Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 1


The flickering red light made a hiss out of my lips, I glanced at hmy wrist watch continuously. The time seems to be moving fast my sister must be worried and my phone is dead.

"Miss let me check what's the cause of the traffic jam" the taxi man said.

Why does things have to turn against me. First the airport delay and now the traffic jam. I'm sure unlucky today.

30 mins passed by without any improvement. Nothing could be heard except the sound of horns and the voices of people cussing. The cars dosen't seems to be moving a bit. After some time the taxi man entered the car with an annoyed expression on his face before i bring myself to ask him he beat me to it.

"An accident occurred which causes the traffic jam, some car bumped into one of a very known man, so we have to wait till they've settled their issues." The man said in a low voice.

"You mean we are staying like this till the well-known man or whoever he is settle their issues?" I asked in a sarcastic tone, retying my hijab that is about to be out of place. The silence that came from the man answers my question.

"This is bullshit!" I find myself punching the back of the seat getting out of the car in anger. I need to see for myself who this well known man is. Storming towards the direction of the incident, my eyes widen seeing a man sitting on top of a car his back facing me, one leg crossed on the other while the other man is apologizing to him, his face in a scared expression.

"Hey you Mr man." I shouted enough for him to hear. Hearing nothing in response, i almost thought he's deaf.

"I'm talking to you." I said again. The moment he turned his face towards me i was beyond surprised, he has that kind of face that makes you speechless, his jet black beard laid smoothly on his face. His dark eyes watch mine directly

Masha Allah he's indeed handsome. That's what my mind tells me. I brushed off the thought focusing my attention on the man.

"Excuse me man can't you see the number of cars waiting just because of an unnecessary thing you've caused." I blurted out.

"Miss.." The other man started whom i assumed is that one that bumped his car into the well know man.

"No don't stop me, a lot of people have somewhere else to go you're just wasting their time. Please let us pass and go somewhere else to settle whatever issue you have." The man I'm talking to whose arms are folded watch me with a smile on his face. He jumped down the car and walked majestically towards me, leaving a little space between us.

What is wrong with this guy.

"Miss whatever you are I'm sparing you because i can see you are new in the city but I'm warning you be careful you might get yourself into a big trouble." "I like your braveness i have a feeling we will meet again." With that being said he entered his car and drove off leaving me speechless.

How dare him?

Who is he?

"Miss you shouldn't have talk back to him he's a powerful man, you're quietly brave in talking back to him." The man said snapping me out of my thoughts.

What is this? He's supposed to thank me for saving him.

"I don't care who he is." I yelled at the man who has already entered his car ready to leave.

"Let's get going." The taxi man horn brought me back from my cussing.

After I've settled myself inside the car the man started talking.

"I was really worried for you, i thought he's going to do something when you talk back at him."

"Is he supposed to say something?" I find myself angry by the fact that everyone is talking about him.

"No but Mr Marwan is not Someone to mess with." He replied back.

"Is he a gangster or someone from the mafia?" I asked. The man watched me from the rear mirror.

"You don't know Marwan Siddiq?" I shake my head indicating no.

"Mr Siddiq Abdulaziz is Marwan grandfather. He's the founder of AD Group. He owns almost half of the companies in the country from hospitals, hotels, schools. His parents passed away when he was still a child. To cut things short he's now the president of AD hotels and-" I cut him off not wanting to fill my brain with the confused information.

So i talked back to the one of the powerful man. I don't care, being a powerful man doesn't mind he can do whatever his likes.

I rest my head on headrest. Waiting to reach my destination.


"Welcome Yasmin i was expecting you since, your Mom just called me that you've already arrived." My Aunt said helping me with the luggage.

"There was traffic on the road."

"Okay let me show you to your room freshen up and eat your dinner i know you must be hungry." My stomach made a growl sound.


She showed me to my room which is quietly simple and comfy. After taking a warm shower, I unpacked my clothes inside the medium size wardrobe. The room is quite and comfortable, just the way I liked. i called my Mom and Sis informing them them I've arrived safely before heading downstairs.

"How's Farah?" Aunt asked, while she placed a plate of freshly made spaghetti together with a glass of cold juice.

"She is fine, she said i should send my regards to you."

"Masha Allah, so when do you start your work?" She took her seat opposite me, with her plate too.

"I'm going for the interview tomorrow Insha Allah." I responded back.

"May Allah see us through."


By the time we we're done eating, I went up to my room, changed and laid down on the soft comfy bed. I'm finally one step through my dreams. Before I know it, I fell into deep slumber.


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