In a very fancy restaurant, designed with fancy yellow lights and black inner decor, the was no telling this was a very expensive sit out given the qualities of the equipment used in beautifying the building, only well-dressed ladies and gentlemen were allowed in as the placed was heavily guarded and secured, the tables were coated with fine red clothes embroidered with Golden brown like designs, and the chairs were made from fine brass, as comfortable as it could be, the waiters wore a traditional suit with was a trademark of the company, a big W at the right-hand side of their suit represented the company's name Walter's eateries.
There was a man who looked stressed from work but was just taking a bottle of wine to cool himself off as he scrolled through his phone, it was joquain apparently Leo came through with setting up the meeting and booking reservation,
Joaquin stared at his watch as he looked bothered about why he was still sitting here alone as Angelo should be here by now, if his calculations were right, Angelo was half an hour late and he was considering going somewhere else, just as he was still pouting there came a black limo right in front of the eatery and then the driver came down and walked to the passengers sit to open the door, of course, it was Angelo who was looking as stunning as ever with her classic red gown which made her brown eyes pop, she is in her early 40s but damn we was not looking a day older than 20, her lips were coated with a bold red lipstick and she wore a simple necklace to fill up the space made by her sleeveless red gown, she walked majestically to meet Joaquin where he was sitting.
Joaquin has been staring at her from the moment she stepped down from the limo, admiring her from a distance, as she got closer he stood up extending his hand as she gave him a warm handshake, joquain kissed her hand softly before adjusting the chair before him allowing Angelo to sit comfortably and he sat back down facing Angelo with a clear smirk across his face.
"You took quite a lot of time getting ready, but boy oh boy, with the way you look, I must say it was worth it. " Joaquin said were slowly flirting with Angelo, who just giggled at his speech as if it almost made her blush, Joquain waved his hand in the air signaling the waiter to he wanted to make a request, and the waiter approached him almost immediately after he waved his hand in the air
"Hello... Good day sir, how can I be of service to you? " the waiter asked Joaquin
"We would have 2 bottles of red wine, thank you." Angelo interrupted and sent the waiter on her way, it almost seemed that she was trying to keep the spotlight only on herself, and was not ready to have any company right now, she tilted her hair to the side while resting her chin on her crossed fingers while she smiled sheepishly on Joaquin who at this point was almost caught in her trap,
"So you said you wanted to discuss something important, business-related I guess?" Joaquin asked
"We will get to that Jo. The night is still young" Angelo replied
"The night might be young, but time flies when you are having fun" Joaquin added but this time he was staring straight at Angelo and it was as though she had his undivided attention, as the eye to eye connection between them was lingering the waiter interrupted,
"Sir... Here is your wine sir" the waiter said while presenting a tray with 2 bottles of wine and glasses too, placing all the items on the table slowly as Joaquin watched as she left as soon as she was done.
Joaquin poured the wine glass and handed one of the glasses over to Angelo
"So what are we cheering to?" Joaquin asked as he was expecting an answer from Angelo who was already prepared for this very moment, she has gone over the facts with Leo over and over again and was not going to flutter this time
"To new partnerships," Angelo said as she moved her glass closer to Joaquin's glass it made little noise as both glasses came together, and they both drank
"I'm making a move to become permanent CEO and... " before she would alter another statement joquain interrupted her
" What makes you think you are going to win against Carlos?" Joaquin's face was no longer smiling as they were in the business part of the conversation
"Carlos is seen as a bad choice by not only the shareholders but the board of directors as well, he's rash and irrational when it comes to discussion making, he has involved himself in some very very bad people, and these people which he is doing business with might be the end of vastech". Angelo tried to make her point
"He's going to come after you" Joaquin tried to warn Angelo
"Sure he will, actually I am counting on him coming after me," Angelo said with a smile after she takes a sip of her drink
"Why are you supporting him anyway? What is he offering you? 15%? 20? Tell me what exactly does Carlos have of you jo?" Angelo asked at this point Angelo has left her to sit and walked closer to Joquain running her fingers through his sleeves
"Poor Jo" Angelo added as she touched his chin and grabbed her purse, she dropped him an envelope and was on her way leaving
"The walls have ears jo, you never know what they overhear during a conversation" Angelo added as she made her way back to the limo and left joquain in thoughts, as he wondered what Angelo knew that probably made her so confident that she could take Carlos head-on.
He opened the envelope and tried to figure out what was inside as he tore open the seal