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Chapter 5 Provocative Mistress

He stopped looking at Sandra and strode out of the door.

Sandra heard he left, and tears finally flew out irrepressibly. She burst into cry, as if her grievances and pains could be released through tears.

Her eyes became red and swollen again, and no more tears could be shed. She got up from the couch, put on something she got randomly, cleaned breakfast table and the mess on the floor.

As if something struck in her mind, she anxiously ran to the bedroom, got a notebook and a pen out of the cupboard, and murmured, "Clinton doesn't like milk …"

In order to prevent herself from forgetting, she wrote down all the things that were still in her mind in her notebook.

But there was something that she could only remember vaguely. No matter how hard she tried to recollect her memory, she just couldn't remember. When she was in frustration, someone snapped the notebook out of her hand. She turned around in panic to see Jessi mockingly reading her notes.

"Give it back to me!" Sandra was anxious to try to get it back. Jessi dodged with a slight turn.

"Sandra, you are so shameless."

"Jessi, give it back to me!" She was so attentive to get her notebook back so as to ignore what Jessi said.

The book was torn into pieces in front of her, with taunt. Sandra looked at the scattering pieces in disbelief and shouted, "Are you mad!"

"Sandra, look at you! You are completely two different persons in front of me and Clinton! Why are you so evasively complicated!" She made all efforts to mock at Sandra, and wanted to see her to be destroyed helplessly.

Sandra looked at the scraps of paper on the floor, just like watching her soul split by Jessi bit by bit. She was sick, and what she could remember now might be forgotten tomorrow, so this notebook was extremely important to her.

"Jessi, why do you damage my stuff!"

Jessi lifted up her head proudly and hissed, "Your stuff? There is nothing belonging to you in this house! I'm afraid what you really want to say is, why should I love your Clinton? "

Sandra was shocked and frozen. She felt a little embarrassed when Jessi said it without reservation.

But in a second, Jessi didn't give her a chance to respond, and continued, "It's not me who want to love him, but he doesn't love you at all."

Jessi certainly knew what could destroy Sandra, and she was willing to do it hard.

Sure enough, Sandra felt numb pain in her heart whenever she heard these words. She covered her ears and told Jessi to stop talking, but Jessi didn't want to let her go.

"You don't want to hear? I must say it! " She grabbed Sandra's hands that were covering her ears, and whispered to her ear ferociously "Clinton said that he never loved you, and I am the only one he loves. Did he ever say nice words to you? But he does to me. Nothing I do upsets him. He even grants me everything I want. He even … got me pregnant."

Sandra was exposed to whatever Jessi said, and her brain seemed to explode, but Jessi continued to talk relentlessly.

Jessi looked at her painful face, joy exuberant in her heart. In a glimpse, she saw bruises on her neck. Jealousy showed in her eyes, but she remained calm superficially: "Don't think that if he fucked you, there will be something between you two. You are even not half as good as I in bed. As a woman, you can't keep a man in bed, let alone to say other things. "

Sandra tried not to listen to Jessi, with her eyes closed tightly, but how could Jessi let her get what she wanted?

"If you beg me, I can teach you. Maybe I can make Clinton change his mind?" Jessi smiled and looked at Sandra with his hands folding around her chest. She seemed to see the image of her begging.

Sandra knew that Jessi was mocking and insulting her, but she had no more energy to fight back due to her splitting headache.

She had to take it, saying nothing, but in the eyes of Jessi, she was playing a weak part.

"Sandra, stop pretending anymore, it's disgusting"

The least satisfaction during a quarrel is to see no reaction from the counterpart, which was exactly how Jessi felt at this moment.

No matter what she said, Sandra didn't response. In the end, she was so angry that she threw everything out of the room, and even pulled Sandra up as if she were going to be kicked out.

Sandra screamed "Jessi, what are you doing!"

"Get out!" With heated anger in her voice, she hated Sandra so much that she wished her to die. She was like a barrier between her and Clinton, hindering her steps, not to mention that she was still Mrs. Fu officially.

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