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chapter 6

Mel seemed to zone out for a minute before Brent's words brought her back.

" Are you really sure you're okay?. You must be shocked, I understand. Would you like to go inside? " He suggested" we can always talk another time ". Brent was not really happy with the idea but he had to make sure she was okay. To him, her safety and convenience came first before any other thing.

" No I'm good but who on earth was that?!" She asked, eyes widening in horror.

" It's nothing to worry about, baby girl. I'll handle it". He replied, winked and half smiled, the smile not quite reaching his eyes though.

" But you know them, right?" Mel pressed, refusing to let go of the matter just like that when she had been almost crushed by that God-damned car. It had almost cost her her dear life. She initially thought the hit-and-run car was meant for her but then, she had no enemies she knew of. She had lived all her 25 years, not bothering about anybody and created her own little world she was comfortable with. Could the incident be related to him? She pondered over it for a minute before deciding to ask him directly.

" It's nothing to worry about " Brent repeated, jaws taut.

" Are you gonna answer me or not??" Mel was glaring now, her calm composure gone, now replaced with raw anger. She stood with her legs wide apart, arms akinbo and stared Brent down, daring him to defy her again.

Brent was surprised. He had never witnessed her wrath before and definitely wished not to start now. Gone was the shy Melody. The Melody who stood before him now was nothing like the old Mel he knew. Surprisingly enough, he liked this new Melody. He took a deep breath.

" I think I do" he finally let out.

" You think?? How? Why? Make me understand!" Mel exclaimed, starting to get exasperated now.

" Heyy chill " he laughed a little. " You see, I have many enemies that want to take me down. They want me to resign. I don't even know who exactly they are! ". He continued, " Resign from my own company that I sweated for?? Who does that??" He asked rhetorically.

" Wait, I don't get you " Mel put her hands up, in a sign for him to stop. " I don't understand all of these. Is it that you're one rich dude or billionaire or what? " " And where do I come in?"

She asked, stretching her hands to show she didn't understand a thing he told her.

" You can put it that way. I'm Brenton Blackwood " He didn't say more than that. Mel suddenly reached for her pockets as if she just remembered something. She brought out her phone and went online. She typed ' Brenton Blackwood ' and she looked dumbfounded. She was fucking standing before one of the most richest men in California. She looked up at him and felt the resemblance was fucking real!. She was shocked and Brent had to intervene to break into her thoughts.

" Hey hey, you okay?" He asked in concern.

" Okay??" She asked looking incredulous. " I'm standing with one of the most richest guy on this planet and you expect me to be okay??"

" C'mon. It's nothing, really " but Brent was happy secretly that maybe now that she knew who he was, she would let down her guard a little bit. But again, that would mean she was out to suck his money dry. Mel recovered from her shock and queried,

" Okay. So you're some rich dude, how does that concern me? Why was the car trying to hit me?" She asked, her tone not changing just because she now knew who he was. Brent couldn't expressed how relieved he felt. He was happy that she didn't start to treat him like a diamond.

" They didn't mean to hit you, they were just trying to warn me, saying they'd bring me down if I refuse to resign. That I will lose my loved ones. They probably thought me visiting you means something since they've not found my weakness so far" he explained quietly.

" So they think I'm your weakness?? Heck, does that even make any sense at all?! We're practically meeting officially for the first time!" She exclaimed.

Brent laughed it off and intoned, " they're playing with fire, they know that" for a moment, Mel thought she saw real fire in his eyes. She shook off the thought , thinking she was probably seeing things. She couldn't blame herself, she wasn't her normal self after hearing all those things, though she still maintained a calm facade.

She should run away from him, run for her dear life and protect her family but somehow, she knew their fate was intertwined the very first time they met. She suddenly felt dizzy. The whole incident was too overwhelming for her.

" Hey! Are you okay?" Brent asked when noticed she started to sway. He quickly wrapped his arms around her to steady her. " Will you like to go inside?"

" Yeah. I'll head back home now " she managed to reply. Brent suddenly picked her up from the floor effortlessly like she was a doll. Her head shot up and she exclaimed, " Hey! What are you doing?! Put me down right now!" She was half shouting now.

" No way that's gonna happen." He grinned cockily " Not gonna risk us having to wake up Mom now, are we? We wouldn't have any other choice if you slip and pass out " he was still smiling.

Mel immediately kept quiet and reasoned with him. She lay her head on Brent's shoulder and enjoyed the moment. Their eyes locked and both of them didn't want to break the eye contact first so they remained that way. The man always managed to smell good everytime. She drank in his manly scent, longing for something she couldn't place a finger on yet. She took a deep breath and her chest rose and fell at the action. Brent's eyes followed her action and his eyes darkened.

He leaned in towards Mel and captured her mouth in his. Mel was shocked by the kiss that she didn't respond at first, she just opened her eyes wide, bewildered. Then she slowly started to respond and gave him more access to her mouth by letting all of him in. She wrapped her hands around his neck to pull him closer to her. Together, they went in slow rhythm. Melody broke the kiss to inhale breath but was given little time as Brent pulled her mouth to his again. She tasted like heaven, he thought. He could tell she was inexperienced and somehow, he felt glad and satisfied. He felt good, thinking about the fact that she hadn't kissed any man before him, that he took her first kiss. He honestly liked that. They broke the kiss and stared at each other, drinking in each other's face, trying to see if any of them regretted what they had just done. Melody's lips was red and swollen and seeing her beautiful lips made him want to ravish them again. He sighed, he couldn't seem to get enough of her.

Unknown to them, a guy in a hoodie and nose mask stayed in the shadows and watched what happened. They just confirmed to him that they were lovers. Even if they were not, the girl must mean a lot for Brent to have kissed her. They had been looking for a weakness all these years and now, they've finally found one. He took pictures of them and went away.

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