Chapter 3
The space itself was beautiful. It was tenebrous yet canny at the same time.
" Your clothes are in this closet then and if you need anything feel free to interrogate Ragnar" His mama smiled welcomingly after pointing her cutlet at the wardrobe." Thank you" I jounced as I sat on the pad, not sure what to suppose about the entire situation." Oh, I nearly forgot, my name is Denice" she smiled after shaking her head at her obliviousness.
" regale will be ready soon, dear" Denice emitted before leaving the space.
I concluded to revise out of my dress as it was uncomfortable and flashy.
I took off my heels as I heard Denice roar up to me.
" regale" she yelled up the stairs.
I drifted down. I did not see these people and yet I was around to have regale with them.
I eyed a man sitting at the table. His reverse to the admittance of the kitchen as he sat at the top of the table; He was veritably terrifying like my own father.
" Sofia, this is my hubby, Kai" Denice acquainted me." I am Sofia" I reacted snappily with a warm smile before sitting down next to Denice.
I heard heavy and whirlwind paced steps heading this expressway
from the hall
" Fucking Serpents" Ragnar snarled at his father before sitting down. He gripped his jaw angrily, trying to quiet himself down." Mamá how was your day?" Ragnar asked, his tone shifted as he tried to take his mind off of his Maria. Ragnar gripped his grasp together, resting his chin on them. I discerned the tattoo's on his fritters, leading down his arms.
He'd a many on his phase and also a sleeve of them going up his arm.
I concentrated on eating and tried not to make discussion or eye connection." consequently Ragnar." Kai expressed his voice from the end of the table. I nearly jumped at how abruptly loud he was.
Ragnar's cold regard made its expressway toward his fathers bogarting regard." Who is your crony?" Kai, Ragnar's father asked curiously, with a hardly evil boo. I avoided eye connection with him." What the fuck do you mean who is your crony?" Ragnar yelled at his father due to him formerly being wound up because of the Mafia." You are the bone who made this fucking arrangement" Ragnar bellowed furiously at his father. He obviously was not veritably happy with this
arrangement' moreover." That is no expressway to verbalize especially with a guest at the table" Kai roasted Ragnar, trying to twine him up.
Ragnar sat up, his fists gripped showing off me that he was surely." She's not a guest, she's my fucking fiancée" Ragnar snarled at his father before storming out.
Ragnar's mama soughed defeatedly." You invariably have to twine him up" Denice shook her head disappointedly at her hubby." He gets too angry too fluently" Kai reacted as he rolled his eyes." My sire has some wrathfulness effects, if you can not tell" Kai chortled to me as if I was supposed to laugh along." suppose he was right to be angry" I said up shyly.
He turned his concentration to me, not acting impressed by my former statement." I suppose I might have to ring your father" Kai blurted out while he frowned at me. I set as soon I heard my father's name." Kai!" Denice snarled, glooming at her hubby." perhaps I should interrogate him, how he got you to keep your mouth shut" Kai scolded, with a proud boo. I did not reply, innocently because I was in shock; I did not suppose that I had spoke anything rude.
also we heard talking in the hall.
" Get upstairs" I heard Ragnar's deep voice enunciate." Of course
Ragnar" she reacted obediently." Is that another bone of his hookers?" Kai rolled his eyes as Denice allow out a shriek.
My crepuscules widened at Kai's note but I made sure that neither Denice or Kai eyed my response.
" My sire and hubby have no reference for women" Denice shook her head disappointedly, she had not touched any of her food." Ahhh leave him alone, he is blowing off brume and I do have reference for women" Kai shielded his sire for formerly." It's the only time he is a man" Kai yukked , yet he sounded to be the only one who set up it entertaining.
I was not dissatisfied with Ragnar, I did not anticipate him to stop whatever he was serving for me. That would be like him asking me to stop serving what I had budgeted.
" I've a question"| murmured to Kai and Denice." What's it?" Kai rested his chin on his phase." Can I remain going to academy?"| grunted, booting my knee nervously. Kai spurted into horselaugh.
Me and Denice goggled at him until he tried to quiet his horselaugh.
" Oh stay, you are serious?" He stopped screaming while blinking curiously at me." Yes, I enjoy academy" I reacted telling carelessly. I was not hysterical to allow I wanted going to academy since it was the only position I could get down from my father. Kai allowed about it for awhile." At least we wouldn't have to know your face as important" Kai lumbered as he ate his food." Go to academy" he chortled under his breather.
" Thank you for the food" I smiled politely as I walked upstairs." You are too kind, dear" Denice reacted as Kai was still screaming to himself.
1 can go to academy hereafter
As I walked up the stairs, I eyed a girl who was wearing out slightly any clothes, leave while gashes were flowing down her cheeks. She threw me a nasty face before running out of the house. I widened my eyes as I shook my head. What did he do to her?.
Ragnar Luke' I allowed to myself as I opened my bedroom door, shaking my head.
I discerned a portmanteau on my pad, which I am assuming was Ragnar's. I shook my head, beguiled to precisely throw it out of my space but piecemeal of me also demanded to know Ragnar.
I soughed defeatedly as I rambled down the corridor with his portmanteau in my phase; I suppose this is his space due to it being the only space with light coming from it. I banged smoothly on the door, spooked to undo him." What?" T heard a scowl come from behind the door. I sluggishly pushed open the door to know Ragnar standing while facing his window, shirtless." Sofia" he grunted, my name agglomerating off his lingo consequently easily." did not mean to undo you, I set up your portmanteau on my pad, I precisely came to give it ago" I grassed him, raising the portmanteau in the air hardly so that I drew concentration to it.
He sounded hardly shocked as he neared where I sat, towering over me.
" You passed the test" He emitted still as if he was allowing to himself." What test?" I asked confusedly before raising my eyebrow." Whenever someone new comes over, I leave my imitative portmanteau stuffed with plutocrat on their pad and know if they take it, but you didn't?" He explained with a shocked tone towards the end." Oh?"| grunted with a
His regard was violent as he sat in- front of me; He had not taken the portmanteau from my phase yet.
" Ragnar, you should be more careful with your plutocrat, I could've taken it if I demanded" I stated calmly, holding the portmanteau precisely above his phase. He opened his win and I ceased the portmanteau.
He canted in, his mouth stopping right next to my observance." Well that is the point" He rumored before turning around and sitting at his office.
" Goodnight Sofia" Ragnar blazoned from his office as he scrawled on a number of paper with his pen. He glanced up at me, staying for a reaction." Goodnight" I reacted snappily as I walked out; with goosebumps running up my arm from him being elevation down preliminarily.
I soughed a breather of relief as I make my bedroom door.
Everything about him is violent; From his regard to his touch.