Tangled With My Roommate

Tangled With My Roommate


81.5k Words / Completed


    When a near-homeless high school junior Arabella Laurel is sitting on the park bench in despair with a pink slip, a savior comes to her rescue. Of course, no one is that nice to provide her with food, essentials, and a place to stay for free, so there's a catch.
    She has to stay with two other boys. To add fuel to the fire, one of them is Theo Benedict—the daredevil responsible for getting a chewing gum stuck in her hair and getting it cut short. Arabella isn't one to make bad blood, but she will certainly run Theo over with a truck any day and the feelings are mutual.
    Now, how will Arabella live with this tempest in a teapot roommate without getting tangled with him?

    About Author


    • Reader-783203

      not sure I really like this… not even that this Arabella sounds like a kid.

      03/21/2023 01:24
    • Rasa Roberts

      Unfortunately written obviously written by a non native English speaker. the writing is clumsy and amateur. Hard to read past the first chapter.. Needs through editing.

      03/16/2023 18:46