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Chapter 6 - An Absent Feel

Chapter six

An Absent Feel

Vicky had just finished reading Josh his bedtime story and had succeeded in getting him to sleep after his series of questions on when his dad would be back.

She had tried to explain to the poor boy that his father must have been held up in a traffic jam and is on his way.The boy had asked her what a traffic jam means, and she explained simply in his level that it was when the road was filled with vehicles and cars and there is no free movement.

Josh had said that his daddy's car should be able to fly in such situations because he had watched it in a cartoon on the TV about a man whose car was able to develop wings and was able to get past the vehicles. Vicky tried calling Mike's phone but he didn't pick his calls as usual.

She knew he was going to return late today. After she saw to it that Josh was sleeping, she kissed him good night and gently closed the door.

She went to the sitting room as usual and checked the wall clock, it was already 10.00pm. She stood up and wanted to put on the TV but stopped and went back to sit, probably to wait a little longer. After 5 mins and no call from Mike, she heads to the fridge to get some ice cream to cool her mind.

She rumpled her hair and screamed at no one, probably upset at Mike's nonchalant attitude. She tried calling his number again. It kept ringing for minutes but no response. The computerized machine was telling her 'The person you're calling is not answering, you leave a message or kindly hang up now' . She hung up and allowed herself to do some thinking.

She knew that she worries a lot but she couldn't help worrying. It was a part of her and an antidote to her as she thought. That afternoon in the staff office with her colleagues.

Judith had asked her about the mark on her cheek.

"Vicky what's this mark?"

She asked

"you're going to ruin your smooth cheek" Judith said again jokingly but it was no joke to her, she didn't even notice it before in the morning.

She touched it and realized it was the spot Mike had hit her on the face yesterday night when they had a little brawl again.

"It's....I." she said, not sure of an excuse to give.

"It was when I slipped in the bathroom, I hurt myself "

She eventually said which she knew deep down was a lie.

"Be careful next time, Ruth said from her seat " keep that face fresh and beautiful for your husband" she said and they all laughed but she wasn't laughing inside her.

She soon fell asleep afterwards.

Apparently, some hours later, she yawned and stretched from where she was sleeping knowing even from there that she was not in the right position, she got up and stared around the living room, the light was still on. She stood up, stretched and itched her body.

Looking at the clock, she was shocked

"A quarter past two in the morning!"

Vicky exclaimed and went into her bedroom, it was neatly spread as it had been last night since nobody had slept on it, she went to the door and saw it wasn't locked, she had forgotten when she was still waiting for Micheal.

"So good of him to not even think of calling beforehand about his absence"

She locked the door and went to check on her son before going to the bedroom to sleep. 'Why should I have kept a vigil for him when he's not worth it?'

She thought, wondering where he had passed the night.

Well, Mike had gone to work and had closed late due to a tight and busy Schedule at his place of work.

He remembered the brawl he had with Vicky the day before and had decided to rent a hotel to sleep for the night.

He knew he was wrong for not informing Vicky of his intention to sleep at a lodge or hotel for the night but he couldn't inform her because she made him upset.

Before he made the decision of spending the night at the hotel, he had gone to see Kelvin first at the pub after work.

There, he told kelvin of his plight and the current situation in his marriage.

He told kelvin how Vicky had made him upset and how she had called him names.

Kelvin told Mike not to feel bad. He suggested that Mike spend the night somewhere else without her consent so she could apologise to him.

What sort of a stupid advice was tata that from kelvin?.

Mike did as he had said and took heed to his advice, not knowing it would only cause more issues in his marriage.

Kelvin was no good person and little did Mike know about him.

Little was Mike aware of kelvin's devious act.

Little was Mike also aware of who Kelvin really was and his intentions.

The alarm in her room rang continuously

and had woken her up from her sleep.

She stretched her arm to search for a button to switch off the alarm with sleepy eyes.

She stood up, stretching her arms and her body as she yawned.

She checked the wall clock.

"It's ten minutes past seven".

She muttered and reached for the door of her room.

She went to the kitchen and made Josh a breakfast of waffles, The brunch was waffles with strawberries and whipped cream.

She went to his room and woke him up.

"Common Josh! It's time for school"

Vicky said as she tickled him on the bed.

"Please mom, let me sleep just a little longer, please"

Josh said smiling in his sleep.

"No…, I have to get you ready for school".

Vicky said and tickled him the more while he chuckled softly and uncontrollably.

She took him to the bathroom and bathe him under the shower in his bathtub.

After bathing, she dried his body and wore his smart uniform for him.

"You look so handsome my prince".

"Thanks mom!"

She carried him to the dinning and wore his socks for him before serving him breakfast.

"What am I having for breakfast today mom?"

A curious Josh asked as Vicky opened the lid of the plate.


He exclaimed happily.

"Here's your milk".

She said, dropping a glass of milk on his table.

After eating, Vicky switched on the television to keep him busy while she went to the bathroom to have her bath.

She returned to the sitting room in a royal blue pantsuit and platform with a black bag in hand.

She was highly perfumed and gorgeous.


"You look beautiful".

Josh said admiring her.

"Awwwwwn!!! Thanks Josh"

Vicky said appreciating her cute son.


"Where is dad?"

"I haven't seen him, is he not joining us for breakfast?"

Josh asked and Vicky felt her anger returned to her immediately.

"Don't worry Josh, mom is here okay".

Vicky said to reassure him

After eating, they went downstairs and Vicky dropped Josh off at school and headed to her work place.

"Wow! Vicky I love your outfit".

Judith said admiring Vicky's blue pantsuit.

"Thanks JuJu?"

Vicky said calling her name in short.

"I'm sure Mike must have loved it too, coz, it looks good on you".

Ruth said smiling but Vicky wasn't.

"Tell me, did Mike say anything?"

A silly Ruth asked Vicky with a wink as she sat on an office chair in front of her system, probably for balancing some accounts.

"Stop teasing her Ruth, you will make her blush"

Judith added with a chuckle as Vicky took her seat beside them.

Little were her friends aware of the current 'not-so-good' moment and situation in her marriage.


Judith called facing both Ruth and Vicky


Ruth and Vicky chorused.

"Are you guys forgetting something?"


"Something like what?"

"Tomorrow is my birthday".

Judith finally revealed.

"Haven't forgotten".

Ruth said.

"Me neither".

Vicky added,.

"Are you guys sure you haven't forgotten?"


"I set it as a reminder on my phone the whole time"

Ruth said bringing out her phone from her bag.


"So, How do you intend to spend your day?"

Vicky asked while making a calculation on the system.

"Edward and the kids have a surprise for me but …I don't know what exactly it is they are hiding. I'm so curious"

"I think I overheard my kids discussing in their room yesterday".

Judith said, remembering.

"What were they discussing?"

"I overheard Hilary saying and mentioning something like a surprise party for mom from dad"

"Awwwwwwwn!, That's so romantic"

Ruth said smiling happily for Judith.

"I can't wait for tomorrow".

Judith said happily as she balanced some accounts.

"I remembered how Freddy surprised me for my birthday earlier this year"

It was Ruth talking now

"I can never forget that day because he did something so special for me"

"Last year,"

It was judith interrupting now,

"Edward took me on an outing, my birthday was on Friday then, so after work, my dad came to pick my kids while Edward and I spent the weekend at the

Lake placid lodge here in New York"

Judith and Ruth conversed on how they were been surprised and amazed on their birthdays by their lovers while poor Vicky remained speechless as she kept brooding about how worse her marital affair had grown.

In total, she had an absent feel and was absent minded.

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