaves, she plucked them, grinded them together while stealing glances at him. She felt even tempted to plant her lips on his soft lips. She was trying so hard to resist herself from doing such act. She didn't even know who he is yet. What if she plant her lips on him and he wakes at that moment? He would sure think that she was trying to take advantage of him. Yet, it was him who was tempting.

And he might even be mated, a man of his age would sure be mated. Sad to think there was no hope for her. She poured the granulated healing leaves carefully into his deep wound.

Wolves have the ability to heal faster, hopefully, he heals faster. Her breathing calmed as she sunk to the floor beside him, it could be that those barbaric rouges had returned to their base.

She turned to him and place her hand on his neck to see if he was responding to treatment," hey handsome, can you open your eyes?"

However, the handsome man before her just had his eyes closed.

She felt warmth with her palm on his bare skin and it felt so good, she adored his body and loved how flawless he look.

She placed her two palms together and prayed to the moon goodness that she will make him his mate. If only this super-hot man could be her mate. It's saddening that after many years of her life, she had not find her mate yet. Finding mate for others was quiet easier but for her, it sounded like an impossible thing. She can never understand why the moon goddess hasn't given her a mate or maybe she just found the one.

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