Adam threw a left jab which Riley quickly moved out of the way, Adam then proceeded to attempt a hook with his right but Riley again got out of the way using her knee to attack Adam lower abdomen but Adam was unmoved by what she did, Riley attempted a couple of combinations including quick jabs and backhand strike and a full roundhouse kick but to her greatest surprise Adam seemed as though he was not feeling the effect of what she did as he barely took a step back and he did not bother to counter any of the moves she was throwing at him, Riley tilted her head in confusion after seeing that he was unmoved by all what she did.
"I've got 7 tours bitch" Adam furiously said as he charged toward her once again, but this time with more power and energy as Riley tried her best to get away from most of the strikes, but this was difficult because it was as though Adam was in God mode, he threw a powerful right hook to the ribs of Riley though she blocked the attack but the block had little to no effect on subsidizing the damage of the hook, as she gasped in pain, Adam gave her a resounding uppercut that left her somewhat lifeless on the floor, it was one of those uppercuts, Floyd May weather, using to end championship matches in the 11th round, the uppercut was so powerful as it off Riley helmet when she landed on the floor and she rolls over on her stomach crawling trying to get back to her feet,
"Come on, is that all you got!!?? " Adam shouted at her
"Ahh... Arghhh..." Riley who was still facing the ground kept crawling as she tried to get to her feet
"As a matter of fact...no," Riley added as she pulled out a smoke grenade from her jacket and tossed it on the floor and it triggered almost immediately and in a matter of seconds everywhere was filled with smoke.
"Get back into the car" Adam shouted. Joquain immediately entered the car and locked all the doors, Adam stood guard over the car, actively searching for anything that could be a threat or an attack to him but he was disappointed when he couldn't find anything, and the smoke cleared but the puzzling thing was Riley was gone, it was almost as though she disappeared into thin air.
"Where the fuck did she go to?" Joquain inquired again as he was just stepping down from his vehicle
"I don't know, but she could not have gone far, her motorcycle is still here" Adam answered back while he tried to put his suit in order
"Get me out of here" joquain ordered as he got into the car, Adam soon obeyed him and drove off.
Riley was in so much pain, provided the amount of pain her body has had to endure over the past couple of hours, as she took the various shortcuts to avoid being seen in the light, she took off most of her gimmick as she walked across different fences and trails taking off her black wig and revealing her shiny blonde hair, throwing off her navy blue knee pads to the nearest trash bag, she soon approached a cabin down at the middle of the street which she slowly entered and took a seat and tried to heal her wounds
"Oh my days," she said as she felt the pain of mending her injuries
She stood up and took off to the bathroom where she turned on the water from the bathtub, the water rushed slowly but steadily, she took off her dress entirely with her pointy nipples facing upwards, losing the hair band which was holding her hair and then made her way to the bathtub leaning with one foot at a time, the water through her skin like delicious oil, washing off her makeup and uncovering her genuine hazel eyes, her eyes round as a halo, with her well-molded nose, she slid underneath the water gradually, laying to rest her body entirely under the the water.
Her phone rang so loudly, she hastily exploded out of the bath tub and took the towels to cover up her nudity, and went to pick up the call as she fell on the floor cause the ground was slippery from the water from the bath tub
"Arghhh... Can today get any worse?" she complained to herself before getting to the table and picking up the phone and as soon as she gazed at the screen, she faced turned soar as she knew her boss was not going to like the feedback she was about to dish out to him
She picked up the phone conversing slowly
"Helooo Cap"
"Did you get it?" the man over the phone inquired
"Not exactly" she answered back
"What do you mean by not exactly?" the man on the phone replied and you could tell he was losing his patience by the unexpected increase in the tone of his voice.
"I got into a situation and I was unable to retrieve the package" Riley struggled to clarify her superior
"What the hell did you do??? I clearly told you to approach the situation with caution, I made your orders clear, now you've blown our cover, they sure will know now that we are breathing down their necks, well done agent for ruining our chances of solving this case." the man on the phone said furiously before hanging up.
Riley looked disappointed in herself, she was not the type to bottle big cases but recently she has not been at her best, something must be bothering her which of course are going to be her personal problems, and currently she is struggling to keep that aside and work professionally without her emotions getting in the way.
If she was going to crack this case that she has been working on for a long time she has to give her head in the game and not for a moment can she let her focus lapse regardless of whatever that is happening around her