Read with BonusRead with Bonus

chapter 5

Brent didn't have time to process all that had just happened between him and Melody when his phone rang. He checked his caller ID and let out a groan.

" Hey bitch!" Colton screeched as soon as he picked it. Brent had to put the phone a little bit away from his ear. Colton can really be a pain in the ass sometimes. He really needed a smack on his big head.

" Where are you?" Colton asked

" Where else? " Brent replied, rolling his eyes.

" I called in at your office and Kelly told me you were not in so I was wondering where you'd be. Working hours is not over yet " Colton sighed dramatically.

" You wanna see me? What's up?" Brent knew Colton was very mischievous so he had to be careful with him else Colton would turn the table and tease him endlessly.

" Just be at your office in the next 20 minutes. I'll be there in 30. Love you!"

Brent rolled his eyes again and went over to where his car was parked. He drove off, thinking how on earth he had managed to talk to Mel. He smiled to himself, remembering how shocked she had looked when she saw him. So she was twins, wow.

The massive buildings of his company came into view. The Blackwood Empire stood proudly in the middle of the city. He checked his Rolex wristwatch and it was exactly 1:30pm. He went inside, took his private elevator to his floor and opened the door to his office, using codes. He noticed someone was inside already and knew it was only Him, Kelly and Colton who knew the codes to opening the door once it's locked.

Kelly smiled and nodded in greeting when she saw him. It was as if she knew where he was coming from. He replied with a nod and avoided her gaze. He sat down to get back to work.

" Here sir" Kelly said, placing the files she had come to drop on the table in front of him.

" Thanks, you can go" he said, looking over the files she brought.

30 minutes later

Colton sauntered into Brent's office like it was his. His tall and lean body like that of an athlete was to die for. Wavy blonde hair, ocean blue eyes and plump lips were what drew girls to him. He didn't have to sweet talk a girl into giving in to him. Just a flick of those sexy eyebrows would do the trick. He was known as the Ladies' man. He always had an arrogant smirk which the girls fall for. A heartbreaker that he was, he changed girls like he changed clothes.

" Hey buddy " he said, while getting himself comfortable on the couch. Brent walked over to where he sat and smack him on the head.

" Owwww!" Colton cried out, " is that the way to greet your best friend?" He pouted and gave Brent puppy-dog eyes.

" Please help yourself out if you don't have any mission here " Brent rolled eyes. He was doing that a lot recently.

" You're no fun! Ughh!" Caleb hissed and this time, it was his turn to roll his eyes.

" Why are you here?" Brent asked, reaching for a file.

" Can't I come to say hi again?" He gave Brent an innocent look.

" You know I won't buy that. Now tell me why you're here " Brent threw him a glare.

Colton put his hands up in surrender.

" Okay okay, I'm here to talk about the deal we made with DRoyal "

" Better " Brent sighed in relief and added, " I would have invited you to help yourself to a seat but I can see you already have that covered "

" Of course " Colton said smugly while caressing non existent beards.

They got down to business and after finalizing everything, Colton bade Brent good bye but not without teasing him some more.

Melody got home and went straight to Luci's room in a hurry. She wasn't there so she checked Mom's room. When she didn't find her there either, she started to panic. She went into her own room and visibly relaxed when she saw Luci lying down on the bed. She was on the verge of tears. Her eyes had redden and become puffy. She quickly went over to her and took her hands. Luci burst into fresh tears and Mel engulfed her in a hug.

" It's okay baby.... Sshhhh it's okay "

" He's done with me, Mel" Luci tried to make her words clear through her tears.

Mel widened her eyes as though she couldn't believe what she was hearing,

" Davis?? He broke up with you??"

Luci nodded and cried the more.

" That douchebag!" " Wait till I lay my hands on him " Mel threatened. She was so annoyed. Lucille really gave the guy everything a guy could ever want in a girlfriend.

" What really happened between you two?"

By the time Luci was done explaining what happened, Mel was annoyed beyond reason. She almost went to where Davis worked to give him a piece of her mind and possibly pounce on him. It was Luci's turn to calm her down.

" I'll get over this. I'll be fine " she smiled sadly.

Mel really felt bad for her and cuddled her till they both fell asleep. It was past 7 in the evening when she woke up. She looked over to where Luci was lying. She was fast asleep and her tears had dried up, leaving traces.

She really didn't know how people do this thing called relationship. It's not in her dictionary. Will she ever find the love of her life? She doubted that. Her mind immediately went to Brenton and she shook the thought off.

She went downstairs to prepare dinner. Their mom came back shortly after and went straight to bed, no doubt she was very tired.

Brent threw his phone on the bed the fifth time. He considered texting Mel but was having second thoughts about it. He later made up his mind to text.

" Hey "

He waited for about a minute before his phone beeped, notifying him if a message. He read it and smiled. It went on like that for 5 minutes before he got up and ran into the bathroom to have a quick shower. He put on casual clothes, sprayed cologne and picked up his car keys.

Mel dressed up in clean joggers and hoodie. She seemed to wear that a lot these days. She combed out her hair and decided not to pull it in a ponytail tonight. She removed the ribbon holding up her ponytail and it cascaded down her shoulders to her back. Her hair looked like a glowing fire under the yellow light.

She went downstairs quietly and opened the door then locked it behind her. Thank goodness Luci had gone to bed else she would have teased her without mercy.

She sighted him resting on a car a few distance away from her house. She felt her throat tighten in unspeakable lust. She felt hot. Just looking at him from afar made her want something, desire something she knew she might never have, a lifetime love.... Someone to love and care for her.

Brent watched her coming towards him and his little guy rejoiced by pecking up slowly. Heck, he still couldn't figure out what attracted him to her. He shifted, trying to make his erection go down. He wouldn't want her to see him this way. His little guy down there seemed to agree with him, and slowly, he became his normal self.

" Hey" he said in greeting.

" Hi" she replied.

His mind went blank for a moment when he saw her hair. Wow, her hair was beautiful. He didn't realize he had reached out his hands to touch her soft, silky hair. He gulped, trying to suppress the lust he was feeling.

" You should let down your hair often " he blurted out. The words came out on their own will. He was still staring at her as if in a trance.

Mel blushed and muttered a " thank you " before looking down at her toes. He thought she looked cute with her little toenails pecking out from the fluffy slippers she was wearing.

He sighed, letting her sweet smell fill his head. This short woman will be the death of me, he said in his mind.

" Uhhhh" Mel stuttered, trying to look for something to say to break the thick silence. She moved back, putting some reasonable space between them. Almost immediately, a black tinted Benz came directly at her and nearly run her down but for the timely intervention of Brent. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her out of the way, close to his chest.

Mel shut her eyes tightly and was shaking slightly. Brent checked her over in alarm.

" Hey! Are you okay?? " He asked, concern written all over his face. She nodded.

" Yea.... Yeah I think so " " what on earth was that??" She asked with widened eyes filled with fear of what would have happened if Brent was not there to save her.

Brent looked in the direction the car went and immediately recognized it as the one that had been following him since he left his place. He looked at the ground and something caught his eyes. He picked a neatly folded paper and read what was written on it.


He had been receiving this threat for the past few weeks. He got scared, not for himself but for Melody. God, what had he done? He closed his eyes. They had found his weakness now and that was Melody.

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