Chapter 1: Cornfield

The pain of losing both parents is excruciating, especially when you are young and still dependent on them.

When my parents died a few weeks ago, I nearly lost my mind because I had never imagined them dying that early. I had always pictured them growing old and playing with their grandchildren, i.e my children.

But that didn't happen. They died in a ghastly car accident while on their way to Erica's house, my mom's best friend.

Erica was celebrating her 35th birthday that day and my parents were among the important guests. They just couldn't turn down the invitation.

I was supposed to follow them too but being the kind of person I was, I stayed at home. I was an introvert and only step out of the house when it was necessary or when going to school.

Upon receiving the news of their death, I cried my heart out. I was very shocked and touched. That day Erica and her husband, Dominick came to stay with me. They consoled me and then left the following day.

They couldn't stay long, they blamed themselves for my parents' death. "If it wasn't for our birthday party, your parents would have still been alive" Dominick had once lamented.

On the day of my parents' burial, I received a lot of visitors and condolences. And after the burial, I decided to relocate to Cornfield upon my aunt's invitation to live with her.

My aunt was the only relative I had, she was also an immigrant just like my parents. She came to the States a year after my parents arrived but couldn't stay in the city due to her fake documents.

She decided to stay in the county to avoid being detected and deported back to where she came from. There, in the county, she met Officer Harold – a Sheriff Deputy who fell deeply in love with her.

Together they gave birth to their one and only child, Jessica. Officer Harold died later, just a few years after their wedding. Leaving practically all his properties under her possession.

When I arrived at the Cornfield bus stop, I called and told my aunt I had arrived. Thus she sent Jessica to come and pick me up. At that time, I didn't know much about Jessica. We had only met on a few occasions before.

While on our way to their house, Jessica told me a lot about Cornfield and also about the upcoming festival. She was very good at making noise, I mean... she didn't even allow me to say a word. She was talkative.

Just as we arrived at their house, she pulled over in front of the garage and helped me with my luggage into the house. How kind of her?

"Hello mom, I am back. I brought Laura!" she said heading upstairs with my traveling bag.

"Wow, so fast? Welcome back!" I heard my aunt say as I trailed behind Jessica upstairs.

"Thanks, mom!" Jessica said to her mom before turning to me, "Feel free, you are home" she smiled at me as we headed into a room. There I saw my aunt, Vicky decorating the room.

"Laura, you are welcome. I am glad to see you" she stopped what she was doing and walked over to me gently.

"Thanks, aunt," I said, smiling at her.

"It's my pleasure" she smiled back before embracing me. "You smell just like Grace, your mom," she said as she gently pulled away from me. "And you look as beautiful as her too," she added.

"Thank you, aunt," I muttered and sighed.

"Sorry I brought back the memories" she apologized.

"No, it's okay. Is this my room?" I asked, looking around.

"Yes," she replied.

"Do you like it?" Jessica chimed in.

"Of course I do, it's amazing," I said.

"Aha! I knew you would like it" My aunt said and continued, "Now make yourself comfortable, Jessica and I will go and make something for you to eat" she dragged her daughter with her to the door.

"Thank you, I appreciate it. And thank you, Jessica!" I said overly overwhelmed.

"You are welcome!" They chorused and left.

That reminded me more of my mom when she was alive, we most of the time utter similar words in unison as if we knew what one of us was about to say. She was a nice woman and I miss her a lot already.

My dad was also a nice person even though sometimes he used to be strict. He was overprotective. I could remember the day one of my classmates, Kelvin brought flowers to me home.

I was halfway to recovering from the malaria fever that hindered me from going to school for three days then, and when my dad saw him he mistook his intention. Kelvin was a very nice guy with a good heart... not a boyfriend, but my dad looked at him differently.

He sent him away with the flowers he brought and then warned him never to set his foot in our neighborhood. Sounds funny right? I mean, the entire neighborhood? Well, that was my dad. He knew how to threaten people.

I didn't become an introvert just like that, he made me one. Since my childhood, I wasn't allowed to make many friends. I wasn't also allowed to play outside with our neighbor's kids on the streets, except in the park or on the beach under my parents' watch.

But that didn't make me think less of my parents, I believed whatever they did to me was for my good. And now that they were gone for good, I felt so empty inside of me. No one can ever replace them in my life, not even my aunt.

Of course, my aunt was a nice woman and a good shoulder to lean on, but could she ever replace my mom? No, but I believe she would surely try her best to bridge the gap left by my parents.

By the way, she had put a lot of effort into making sure this room looks good. With all the decorations and the paintings, I just felt like I was the new princess in town.

Talking about the new princess in town, the Cornfield festival was in two weeks and Jessica had got me excited about it already with her exaggerated claims.

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