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Chapter 5 - Aren't you a cute little bunny?

Chapter five

Aren't you a cute little bunny?

When Vicky got home, she immediately went in to take a cold shower to cool her brain. She prepared noodles, eggs, bacon and tea for Josh. When she had set the table it was already 6:00pm, she rushed to the Mcclure's apartment and knocked at their door.

"Oh! Mommy"

Josh shouted in excitement and hurried to the warm hug of his mother. She kissed him on the forehead and thanked Charlotte. She also asked about Mr & Mrs. McClure and was informed that they were on a date. Vicky smiled expressing her happiness for them.

She greeted Chloe and Carl, the two beautiful McClure twins with blonde hair, blue eyes and cute dimples. She pulled their cheeks and rumpled their hair and they hugged her with delight . 'oh! What lovely children' she thought and left with Josh after a non-ending bye from them.

"Yum, Yum ''

Josh cried as Vicky opened the plate of noodles decorated and rich with egg, bacon, onion and chicken. She fed him until his tummy was robust and protruded and was fully satisfied. She helped him with his assignment and asked what he was taught in school that day.

"Teacher Claire taught me the bowel letters" he said cutely.

"You mean vowel letters ?"

Vicky corrected.


he nodded in agreement


He answered smartly.

"That's my prince,"

she said and kissed him on the cheek.


Josh had removed one of his book to show her a drawing of a dinosaur in his book.

"Wow!! That's awesome"

Vicky said and embraced him with motherly love and warmth 'oh!, The joys of motherhood' she thought happily.

"Mom put on the TV, I wanna watch my favourite animation"

Josh reminded Vicky.

"Oh no son....look, it's 7:30 pm"

She pointed to the wall clock.

"You wouldn't wanna be late to school tomorrow, do you?"

"No mom",

"So then, let's get you ready for bed"

She brushed his teeth and bathe him in the bathtub, after series of splashing of water and soaking her up, Vicky finally dried his body with a soft woolen towel and wore his favourite pyjamas for him.

She tickled him and carried him to his bed which was covered in a soft white duvet and pillows for sleeping.

She tucked him in bed, probably ready to read him one of his favorite bedtime story.


Josh called while on the bed.

"Please read me that family story, the new one you promised to read for me today".

"Which one?"

A confused Vicky asked, flipping the pages of the book.

"The one about Elsie's family, you haven't read it for me before, remember?".

"Oh! Now I remember".

Vicky said searching the content and flipping the pages of the book to the right location of the story.

"Here it is!"

She exclaimed While a happy Josh smiled broadly, schoochng and resting his head on the bolster with his soft toy which he mostly call as 'baby lulu'.

Clutched on his hand.

"Once upon a time!"

Vicky began as she fixed her eyes on the colorful pictures and read out loud between the lines in the content of the page.

"There was a family of five who lived together at the bottom of a well".

"The bottom of a we?"

Josh said with disbelief as he raised his brow while Vicky chuckled.

"Funny right?"

Vicky said while Josh nodded.

"Elsie, her sister, Lacie and her younger brother, Tillie with her two parents"

"What did they live on?"

Said Josh, who always took a great interest in questions.

"Well, They lived on treacle".

Vicky said still fastening her eyes on the book.

"What's a treacle?"

A curious Josh asked.

"A treacle is an antidote for poison; it is also known as a theriac".

Vicky answered while Josh laughed.

"Why would anyone live on that?"

A Smart Josh asked.

"Well they live on a treacle because there were lots of poisonous snakes at the bottom of the well"

"Oh! So sad".

"But how did they even ever get to live at the bottom of a well, I mean, how on earth did they get there?"

Josh asked again and Vicky got tired.


"It's just a story okay, it isn't real, like I said before, anything can happen in a story. It is always made up and that means it is all……."


Josh answered smartly.


"Now, aren't you such a cute and smart little bunny?"

Vicky said as she dragged her son's cheek playfully.

"So what happened to Elsie's family?, Did they ever get bitten by snakes?".

Josh asked again, looking into his mom's eyes.


Vicky called,

"Yes mom!"

He answered cutely.

"Now Josh let me finish with reading the story before you ask any questions okay".


Josh obeyed and Vicky continued with reading the story.

The story was cut short as he started asking about his father. Vicky tried to explain to him that his dad had a lot of work to do. He was often busy at the company.

But poor Josh kept asking and talking about his dad, Vicky kissed him and reminded him that she was always there for him.

Vicky felt she needed to distract and get his attention away from his absent father who leaves the house and return any time he wants.

She asked him some questions on the story and Josh answered smartly.

"I love Elsie's family because they were always there for each other".

"Her dad is a hero, he is always there to protect Elsie and her siblings from the wicked snakes. I wished dad stops working and spends more time with me".

Vicky heard Josh say.

"I'm also happy that the story ended well and Elsie and her family were able to defeat the witch and get out of the bottom of the well which she had thrown them for years".

Josh said happily.


Vicky said looking at her son in both eyes.

"I learnt a lot".

Josh said.



"Okay so mention just one thing you learnt from the story".

"I learnt that we should love one another, understand one another and be there for each other as a family.. it was what helped Elsie's family to defeat the witch and leave the well where she had caged them for years"

Just explained brilliantly.

"So smart of you my son".

"Now, it's time to sleep".

Vicky said standing up from where she sat and tucked him again in bed.

She kissed his forehead and switched off the lights, turning on only his lamp on the nightstand by his bed.

She was about to leave his room but stopped when Josh said something which stuck out to her.

"I wished dad was also here to read me my bed time story. I mean, I wished the two of you read it together for me".

Josh said while Vicky remained speechless.

"I Know someday dad will find some time and moments to spend with me".

Josh said and rested his head on the pillow.

She sang him his favorite lullaby before leaving and he slept soundly and snored softly.

Vicky felt pity for her poor son

She wished she and Mike could work together to find more time and moments for their son to make him happy.

"Sweet dreams Josh!"

Vicky muttered silently as she closed the door gently behind her.

She kissed him and tucked him in his blanket. Looking at the time, it was now 10: 00pm and Mike wasn't back, she sighed and went to the dining room to clear the plates on the dining table where Josh had eaten and washed them in the dish washer.

While cleaning the bedroom she caught a glimpse of a photo beneath a pile of books on the table. She took it and saw her smiling radiant face with Mike pecking her in the picture

She looked happy and felt fluffy being with Mike back then, but now, it was the opposite.

She sat on the bed and went down to memory lane.

She sobbed as she remembered how loving and caring Mike had always been. She brought down their big wedding album which contained photos of their wedding and started to view them.

She saw her smiling face in her beautiful A-Line dress on the pulpit with Mike.

They both looked happy.

She saw another picture of them where they kissed

Yeah!, Where they did their once in a lifetime kiss on the pulpit or platform.

She saw another picture of her when she was pregnant with Josh and where Mike had hugged her from behind.

She recalled all those memories and she didn't know when tears streamed down her eyes and fell on the pictures on the album.

She opened the drawer of the nightstand and brought out her beautiful ring.

She remembered when and how Mike had proposed to her that her that very night after an outing at the cinema.

She remembered how he had sincerely expressed his love to her and how she had shed tears of joy when accepting his proposal.

Little did she know that sourness had an intention in visiting their love life and chasing away joy, happiness and bliss.

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