Read with BonusRead with Bonus


" are Lucifer Kingston," I asked in pure shock, I mean if accusations were true he must be Rude and cruel and arrogant but here he is the complete gentleman with a good heart what is true

my head is spinning due to confusions

and He knows my freaking real name

I stumbled as my head spin due to migraine and periods of pain

he put his hands over my arms to balance me

I looked at him in shock,

who are you in real what is your truth

"I think you need rest," come he said to me I am too tired to argue so I didn't oppose when he led me away

"Ahhhh... " I cried out when a sharp pain again shot in my abdomen, my eyes were half-closed I felt so dizzy like I will pass out anytime,

my legs give up completely I can't walk now

he felt my uneasiness and quickly carried me in bridal style

my tired head is rested in his muscular chest

We reached to away in that floor and gates opened automatically which led to a very luxurious penthouse

he has a penthouse here

that penthouse is very magnificent and luxurious, with a marble floor and Expensive furniture and a large glass window, I guess that is his living room

but he led me in stairs of the hallway,

and soon we reached as he opened the door revealing

a luxurious master suite, which anyone can only dream of living he goes towards Largest king size bed in middle and laid me gently there, then he pulled soft silk duvet over my waist caressing my hair like soothing me, but when his hand reached towards my head he frowned as he spoke "shit you are burning"

"I will call the doctor, don't worry I won't let anything happen to you " those were the last words I heard before black dots appeared in my sight as I drifted unconsciously.

I awoke to soft sheets, and the morning light trickled in through the blinds. Shedding myself of the remaining glimpses of sleep, my eyes were still shut as I soaked in the warmth of soft covers before letting my Iris's eyes see the sun's rays.

I opened my eyes and try to sit on the bed but it's a little difficult because of pain in my stomach area but it's not that much as last time

finally, I sat up in bed and looked around this is not my room,

then, it's the biggest master suite and most beautiful room, I have ever seen in my life, marble floor, and dark walls which somehow reminds me of Lucifer's personality, the realization occurred me when I think about Lucifer where is he is the one who brings me here

Then the door of the bedroom opened and Lucifer entered carrying a tray of Breakfast, it have grilled bread sandwiches with light food and orange juice, and a soup

when he noticed that I am awake he smiles beautifully at me

"Good you are awake, how are you feeling now, "He asked while placing the food tray beside the nightstand near the bed and sitting on edge of the bed beside me

then he put the back of his palm over my head checking my body temperature just as his hand touched my skin sparks comes into my spine

"Hmm, it's normal" He refers while taking up breakfast tray from the nightstand and giving me soup of some vegetables

"Drink this it will help your stomach to be relaxed and it also decreases periods of pain" He states while looking at me

I nodded at him, "You don't need to bother about this, you already help me enough, I think I must go now"

I spoke to him and was ready to stand up to go but his hand stops me he put his hand over my arm to stop me

I looked at him, our eyes locked like he have some deep feeling in his grey eyes

when he realizes he broke our eye contact and states

"the doctor told me you need bed rest for some time as your condition in your period is not well now, "He told me and I shook my head

"It's okay, I just wanna go home, I will take rest there " I spoke while ready to go but he spoke while holding my arm

prevent me to stand

"I know, I will take you there but before that I just want you to have breakfast and little rest, see this soup it's homemade and these vegetables are very helpful to decrease your pain in periods," he said beaming brightly making me blush

He gives me a soup bowl while I took it from him and started drinking it with a spoon but due to weakness I am feeling spoon is about to fall before that Lucifer hold it and take it from me while he dipped it in soup bringing it near my mouth, I looked at him shocked

he noticed my reaction and signals me to drink it while I drank it and he feeds me whole soup after the soup is finished he keep it away and took tissue while cleaning my lips making me blush like a tomato now

"I am sorry" I spoke to him

he frowned "why," he asked

I put my head down due to embarrassing

"I mean to trouble you, "I said while looking away ashamed by myself how can I work against him, how can I find dirt in him while no one is as selfish and blemish then me

how can I try to find his personal information which can ruin his reputation

I looked away crying

"Hey, I am so sorry why are you crying did I do something wrong," he asked me concerned

I shook my head " I am responsible for my misery and pain" I said to him with teary eyes

he frowned " I don't know what you are talking about but I know one thing never blame yourself, you have to Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. ..." he told to me smiling with admiration while holding my palm into his giving a gentle squeeze

I looked down at our interlocked hands.

