Some of the stakeholders while dumbfounded on how he could be so stoic, it has not yet been up to 24 hours since his brother died and he already was to sweep him under the rug and start a new regime, this was not a friendly handover, it was almost as if it was a coup that has been planned for years and currently been executed. And of course, you don't make moves like this alone Carlos had already bought some of the shareholders and they were going to take his side.
There were seven shareholders who were currently present at the meeting including Carlos and he needed at least more than half of them to vote for him if he was going to win and assume the role of Chief executive officer, so the voting started
Carlos raised his hand and voted yes
Emilio raised his hand and voted yes too, Emilio was Carlos's friend and they were both partners in crime, Carlos did not need to buy him, they were both into the same diabolic lifestyle
On seeing Emilio vote Yes, Carlos was already smiling ear to ear as he thought everything was about to go according to plan
Rafael did not raise his hand and voted no, Rafael was a close friend to Antonio and never did like Carlos
Carlos did not even bling or hope for a second that Rafael would vote in his favor, he already knew that he wasn't getting any luck from Rafael
Joquain raised his hand and voted yes, Carlos's smile began to be more visible than before as he knew how mighty close he was to fulfilling his dreams or should I say his shady desires.
Angelo kept her hands down and voted no, Angelo was the only lady on the board of directors and she knows Carlos as a sexist and feels if anyone should be CEO it should be her, with gender equality the bedrock of her claim, a vision which all the board members were highly unlikely to buy.
Armando kept his hand down and voted no, this one came to Carlos as a shock because he had already bribed Armando to vote in his favor but as we all know in business things and alliances change, as soon as Carlos saw that Armando voted against him, the bright smile which is face was wearing was immediately wiped out of his face because his fate now lies in the hands of Gustavo,
Gustavo kept his hand down and voted no, sudden heartbreak for Carlos, you could see the grief on his face, the shareholders all stood up and left one by one, Angelo was among the happiest persons in the office as she planned for her proposal and has seen the flaws in Carlos presentation and was not going to make the same mistake he did, the next meeting would be in 15 days and she was going to start making her own moves,
Carlos was fuming as he left for his office,
Angelo on reaching her office signals her assistant to follow her into her office,
"Leo...!!! My office. Now" Angelo ordered her assistant
Leo was a nice guy, he always dressed like a nerd, with his glasses and funny gimmick, though his dressing style was laughable, he was very smart when it came to split second decisions, he is the reason Angelo had gotten so far in the leadership of vastech, Leo has been working in the company for almost a decade now and he knows all the pros and cons of the company's policies, it is safe to say that he is under appreciated here in the company by Angelo but she had every right to.
Ten years ago when Leo came for his interview at vastech, there were many other people who were more qualified than himself, Leo wasn't even organized as he was missing a few documents and certificate, I guess it was the anxiety that got to him, he could not even make 3 clear sentences together, but as they say it, fate is inevitable, Angelo hired him and gave him the benefit of the doubt that he could do much better than his first impression which was nowhere near average, and he did not disappoint as he helped her grow through the company ranks,
But there was just one final task for him, it was to make sure Angelo becomes CEO, this would not only benefit her as she promised if was get her position, he would be the first Junior partner she would appoint, this will be a lot to him, because not only will it bring a fat bonus and a much more comfortable salary but he would own his very own office and have assistants, and be very from Angelo's constant mocking and insults, not as if he was totally going to be loose from her wrath of constant insults but it would give him a little breathing space
Leo walks into her office immediately after her, Angelo walks across and sits on her office sofa, leaning backward and putting her legs on the table before her, she tries to relax and calm her nerves, she could not believe Carlos had blown his chance away and she could really clinch it if she plans well.
"Could you believe Carlos requested a meeting and wanted us to vote him permanent CEO?"
Angelo asked a rhetorical question and continue her statement
" I mean he could have just waited, few weeks maybe days and he could have won"
Angelo stares into space lost in the big thought
"Why was he in such a rush?"
Angelo added again, this time she looks to Leo who was just standing and not saying anything about her questions
"Well..???" Angelo asked with a goofy face, she tried to imitate the same stupid face Leo is answering wearing.
" I... I th.. think, I think he is running out of options" Leo panicked while he replied
"Yes, that is so true, we need to start making our own moves to outsmart that bastard"
Angelo muttered to herself and then looked toward Leo
"Set up a meeting with Joaquin, if I can get him to switch sides, I might well have gotten all I need to be the queen of this company"
"Yes ma'am, dinner at 7 okay with you?"
Leo asked
"Yeah right, that is fine by me".
Angelo answered