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chapter 5: Introverted Him

"You're a lifesaver, Lina! I don't know what I would have done with you. Thank you!" Diva exclaimed as soon as she got into the car.

After Blaze abandoned Diva in the parking lot, Diva called her best friend, Lina Stephens, to pick her up. Usually, she went to the office with Lina as they lived together, but now that she was married, they couldn��t live together anymore.

"It's no big deal." Lina shrugged her shoulders and pulled the car into the driveway. "But what are you doing here out of all the places?" she asked curiously, eyeing the glamorous Hudson mansion from the side mirror.

Diva released a dramatic sigh, mentally preparing herself to break the news to her former roommate, and spoke up, "I'm married to Blaze Hudson now."

"Your jokes are usually lame, but this one is the lamest by far," Lina stated, not paying much heed to Diva.

"No, it's not a joke. I'm actually married to Blaze Hudson," Diva repeated with a firmer tone.

"You're married? Not only that, but with 'the Blaze Hudson'?" Diva nodded, making Lina chuckle. "Wake up, Diva. You're still asleep." She knocked her knuckles on Diva's head playfully.

"Lina, believe me. I really got married to Blaze!" Diva cried out.

"Diva, I think you need some caffeine right now. Do you want me to stop by a cafe?" Lina questioned casually. Considering how bizarre Diva could be, Lina didn't find it surprising for Diva to be saying such ridiculous things.

"How can I convince you?" Diva groaned. "Let me tell you the whole story."

After Diva told the entire story about how she got married to Blaze in a mass wedding to escape a murderer, while excluding the fact that Vyan was the murderer, she asked, "Do you believe me now?"

Lina threw her head back and laughed. "You come up with such fascinating stories, Diva."

"Believe me; it��s not a story!" Diva exclaimed, almost on the verge of tears. If her best friend didn't believe her, who would help her out?

Silence fell over the car as Lina grew speechless, processing the information she just received. "So 'the Blaze Hudson' is your husband now?"

"For the last time, yes!"

Lina pulled the car over in the parking lot of their office building and told her, "Okay, I believe you. Let's talk about this on our break."

Diva smiled and threw her arms around her lifesaver. "Okay. Thanks for the lift."

"Don't mention it." Lina smiled back at Diva and took her bag before getting out of the car with Diva.

The two of them took the elevator to their designated floor. Diva and Lina both worked at a magazine named Rainbow Magazine with Diva working as the editor-in-chief and Lina as the chief finance officer.

Diva wasn't too fond of her job since she found it extremely boring to edit articles all day long. She felt the same way toward her office co-workers��dull and boring. Yet, the job had its perks; she got to meet several famous writers and celebrities almost every day.

It was fun sometimes, but it wasn't what fit Diva the most. Literature and Diva��didn't go that well. Yet, it paid well, and her grandma loved the job, so why not?

Diva greeted her colleagues and went to her office to pick up the necessary documentation for the presentation she had. Even if Diva didn't seem like it, she was very dedicated to whatever she did.

Not to mention, one of the only times Diva remained silent was during work.


"I'm angry," Diva announced with her cheeks puffed like balloons, sitting at the dining table.

Only the clattering sounds of plates answered her as the servants were serving dinner to her and Blaze.

Receiving no reply from Blaze, to relieve the awkwardness at the dinner table, Diva started, "Do you know why I'm angry?" For Blaze, suddenly the forks were more interesting to watch than of Diva. "You deserted me this morning! I was left all alone, helpless. Did you even wonder how I would reach my office on time?" she exclaimed, placing a hand on her chest dramatically.

Blaze rolled his eyes. All he wanted was a peaceful dinner after coming back from work, but this was what he got��a whiny, mental asylum escapee complaining.

"In that moment of emergency, most people would crumble down to their knees and cry, but not me. I used my wits and called my best friend for help," Diva bragged. "I'm smart, aren't I?" She raised her imaginary collar.

Blaze paid no attention to her and picked up his spoon to start eating. He wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.

"As soon as I called Lina, she came rushing to my aid." For a brief moment, Blaze wondered who Lina was but didn't voice it. "As expected from my best friend, she managed to get me to the office right on time, unlike my husband. She's amazing, isn't she?"

Blaze just shrugged, chewing his food silently.

Diva took a mouthful and continued, "Oh, I never asked. How rude of me! How was your day, Blaze? It must have been hard, right?"

"Normal," he replied. That was the first word he had spoken at the dining table that day.

"My day was hectic as hell, yet I managed to pull through. By the way, the presentation I had today went great. They loved my idea..." Diva went on and on about her day at work, while Blaze looked forward to finishing his meal and going back to his room.

"Blaze, did you ever do an interview for my magazine, Rainbow?" Diva inquired.

Blaze shook his head.

"Do you usually do interviews?" she further inquired.

"Only when it's necessary," he replied.

"That's cool. You know, there are so many celebrities who want their interviews taken so badly, like, they are so desperate for publicity. People these days are just too much..." Diva continued blabbering.