"I want to go home," I said to him.

he nodded

"Let me drive you" he stated clearly to me

"No-no you don't need to I will catch a bus," I said to him decline his offer he raised his eyebrows

"I won't take no for answer," he said to me, considering I can't afford to walk towards the bus station from his place, I nodded at him

he helped me to stand up from bed when I noticed my purse beside the nightstand on his bed, I tried to take it but accidentally it slipped from my hand and my things falls over the floor

"I am so sorry, I spoke but before I can bend down to gather them he stops me

"It's okay I will do it you sit" He ordered me while making me sit on the bed and gathering my things from the floor

I looked at him, he is a true gentleman, he can never mistreat or abuse any woman as per accused by his ex-wife

when he took my Id card he frowned looking at it

"You are Damaris right then why Daniella Is written on your ID," He asked me

"Umm..... a... D...Damaris and Iris also because of my eye color it is iris so my friends called me by nicknames Damaris and Iris is my

nickname, my high school best friends called me that names also and I liked it also so I tell my name Damaris to you and Daniella is my original legal name"I managed to say quickly, I intentionally said about my iris nickname because my eyes color is iris so it can be seen more real if I told him this

"Oh okay," He spoke in understanding

I closed my eyes in relief

I don't think I can do this anymore I never lied to anyone and this is making me feel so down on myself I am betraying someone

when we reached my apartment, I spoke "Thank you so much, and I am or interior design and I troubled you" I said looking away embarrassed

he frowned and place his hand over my hand "How many times you will say sorry to me, don't do this, I like helping, and about interior designing don't worry we can work on it next week when you will be alright" He said passing be assured smile

by looking at his beautiful Innocent face, a guilt feeling comes to my heart how can, I betray him how can I spy his personal information which can be used by his ex-wife and other his enemies against him

I smiled forcefully and was ready to come out but he already beat me in it and opened the door for me

I come out and smiled this time genuine at him

I started walking towards my apartment but before I can go his voice stops me

"Damaris, did you live with someone your parents," He asked me

I looked away, parents name always sounds so foreign to me, my biological

mother leaves me in an orphanage considering me as a mistake, I don't know anything about her or my biological father

I looked away, "I don't live with them, I live alone " I manage to whisper with emotions

he noticed my uneasiness, I didn't tell him about the orphanage, I don't want his pity or sympathy plus I don't know him personally I know he is the billionaire and richest man in the world but still he is a stranger to me

he noticed me as lost in thoughts he placed hands on my shoulder making me look at him

"Can I have your phone?" he asked

I give him my phone as he does something in it then give it back to me

"I saved my number here in your phone, call me if you need anything or any help," he said making me angered and I shook my head decline

"no no I don't need anyone's help I can manage, since childhood, I have managed alone with no one by my side so stop it I don't want yours or anyone help" I snapped at him

he watched me with surprise

I closed my eyes thinking what I did he is just trying to be nice to me and here I am behaving like a selfish bitch with him, my mood swings in periods are horrible

I guilty looked at him "Listen I am so sorry, I don't mean to...... "before I can complete the stops me, shook his head his eyes shows he is deeply in thoughts

"It's okay, when I was in school I study in science that girls have mood swings in periods, "He said smiling amazed at me making me blush hard

I nodded shyly to him

Mood swings

"And don't worry about an interior designing project we will see it in next week take rest now, see you next week," He said brightly to me and I nodded smiling little to him

how can the media and his ex-wife accuse him of such a nasty thing? He is a very wonderful person or I was judging him too early.

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