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###Chapter 6

Chapter 6

The next day.

Her mom waked up in the morning yelling Vanessa's name, and when she couldn't get an answer, she entered her room but was shocked and heartbroken to see all her clothes gone, she saw a piece of paper and she sacredly pick it up and unfold it.

It reads.

"My dear mother, I know you will be very sad to read this, I never mean to hurt you, but right now, my life is in danger, I wish I can poke up to you but I don't want to put your life in danger too, I just know that I saw what I wasn't supposed to, and I feel my life is not safe here anymore, I'm leaving to Nairobi Kenya, don't worry about me, I'm safe and I promise to be okay, I'm sorry you have to do all the laundry and go get the groceries yourself, trust me, I'm really sad and I will miss you, be strong for me, don't try looking for me coz I know I will have reach my destination by then, your daughter, Vanessa." The paper reads and her mom wept, she will really miss her.

"If this is for the best then may the Lord protect you my child?" She said to know one in particular and closed the room, she knew she will have to leave her days lonely but she had no other option.


"The plane will take off in three, two, and one." A speaker announced and Vanessa watched the window, she couldn't believe she is leaving her home town just because of a night that ruined her life, she wipe the tears falling from her eyes and put on her face mask hoping that no more attack plans on her, she is not just hoping to escape from this place, but she is hoping to get away from all those troubles.

"I will miss you mama." Vanessa said and sniffed then wipe her tears again with the back of her hand.


The cool breeze welcome her to Kenya at the airport, she took her bags not knowing where exactly to go, since she barely has any relatives, even if she does have she won't be able to see them because it may expose her to those thirsty Mafia gangs who are thirsty for her innocent blood.

While walking, she met an old woman.

"Excuse me Mrs." Vanessa said.

"Habari Gani?" The old woman said and Vanessa sighed.

"I'm sorry, but I don't understand your language, if you can understand English, please talk to me in English." Vanessa requested.

"Oh, sorry my dear, it means how are you doing in Swahili, our official language." The woman replied.

"Okay, I'm good thanks, please where can I get a place to stay, like a hotel?" Vanessa asked.

"You seem new here, you are new aren't you?" She asked.

"Yes ma, I'm Vanessa, I just arrived here few minutes ago." Vanessa replied.

"Hotel is really costly here, but you can stay there for the meantime and I will find a new comfortable and less expensive place for you to live." The woman said.

"Thank you so much ma, that will be a great honor." Vanessa said.

"You must be really tired, if you don't mind you can follow me to my home, then if you eat and rest, I will take you to the hotel later." The woman said.

"Oh no, I don't want to trouble you, I can manage." Vanessa said knowing fully that she can't trust anyone, especially that her life can still be in danger since they can be able to track her.

"I understand your fears dear, but here in Kenya, specifically Nairobi, we treat strangers nicely, I can't let you go with an empty stomach, trust me, I won't hurt you." The woman persuaded and after so much persuasion, Vanessa agreed to follow her.

The old woman home

Vanessa and the old woman arrived at her small house, it is just a small room and a small toilet, Vanessa stared around.

"Do you live here alone?" Vanessa asked.

"Yeah, I do live here alone, but not because I don't have any option, but this place brings me a lot of memories, it reminds me of my past life with my husband before he passed away." She replied.

"Oh, I'm sorry for your lost; can I know your name ma?" Vanessa asked.

"You can give me a nice name." The old woman replied.

"Can I call you mama?" Vanessa asked.

"That's nice name, you sit here, and I will get you some food." Mama said and Vanessa nodded staring at the pictures hang on at every side of the wall.

She is glad that she met a nice woman, who is kind enough to help her.

Mama returned with the food and after Vanessa ate, she had a bath and Mama offered to take her to the hotel.

Diamond hotel, Nairobi

The symbol reads.

"Are you sure I can afford this? It looks quite good to be less expensive." Vanessa asked Mama.

"Yeah it is, it may look fancy but a big politician owned this place and it's the less costly hotel around here." Mama replied.

Vanessa nodded and they headed to the receptionist office.

On arriving there.

"Good afternoon ma." Vanessa said.

"Afternoon young lady." She replied with a smile.

Mama and the receptionist started talking in their language, Swahili which Vanessa couldn't understand, so she only watched them waiting for them to finish discussing whatever they are discussing.

"So, your Mama told me you are new here, so your payment won't be the same like other people who are not new, here in Kenya we treat strangers with hospitality, so don't worry, just give me your name and I will give you a key to your room." The receptionist said.

Vanessa was impressed, something that will hardly happen at her hometown.

Everyone had to live with the fear of been attacked by a Mafia gang, which seems so different from here.