Diva wondered why Blaze wasn't trying to engage in the conversation. She was giving so many openings for him to partake in, yet he did not show any interest.

"What is your hobby, Blaze?" asked Diva.

Blaze knew it was easier to just reply than to ignore her, so he said, "Reading."

She scrunched up her nose in disgust, still continued, "What interests you the most?"

"Latest technology."

"Why do you do business?"

"I like it."

"Do you like what your brother does? Don't you think his profession is wrong?"

"Doesn't bother me."

"Are you into gaming?"

"Shut up." Blaze had enough of her questioning session and stood up as he had finished his dinner. He left without another word.

Diva gasped, realizing something. A train of thoughts burned through her mind. He answered all my questions with hardly any words. He didn't ask me about anything back. He doesn't like my company. He likes to be alone. Oh, my god!

Her eyes widened, when the reality hit her head, he��s an introvert! Out of all the possible personalities, how did my husband turn out to be an introvert??


"Sir, I have arranged an interview for tomorrow as you ordered," spoke Blaze��s executive assistant through the phone.

"Good job, Atlas," Blaze praised.

"Also, the wedding rings you asked for should be arriving soon," Atlas added.

"It would have been fine if you didn't order them," Blaze rolled his eyes. Wearing wedding rings��another burden he had to bear along with Diva.

"How could I not? You asked for them, sir. I could never disobey your orders," he objected.

Atlas Keller was the sort of person who was completely devoted to his boss and was extremely efficient in his work. He had a pretty good understanding of Blaze and his personality, so he could arrange whatever his boss needed before he was even asked for it. Even though he was an outgoing person, he kept his mouth shut whenever he was around Blaze. Yet, he felt Blaze still didn't trust him enough.

"Okay. Make sure to warn the paparazzi to not bombard me with questions," Blaze reminded.

"You don't have to mention it, sir. I have told them not to ask any useless questions and get straight to the point," replied Atlas.

"Good." Blaze hung up without saying goodbye.

Just as he released a sigh, there was a knock on the door. He opened the door, and Diva barged in with two small boxes in her hand.

"What is this?" she asked. For some reason, her cheeks were puffed. She was still sulking about the fact her husband was an introvert.

"Wedding rings?" Blaze guessed.

"Right. I can totally see that. But why?"

"For an interview," he answered.

"Why do we have to wear wedding rings for an interview?" Diva questioned, her eyes observing his room which was grey colored and looked very dull for her. But it was very organized and neat.

"To prove our marriage."

"For heaven's sake, can you elaborate?" Diva was irritated with his vague answers.

Blaze huffed. "We have to wear wedding rings to show the paparazzi that we are married," he elaborated.

"But you're supposed to ask me to wear it. How can I wear it on my own? It's like marrying myself," she mumbled.

"No one's got time for that." Blaze pushed her out of the room. "Just wear it for tomorrow."

"Take your own at least." Diva stuffed his wedding ring box in his hand, slightly offended by the thought of actually marrying herself.

Blaze frowned and closed the door after her.

"That girl is so talkative. It's unbelievable!" He put the box on top of the coffee table, planning to put it on in the morning.

Just then his phone started ringing. Blaze scowled at his brother's name flashing on the screen.

"I hate you," Blaze greeted monotonously.

"The feeling is mutual. But why?" Vyan asked.

"Because that girl who got married to me because of you is as annoying as hell. To top it off, she is an extrovert who doesn't know when to stop blabbering."

That was the most Blaze had ever complained. Vyan was amused that someone could get onto Blaze's nerves that badly.

"Well, I can give you my sympathy," Vyan jostled.

"I don't need your fake sympathy." Blaze rolled his eyes.

"But bro, you gotta keep an eye on her, so she doesn��t tell anyone my secrets," Vyan reminded him.

"Can I reveal your secrets myself?"

"You have my permission, but I know you won't because you're my introverted brother who would rather stay silent than say an extra word," Vyan responded cheekily.

"You��re such a pain!" Blaze huffed.

"You know, you don't have to handle everything like this." Blaze furrowed his brows in confusion. "You planned to get married eventually. Plus, you wanted a gorgeous bride, and you got that. You can just accept her as your wife. What's the problem?"

"Are you deaf? I said ��she is an extrovert��. I cannot tolerate such people," Blaze retorted.

Vyan released a sigh. "That's your problem. I told you what I had in mind. Now it's up to you. Accept her, reject her, kill her, do whatever you please. It's none of my business."


"But I think she isn't that bad. You can try��"

"No chance."

"Okay, I give up. I have work to do. Bye." Vyan cut the call.

Blaze plopped down on the couch in the corner of the room and made his resolve stronger. There's no way he was going to try and accept an extroverted wife, nor did he expect her to accept him as her introverted husband.

He was certain that such a relationship wouldn't last��no matter what. It was bound to break one day, so why even bother trying to form one?

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