"Oh my God" Joaquin gasped as he saw the
content it was evidence that Joaquin was helping Carlos embezzle funds out of vastech not only once but it was consistent and she had all the dates and aliases used for the operation and they was no saying that this will not only get him dismissed from his job but it could also land him in jail, at this point he was trembling as he put back the paperwork into the envelope carefully watching if someone was observing him, which he couldn't find anyone, he then clears his throat before signaling the waiter to come to give him the bill and she came his way right away.
"That will be $4000 sir" the waiter explain
"Sure, put it on my card" Joaquin replied before handing over his credit, it was not long before the waiter was done with sorting the bill and gave joquain his credit card back and he was on his way, just then the waiter picked up the bug that was placed under the table, it seemed she has been eavesdropping on the entire conversation and she had deceitfully planted the bug when she was serving their wine, she touched her earbuds and there was a voice talking to her it appeared to be a man
"We have to know what was in that envelope." The man said
"Yes sir, I'm on it" the waiter replied as she cleaned her hand with towels and made her way to the bathroom quickly taking off her uniform into an all black, as she made her exit through the back door and riding a motorcycle and following joquain car
"Agent Riley approach the target with caution, we cannot have him knowing we are on his tail," the man over the phone told the waitress
"Aye captain, this will be over in seconds" the waiter replied upping her speed to catch up with joquain who was just driving at normal speed it was far till he noticed that a strange motorcycle rider was following him
"Is it just me or that weirdo is following us?" Joquain asked his driver who looked at the rear mirror and gives a weird smirk across his face, this is the moment he earns his paycheck, this is why he gets paid, it was almost as if he was thrilled by the challenge as his job these days were becoming less exciting given that the was no action for the past few months
"Adam, lose him" joquain ordered his driver
"Ok, fasten your seat belts, this ride I'd about to get hicken" the driver replied, and before he was done with the statement Riley was already close to their car so she took the left and approached the driver's side but then Adam couldn't actually make a face as Riley wore a black helmet and her there were no openings in the helmet, so Adam hits the brakes and swerve to the right making a full u turn and going the other way at full speed, speeding off into the daylight,
"Shit!!!" Riley exclaimed as she saw she almost lost them, before stopping her motorcycle entirely and turning the other way to tail them once more but this time she was way behind them and had some catching up to do.
"What's the situation?" The man over the phone asked Riley
"Let's just say, to get envelope right now, I'd have to bend the rules of not being too obvious" Riley replied as she geared up her engine and stepped heavily on the gas, thus allowing her to speed up very fast, and her engine began very loud noise that Adam could hear that she was gaining in on them despite him being quite far out, Adam looked through the rear mirror once more as he observed Riley's progress, Riley was almost getting to the truck of their vehicle, and Adam just kept staring at the rear mirror of his car and it seemed as though Riley was also looking at him through the rear mirror though he could not see her face as she was wearing a very huge helmet.
"Are you crazy? He is gaining in on us, get us out of here for Christ's sake" joquain panicked as he was scared for his life, Adam hits the breaks in an attempt to trick Riley into bumping their truck as she was so close to the vehicle, and it was one she did not see coming as she went crashing on the floor which her motorcycle somewhat wrecked after it has hit the bumper of joquain car, she rolls severally on the floor before finally landing on the roadside her helmet got off and she appeared to be a little unconscious.
Adam got out of the car and started approaching her with both of his hands wide open, this was a taunt signaling that she stood little to no chance when going up against him, he seemed to marvel when he got closer and notice that it was a girl who tried to attack them
"When next you are trying to tail someone do well to keep your distance," Adam said, he tried to touch her as she was lying on her stomach, he tried to turn her so he could see the face that tried to rattle his boss, joquain on the hand was frightened even though the current threat had been nullified, he used his eyes to look around and search the area carefully if they were more people coming after him as he approached her and tried to grab her, she kicked his hand with all her might and got up quickly
Adams groins in pain as he used his left hand to massage the right hand that was kicked.
"Next time you try to interrogate someone do well to keep your distance" Riley replied mockingly making reference to a statement Adam made a few minutes ago, this statement provoked Adam as he got up in a rush charging toward Riley who seem settled as she was ready to put up a fight,