Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 3

I looked at myself in the mirror, I am wearing a formal two pieces business suit with my white sneakers, yes I wore sneakers instead of heels, I always prefer comfort over fashion

I put only lip balm on my lips and little mascara in my eyes rest face I leave natural, it doesn't need any makeup

I prefer my long curly black hair Into high ponytail while applying mascara in my eyes the glimpse of that beautiful grey eyes peaked in my heart making my heart flutter like a teenage schoolgirl who suddenly remembers her crush

I closed my eyes but that beautiful pair of grey eyes seems to capture my dreams too, yes last night that beautiful grey eyes stranger man comes into my dream, who was he a charmer who enchanted me with the magic of his dreamy grey eyes

Then my eyes stops at the Id card that Mr. Bickle gave me, I closed my eyes tightly I have to do this I have to but I am betraying Lucifer by this

I opened my eyes after calming myself down, I put that ID in my purse and head towards the bus station which is five minutes walk to my apartment building

I sat up on the bus after waiting for fifteen minutes which seems like forever after some half an hour bus stops and I comes out from it, after walking for ten minutes I reached my destination

I looked at a massive stunning skyscraper standing just in front of me in its glory, Kingston Empire

written over it in bold letters how beautiful this skyscraper is, I researched about Kingston empire last night they own several airlines and make Electronic devices like Ipad laptop, I macs, Tablets, even they own most of the IT sectors companies, mainly they are construction Company who built Waterparks, malls, airlines, airports even they owned several airports and airlines, and chains of seven-star hotels around the world

so fortunate, it is owned by Lucifer Kingston, I didn't see his pic in the article because of a network problem his pic doesn't load properly

Then I noticed so many guards around it, reminds me of soldiers protecting the castle

they are moving around eyeing and watching everyone's move

Nervously I made My way towards it,

"Miss may I know why you are here, Do you have ID, " A guard asked me

" Um, I am the interior designer of Mr. Kingston Here, I have email verification from the company," I said searched my ID card which I just kept in my purse before I can show it to him

"Let her in " a female voice spoke from behind and the guard nodded and move away from my way

I made my way in I was stunned seeing how marvelous and beautiful this place is made of glass from floor to designer walls everything screams wealth and luxury

"Welcome to Kingston Industries, I am

Nancy Clark, you are Daniella Fleming right, Interior designer from Four seasons designing company " She asked me, and I nodded, smiling nervously at her, and pulled out my ID.

"Okay, Our CEO Mr. Kingston is in a meeting it will be over in half an hour you can wait in the Waiting room, I will call you when the meeting will be over, actually it was some urgent meeting," she told to me smiling

and I smiled back and nodded to her

and follow her, we entered in an elevator after some time we arrived at the floor

when we stepped out from it, I noticed it's the very beautiful floor made up of glass, so many rooms were here so beautiful it is, but no one is here it is so peaceful

I looked at Nancy, she smiled sweetly at me "This is CEO floor, no one is allowed to come here except the ones whom CEO calls for a meeting, he will we here when the meeting will be over you can wait here " she said to me and I nodded nervously to her

she placed her hand on my shoulder

"You seem tensed are you, alright dear," she asked concerned

"yeah, I think I just woke up too early, little headache," I said to her scratching my neck nervously

"Okay I will send medicines it will help you," she said to be ready to go but I spoke

"No - No thank you so much but I have

my medicines in my purse don't worry about it, you can continue your work I am good here " I assured her and she nodded and goes

I turned around and made my way towards the chair, I sat up and closed my eyes tightly to calm myself I can't lose myself here, I felt so nauseous like a pregnant woman due to tense cramps in my stomach due to nervousness, maybe my period is yet to come, cramp in my stomach are hurting me so badly

I put my hand in my stomach as pain is increasing so badly, I think my period is been arrived

I quickly took the pad which I already have in my bag thank God I have it

and ran towards the washroom but I winced when a sharp pain occurs in my abdomen, making me jerk stumbled, My legs felt like jelly now, I put my hand in glass wall to support myself but gasped because the pain is unbearable

why the first day of the period is so tough, besides this I have PMS (premenstrual syndrome), which can cause severe abnormal pelvic pain during periods, and I also forget my medicines at the home

I managed to make my way towards the washroom and after cleaning and putting pad I come out from the washroom, thank God I noticed early so my pants were not stained otherwise I can't even imagine what will I do

I come towards that cabin where I am waiting for him

I stumble again as sharp Pain again occurs in my abdomen I clutched my stomach and am about to fall when an arm holds me by my waist saves me from falling

I tightly closed my eyes and clutched that person soft fabric cloth material so tightly in my fist and sense a familiar expensive cologne smell

I hugged that person due to sudden anxiety and pain in my abdomen, I am feeling an emotional attack in my heart

An arm soothes my back so softly like trying to calm me and my eyes were still closed as I am clutching a very soft fabric like suit while hugging that person

"It's okay you are safe, nothing will happen to you" a familiar deep husky voice which I heard yesterday

this thought make my eyes wide opened, I quickly looked up its familiar grey eyes looking at me softly and concerned

I jerked away from his touch makes me feel a spark which is so pleasing

"You " I whispered looking at him

since yesterday I meet him he seems like captured every inch of my senses

my dreams, everything

he smiled beautifully at me, I think a am about to faint by the charm of his smile

"Damaris" He acknowledged me he remember my name this thought makes me feel so good

"You here," I asked him a little shyly

He smiled and nodded, "What are you doing here," he asked me

" I have an appointment with Mr. Kingston, I am the interior designer of his newly purchased house," I told him

he seems surprised hearing my words

"Thank you," I told him finally

he frowned "my I Know Why"

I looked at him "Because you saves me yesterday and today also if you didn't come I don't know what will happen to me " I chirped to him...

"No need of thanks, it's nothing," he said to me

I smiled at him nodding

"But I am in debt to you now, as you save me if you ever need my help please ask me, I am always ready for you," I said to him sincerely

he shook his head "I told you it doesn't matter I am glad nothing happened to you" he said to me

his beautiful words melt my heart

then I felt I don't know his name before I can ask he spoke to me

"I am lucifer, "he said making my eyes wide in surprise he is Lucifer Kingston why I didn't notice before Nancy told me no one comes in this is the CEO floor, only persons allowed here he calls for a meeting and his appearance also

and he is the one one who saves me yesterday from accident and he knows my real name is Damaris but My ID card have the name, Daniella Fleming

but his ex-wife Adelina accused him of violence and beating, and here his eyes told another story that holds truth and Innocence.

'What will I do now? ' I thought again.

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