After making payments and everything, she bade Mama Bye and settled at her new room, wishing to get job soon enough.

Diego Mafia Empire

"She has escaped again, is this girl a witch or something! That you cannot find her? Is that so hard for you to do?" Diego yelled.

"We tried out best boss; we didn't even know she escaped." The gang leader replied.

"Just get out of my sight now!" He ordered and they bow before leaving, lucky for not getting killed.

He walked round the room; his fears are not because he cared about Fredrick and his reputation, but about himself too, because before Fredrick attacked Robert, Diego attacked him first, so his own reputation is at stake if that girl escaped alive.

He called Fredrick.

"Man, that girl has escaped, again, I'm so sick and tired of this, I decided to go find her myself." Diego said loudly, more like yelling.

"That girl is so stubborn, but Ronaldo got this, he is working on his laptop 24/7 searching for her, I'm sure he will...."

"Please, don't talk about your coward brother, he has been searching for her all his days and no news from him, my reputation is at stake right now and I will have to find her myself, if you are interested, meet me at my Empire tomorrow." Diego cut him off, ordered and hangs off then smashed the phone on the wall.

He immediately called for an emergency meeting.

"This work is special, since all of you have proved to be incapable of getting a girl, I will do it this way, the first person to inform me of her whereabouts will get huge amount of money and a new gun." Diego said and they Rejoiced with the spirit sure that they will find her.

Two weeks later

Mama called Vanessa and told her to meet her at home and when she arrived, she greeted Mama, and the other lady she saw her with.

"Vanessa, meet Dije, my daughter, Dije, she is Vanessa, the girl I told you about." Mama said.

"Nice to meet you Dije." Vanessa replied.

"Thanks, and saw, Mama has informed me about you, so in the compound I'm staying, there is an available room, you can rent and leave the hotel, and I also work as a cooker in a local restaurant, if you can work with me, you can earn something for yourself, that's only if you are interested." Dije said.

"Of course I am, thank you so much, this means so much to me, thank you." Vanessa said happily.

She turned to Mama.

"You are the best Mama; I thank my stars for bringing you to me when I needed you the most." Vanessa said and hugged her.

One month later

Ronaldo became restless as he completely lost track of Vanessa, he had so many thoughts in his brain like what if Fredrick killed her, but when he confronted Fredrick, he told him, he is also searching for her, and he agreed because they are always on phone with Diego discussing about finding her.

He decided to search everywhere; every corner in the street, every village but it yields him nothing in return.

On the other side, Diego and Fredrick never stopped searching too; they are looking for every towns, villages, streets, corners, hotels around and outside South Africa but to no avail.

As Ronaldo continue his investigation, he get to find out where she lives with the help of a secret spy he assign to look for her, he wasted no time as he drove his car to the address sent to him.

On arriving there, the house is empty.

"This place is empty, no one leaves in here." Ronaldo muttered and decided to leave; maybe it's a wrong address.

"Young man!" Someone called him and when he turns, he saw an elderly woman.

"Hey ma, Please I'm looking for a girl with short hair, is she around?" Ronaldo asked.

"Vanessa right? She lives here with her mom when she run away to Kenya without any reason, and her mom returned to her family since she has no body now, I'm her neighbor." The woman replied.

"That's sad, but how did you find out?" Ronaldo asked.

"Her mom told me before leaving, it seems like the girl is in kind of danger, she told me she leaves to Nairobi Kenya, are you her friend?" She replied.

"Yes, I am, and thanks for the information." Ronaldo replied and quickly left, he knew he have to follow her to Kenya for her protection and he will try all ways to avoid his brother from finding out.

He left to Kenya that same day, without knowing that Diego has gotten that news already and he set to leave to Kenya that same day.

Anthony's secret spy also informed him about Vanessa's whereabouts and he took a flight to Kenya immediately.

Nairobi, Kenya

As Diego arrived at Nairobi, his search for Vanessa continues, he thought she may have gone to a hotel, so he connected with every hotel agent till he found the hotel and room she settled.

He attacked the hotel that night but to his surprise she packed out just yesterday.

Anthony also arrived at Kenya and he also got the hotel address she lived through his spy, but just as Diego left, Anthony entered the hotel and he was disappointed to find out she packed out just yesterday.

Vanessa was on her way to the market when Diego saw her, he followed her down and Inhale some chemical into her nose, she struggled to breathe and he took her away.

He was about to put her in his car, satisfied that the witness will be no more when Anthony appeared with a gun, He placed Vanessa on the floor and they started shooting at each other.

Vanessa opened her eyes and slowly escape from the scene, her heart beating, she thought her problems were over but she was wrong, she continue running and without knowing, someone came from her back and hit her with a stick on her back head, she passed out and fall on the floor.

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