Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 2

Simon sat on the couch threading his fingers and slightly flushed after all that happened tonight. Just a few hours ago, they were in a rush heading towards the distinguished black car to get the cat hidden from the public eye.

The cat meowed all the time as if it was trying to say something to them as its claws dug deeper into her thin top and everywhere to pinch her skin marking scratches along her arms as well as along the ribcage inch below the bra line.

With Simon on the wheels, Stephanie had no choice but to leave the premises with an important task undone.


Because the cat won't let go of his grip on her ruffled top.

Cats are cute. Stephanie likes them. Except for this one.

Many people, particularly introverts, prefer to have a feline as a pet simply because they could connect with each other. Both an introverted person and a cat prefer silence and independence in their ways in comparison to dogs.

History says that ancient Egypt domesticated the cats, which were said to be the earliest pets that could be traced back to four thousand years or beyond.

The reason was simple.

Cats have been helpful in reducing the impacts of the disease and protecting the crops.

As a result, they became the most venerated, respected, and prayed as they were sacred enough to have all those benefits from the human race. They even have a Cat Goddess.

What the hell?

Stephanie snorted with a smile thinking about it while holding this cat, who was a few hours ago the most influential in the universe.

Now, what does he want from me in his new form? Veneration, respect, and prayer? Oh, come on. Give me a break.

When she looked down, she noticed that the CEO, in his new cat form, has been glaring at her as if she did something terrible.

The light blue eyes remained at her with a striking dark stroke in the middle. Whatever he had in mind at the time, its dilated stares were pinching and intense.

And it went on until Simon parked the car in Titan's residence.

Simon cleared his throat and slowly lifted his head to have a good look at Stephanie. From head to toe, he examined her overall features, making her uncomfortable.

She grabbed the glass of water on the table, which he offered earlier, and gulped the entire liquid, thinking it would calm her down.

"Stephanie Reyes." He glanced at the cat, walking its way on the nearby pet cushion facing her before he sat on the black tufted leather L-shaped couch in the corner.

As soon as he sat at such a close distance, Stephanie noticed his prominent features and slicked attire, as well as the strong musky scent of his perfume. He leaned his torso forward in her direction and landed a stare.

From afar, he looked too good to be true. If he were not a businessman, he would have been an excellent prospect for a highly-paid model.

"Yes?" she almost stuttered.

Both of her hands were holding the glass tighter as if she was preparing for something bad to happen right after Simon finished his talk.

Stephanie thought that she'll be out of the highest paying job in her life, even if she was just an intern, working for such a multi-billion dollar company.

If she would be fired because of some stupid reasons—seeing the CEO transforms into a creature by magic—it would be an unpleasing experience. She would rather get fired because she did a mistake causing problems in the company per se. But, not this.

Yet, she recalled something important. Before he transformed, he said something.

"You don't have to understand what I'm saying. Just do it and I'll pay you to double the company has offered you."

Was he willing to pay more than what they have stated in the contract in exchange for what? Keeping this secret forever?

"You see, Titan didn't expect someone could witness such a terrifying and seemingly impossible event. We both didn't have that in mind." Simon paused and sighed. "I heard that he's willing to pay you more after what happened. And probably, you're already asking yourself why."


"I believe you just got started from work. For how long, if I may ask?"

"A month."

"I presume that observing the entire company for a month and knowing how things work won't be enough, given that you're at the lowest rank in terms of employees. Technically, you just got started."

Simon grabbed the glass of water he placed on the living room table and took a sip.

"So, what will happen to me, sir?"

Stephanie stared at him out of disbelief and fear she would be fired from the job. She blinked for a moment without even taking a single breath before she realized that she was already zoning out.

"I mean, I would be fired because of what happened?" I continued without letting go of my eye contact.

"No, definitely not. It doesn't follow the clauses of firing someone simply because of unintentional interference with Titan's personal affairs. As you see, a magical-whatsoever spell was embedded in his soul brought by circumstances."

"Why did it happen in the first place? Because honestly, it's still mind-boggling to me that someone as respectable and influential like him would simply become like that."

"Me, too, Miss Reyes. I don't know what happened. He neither tells me what happened that night ten years ago." He shook his head out of disbelief. "We're best friends. We grow up together since I gained consciousness of the world. We're that close. We know each other's secrets, girls we dated, and all. But..." He paused and looked down, staring at the empty glass. "—not this one." He lifted his chin a bit to stare, shaking his head. "Not at all."

"I see." She has nothing to say but a sigh. "It's unfortunate for someone like him to undergo all the distress. Perhaps..." She felt hesitant to say the next words.

Simon crossed his arms and placed one leg on top of the other with his head slightly tilted to reach her eye view.

"Perhaps, what, Miss Reyes?"

"Perhaps, he did something wrong to someone he shouldn't have messed up with."

The line has him thinking.

His eyebrows knitted together leaving her in ultimate silence for the next minute. He stood and walked to and fro across to where she sat. He returned to his seat and bent his fingers leaving the index finger touching the tip of his nose.

After the repeated movements in ten minutes, Simon cleared his throat and leaned his torso towards me.

"What if you're right, Miss Reyes?"


"What if Titan did something wrong to someone he shouldn't have messed with without me knowing. Maybe he had dealt with someone I don't know."

