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chapter 6 The switch

"Oh my gosh, what are we going to do now Mother? Naomi shrugged at Ellie who was just petri?ed as


"I'm sure nothing happened to her, Probably nothing ". Ellie assured themselves when Asher came into their midst. "What is it mother? Why do you look so petri?ed and what are you doing here?

He asked his mother whose fear was written over her face. "I just came to check up on Addison after ?nding out who she was. He could see the disappointed look on his mother's face, and he could tell that she was angry with him. Probably with the fact that he didn't tell her about what happened to her.

"She's ?ne. And what are you even doing here in the ?rst place?" You aren't supposed to be her mother. She's now a slave to us. "Please don't worry mother and go take a rest, I will take care of her".

Ellie glared at his son giving him an unhappy expression as he walked away and so did Naomi who followed her without asking a question.

What exactly is wrong with her?" He asked himself as he touched her hands and found it very cold. He touched her heart and she had stopped breathing.

Alpha Asher went to call "Leo" who was his Luna and told him about everything. After testing her, they con?rm her to be dead. Alpha Asher was petri?ed to learn of that and had decided to take her away.

He knew the consequence of what he had done. He had maltreated the poor girl because of the hatred he had for his father and thought Maltreating her was a way of revenging on his father not knowing that he was torturing the girl silently.

Nobody has to know what happened. Because they will all Think that he Killed the girl and the blames and fault will be on him.

They waited until midnight before taking her to the mountain where they threw her in the stream. "Do you think leaving her here is the best choice?"

Leo Shrugged at Asher who had come up with such ideas. Of course! Everybody will all believe that she must have tried to swim, and she gets drowned in the process. He uttered as they went away that night to the pack.

"I just hope the moon goddess won't be angry at me for what happened to her, I hope she will forgive me". He shrugged at Leo who looked so sad as well.

"But you couldn't have let those woman torture her, you couldn't have let them stone her, I'm sure she probably dies due to the torture and hungers You mistreat her upon knowing the fact that she was your mate".

Leo poured out his Angers on him, he was very angry. Asher couldn't sleep that night with so much thought on his head.

Around the beach, an innocent poor girl could be seen getting harassed by two men who had successfully Killed her father and were now after her. The two men bullied the girl that she couldn't feel herself anymore and was almost at the point of dying. She was really so weak and had decided to

use her last strength to run away when she ran to the beachside.

She ?nally stopped walking when she realized that she couldn't walk or run anymore. And the men had to push her into the beach, making sure she drowned before walking away.


Addison ?nds herself entering another Body the moment she was thrown inside the water." What's happening to me?" She asked no one in particular and just then a woman in a white gown appeared to her under the water.

"You shall not die now, this is not your time Addison, your soul will be switched to another body. The woman disappeared immediately as she saw herself in front of the beach where "Selina Body" was thrown inside by the bullies.

Addison was really in agony to ?nd out what had happened. Why couldn't this woman just let her die. She was already dead before. The woman couldn't have switched her soul with a girl's Body. She wondered about the type of life the innocent girl has been living. She drowned in the Ocean as well, just like her.

Everything all ?nally reoccur to her, as she struggles to walk with the weak body which her soul has entered. The body was badly wounded, and she could see that the girl must have been through lots of things in her life compared to hers.

She wondered who must have wanted to harm the girl's body which she had entered. She ?nally ?nds her way to the main road which was so busy with lots of vehicles.

Her clothes were wet, and she was also shivering as well as she wandered around the road looking for where the girl must have stayed. During the time she was in their pack, she never got the chance to visit the human world because her father "Alpha Micah" wouldn't let her do such a thing because they believe humans to be a Hunter who will stop at nothing until they have them hunted down.

Why does she get the chance to be reincarnated into another Body? Why didn't that woman let her just die without restoring back? At least she could have gone to meet her dead father who's probably in the after world by now.

Addison wandered around the road, looking for a place to go to when she almost got hit in a car as she was about to cross the main road.

Scott, Derek driver would have almost smashed down the young lady who was about to cross if only he didn't control the "break" with his eyes.

And it was once Derek Found the lady to be attractive. Wow! He exclaimed in joy on sighting her from over the car he was in.

"I want you to get that lady information for me as soon as possible". He shrugged at his driver "Scott" who was expecting this from him.

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