Read with BonusRead with Bonus


Micheal's face turned red. His grip on the phone became tight, and if not taken away he is likely to destroy it at the moment.

The way they kissed each other pained him. The way Pablo's hands held her waist, coupled with the way she was holding him, and the way their lips tangled in each other's. . . that was damn hot for him to bear.

He gave Scar his phone, taking in a deep breath. "Are they still at the garden?" He asked, a hint of anger sounded in his voice.

" Yes."

" Still kissing? "

" Possibly."

" Let them have their fun, I'll handle this tomorrow. You should get some sleep too."

His eyes turned red, he felt like storming out of the room down to the garden and have the both of them crumbled to death. And most especially, he was gonna make sure Anastasia taste hell for this.

Anastasia couldn't sleep because of the excess happiness which burnt in her inside. And she couldn't take off the thought of what happened last night.

Each seconds felt like hours to her. The way he kissed her, the way he was holding her so tight to himself, those sweet words he had spoken to her, it felt so real.

She was still in thought when the door banged open. Michael stormed in, dragging her by her hair out of the basement.

" Arrhh! Let go, you're hurting me! Let me go!"

Anastasia was crying, but her tears went in deaf ears. He wasn't gonna listen to whatever excuse she was gonna make. He dragged her to the torture room, tossing her to the ground.

" Let me go! Please, you're hurting me. You're hurting me!" He slaps her, sending her once again to the ground.

" I'm gonna ask you a simple question, and I'm gonna need the truth out of your filthy mouth! " He rowled.

He tied her against the wooden chair. " Just in case you think of lying to me, I'm gonna turn this switch and make sure you roast to hell!"

"Please, don't do this. I didn't do anything." She pleaded.

" I haven't even started, yet you're lying?" He scoffs. He turns on the switch, sending electric current to her body.

Anastasia shivered as the current shocked her. He stops and she breathed heavily. "Where were you last night?" He asked.

" I was in. . . I was in my room."

He turned on the switch, putting it in 100 voltage. Anastasia cried loud, "Where the fu*k were you last night?!" He yelled.

" I was in my room. "

He did it again, and again and again. And when he saw she wasn't going to tell him the truth, he brought out Scar's phone, playing the video right before her eyes.

"Do you still wanna lie to me?"

Uncontrollable tears rushed out of her eyes as she watched the very incident which caused her a sleepless night. This time, they were using it against her.

" Tell me, Anastasia Romanoff, have you been hanging out with my brother? Has he been visiting the basement lately?"

" You're the only one. . . who keeps coming to the basement. You can check your CCTV or whosoever you have asked to spy on me, your brother has never come down here." She said breathing heavily.

" So, why did you let him kiss you?"

She chuckled. " Because. . . because I love him." She admitted.

Micheal's anger grew, that he angrily left the room. Unfortunately, Pablo was just returning from a friend's place. The moment he opened the door to walk in, Micheal landed a blow on his face.

" Shit, Mic! What the fu*k was that for?" He rubbed his affected cheek. Micheal landed another hot blow on the other cheek. " Michael what has gone over you this morning?" He stormed.

" You wanna know? Huh, you fu*king wanna know?" He raked. " What's the meaning of this, huh?" He points the video to him. " Tell me, what's going on between you and Anastasia?"

" Michael, you need to calm down and let us talk about this." He tries to calm him down but he wasn't listening.

" Talk? You fu*king stole my maid and took her to the garden to kiss her, huh? So you go behind my back, to touch my stuffs?"

" Micheal, that's enough. Calm down, I'll explain it all to you."

" Don't tell me to fuking calm down! I am not fuking calming down, you asshole! I need a goddamn explanation for this video. And you're fu*king going nowhere not until you provide that answer for me."

" You want an answer?" Now he was vexed. " I kissed her and I won't deny that. But do you know what, she kissed me. Yes, she kissed me back, passionately. Her hands around my neck, like she didn't wanna let go. She even enjoyed it, she was happy that I kissed her.

But you, her beloved master. Always ready to torture her, punish her by fu*king her on your bed. And what do you expect? For her to see some kinda god-sent man in you? No, you just gave her reasons why she have to hate you. You showed her the devil you aren't. You want answer? Now here is your answer, I love Anastasia Romanoff and I will keep loving her no matter what." He walks out on him, heading to his room.

Micheal returned back to the torture room. With the anger of what she did and the words of Pablo, he laid it all on her. He ordered two guards to wipe her thoroughly until his satisfaction. Hearing her cry was the only thing that calmed him down. He will make her suffer for everything pain in his heart.


Vito noticed the awkward silence between his three sons and the way Micheal was angrily staring at Pablo. " What's the matter, boys?" He asked but they didn't give him a reply.

" I said, what's the f*king matter, boys?" He asked again.

" It's nothing, dad." Pablo said but Micheal snapped.

" Nothing?" He scoffs. " You fu*king liar."

" Is someone gonna tell what the heck is fu*king going on here?" He inquired.

" Pablo has something intimate to do with Mr Romanoff's daughter." Micheal said.

Vito looked at Pablo who was staring back at him. "Is that true, Pablo?" He inquired.

"Yes, father, that's true." He admitted.

" My purpose of bringing the girl into my house is as a repayment of her father's debts and not some kinda tool for pleasure. If you're so desperate to get a girl on your bed, you should have just gone out to one of those bars, get yourself drunk, take a girl in and have your way inside her as much as you want. And not her, Anastasia Romanoff."

" Pardon me for intruding, dad, but I'm gonna say this. From the start, I never knew who she was, I barely even know her name. But my brother here, Micheal, had full control over her. Everything she does was only at his command, no one has right over her but him.

He locked her down in the basement, made her wear the same cloth over and over again. Everyday he keeps torturing her, he keeps hurting her. Now tell me father, was that part of the reason you brought her here? And guess what, he didn't just torture her, he fu*king raped her right on his bed on a broad day light. He broke her, father, he took away her pride, her dignity.

She saved my life. She took me out of the cold and made me warm. She cuddled me, her chest on my chest, and I am alive now is because of her. And then, I came to appreciate her with a kiss. Yes, with a fu*king kiss. I'm ready to accept whatever punishment father will give to me, but that won't stop my feelings for Anastasia."

He looks at Micheal. " You should have listened when I said enough." He left the dinning room to his room.

" Micheal, do you have anything to say about this?" Vito asked. " Did you fu*k the girl?" Anger stained in his voice.

" Yes, I did, father."

To Be Continued…

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