He sighed, leaned against the soft surface of the couch, and stared at the ceiling. Perhaps, the intricate high-ceiling lamps were right above us.

"I don't know what to do now. It's been ten years of searching for answers. Ten years of trying to investigate, to study witchcraft and the supernatural, and all the others I thought would be related to his impeccable disease. Yet—" He paused again, gulping to stop the tears from building up around his eyes. "We still have no answers."

He clucked as he leaned his torso towards her again and threaded his fingers and stared at her, assuming that he has a crazy plan he has in mind. His eyes knitted. His face is full of desperation.

"Miss Reyes, should I call you Stephanie outside the office. May I?"


"Stephanie, the fact you witnessed the real reason for Titan's rushed schedule and his inability to stay longer in the office as others would do, you're officially on board."

Her chest tightened almost leaving her choking in her seat.

"Onboard of what?"

Stephanie raised her eyebrow and crossed her arms while her legs pressed together.

"You'll help us find the answers."

"What do you mean? You know, I have a lot of work to do in the office."

Panic started to envelop her being. What should I do now? Extra work?

Her eyebrows furrowed, thinking about her miserable working situation in the company in the last thirty days.

She has already compromised her sleeping hours for days to finish the work only to see herself in a stupid situation—bumping the CEO in the elevator minutes before the deadline.

If only she hadn't seen him or been caught in their affairs, she could have submitted the report on time.

She sighed and slapped her forehead in response.

"You're worried about extra work?" He smiled and let out a soft giggle. "I know working as an intern is hard work. But, don't worry. I'll talk to your department head the first thing in the morning."

"What are you planning, Simon?"

"I want you to work up close with Titan. I want you to be on standby whenever he needs it. If you need to stay in his palace—" He giggled as if he was having fun with the awkward plan. "—you have to. Don't worry. I'll talk to your boss the next morning and I will give you a fair share of extra income. Titan may not know about this, but I want you to stay behind me. Because you know what, I can't do this alone anymore, Stephanie. Please."

The moment those words came out of his mouth, he pulled himself closer and whimpered.

What an unexpected behavior from someone like him who seemed to be an impossible man to reach.

Despite things happening too fast today, she couldn't help but recall her first impressions of these men during her first day at work.

Even though it was clear to her that they needed her help, she couldn't stop thinking about how they behaved in the office. She cringed whenever she remembered the events that showed how arrogant and shallow her boss was.

For instance, whenever they pass by the halls right in front of our office, the time could stand still. Everyone went silent until they were gone.

Titan looked supreme among the group surrounding him. His charismatic aura oozed out of him, leaving everyone feeling intimidated.

Yet, she found herself in an interesting situation.

She has only started a month ago working for this company. An intern. But in a blink of an eye, her life changed all of sudden.

That thought gave her a sense of wonder while feeling terrified, at the same time, listening to this man desperate for her help.

"Please, Stephanie." His tone changed from macho baritone to like a younger brother asking for help for money from an elder sister. He blinked his eyes and continued whimpering.

Realizing her role here, she didn't have any other option left in her hands.

If she won't do what they asked, they would fire her from the job. Besides, she was just an intern with only six months of probation time before the management would decide to keep her or not.

If she chooses to help them out, that could give her a better chance to keep this job because they need her. But, if she were to choose this option, she would always have to explain why she has to stay too close to the CEO all the time despite being an intern.

Stephanie feared that being too close to the boss could create unnecessary attention, especially in the department I was assigned to. So, she has to prepare for her mental well-being before reaching the rabbit hole.

Until the day Titan freed himself from the spell, Stephanie would have to keep spying on his affairs to get some clues about what happened ten years ago.

The way Simon looked at this point, it was clear that he was already in extreme frustration and desperation. He has been waiting for answers for the last decade for the sake of his friend.

In his eyes, she was his only hope for his best friend.

When Stephanie flicked her head to land a gaze at Titan, she couldn't help but let out an exasperating sigh.

If she wouldn't known this cat was the arrogant and narcissistic boss, she could have had a different impression of this cute-looking cat of a unique breed, which she has never seen before.

She took the time to scan Titan in his cat form and noticed that he has bigger in size than most cats, probably because of his gray thick fur which blanketed all over him with a white fur collar coat around his neck.

As her eyes continued to trace him, from his wagging tail up to his face, she thought, why not? It would be stupid for her to let go of this opportunity.

Let's see how this goes for you, Stephanie. Good luck. Your feelings don't matter here anymore. You needed the money. It's either you take it or leave it.

"Fine, I'll do it." She gulped and held the glass tighter than before and took the last sip of the water as she let out a loud exasperated sigh.

It didn't take long before his eyes were filled with delight.

Just before he could say his biggest and loudest gratitude, she raised her index finger an inch away from his face. "As long as you fulfill your promises, I will do it."

"Alright. Deal."

He extended his arms and so did she. Yet, the moment we shook hands, we heard something unexpected.


Titan jumped off of the couch where he was sitting all the time and walked toward their direction.

He flicked his head up and stared at Simon before landing an intense gaze on her while swiftly raising his tail halfway and stretching its mouth to reveal his sharp teeth.

Then, he hissed.

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