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Chapter 14

"Goodnight Aira" He touched the place I smacked him with a bag and said 'I know I will have a hard time massaging my head"

The taxi stopped and I stepped out "Well we are even, I also have a swollen forehead"

He turned to glare at me "Well it won't be noticed, it's like your forehead is always swollen Aira"

"I don't have your time" I said turning to leave

"Well goodnight. For real"

"Goodnight" I replied with a laugh


Mami looked up at me from the dining table she is setting "Ohh you are here. We were actually waiting for the call for your Ransom money"

"Mami" I groaned sitting on one of the chairs

"What happened to your forehead? She asked sitting close to me to inspect it

"When the car hit the pole, I slammed my head on the dashboard" I explained

"Why was he looking at you when he's driving? She asked getting annoyed

'Mami" I exclaimed feigning shock ' He wasn't"

"Ohh please" She swatted my hand 'Let me get a towel to massage it" She stood up and walked to the kitchen

"Mami don't worry, Hafeez bought me a cream and medicines to soothe the pain" I quickly said to stop her. Getting a massage from Mami when you hurt yourself is close to giving birth.

"I will still do it" She replied and left

She came back, got settled and grabbed the towel then ascended it on my forehead. Zahra walked up to us with an evil grin and held me down.

"Mami.... Ooooohhh.... Ahhhhhhhh... Please....ayyyyyyyy.... Ohh Rabb.... Mami please.... Ahhhhhhhh..... Wayyo Allah" I shouted, wriggled and wiggled to get away.

"Shut up Humaira. Are you giving birth? Mami scolded as she finally did the last massage and applied the cream on my forehead. It was extremely soft and cold and felt instantly soothing on my forehead.

'Haa! Zahra exclaimed 'This won't make you cry because hafeez got it for you" Zahra said and I pinched her

'Assalamualaikum" Abba walked into the house and the next second, Zainab ran to hug him.

"You are welcome" Mami said smiling at him brightly

"Welcome back Abba" I and Zahra said in unison as he nodded sitting down and removing his socks.

"I have good news" He smiled up at us

"What's it Abba? Zainab questioned clinging on to his arm

"We are launching the company in two days time"

Zahra and I screamed and hugged each other tightly. Zainab stood up and began jumping up and down

'That is amazing. Masha Allah, I'm so proud of you" Mami said leaning in to hug him.

"You will be having so many guests tomorrow. All the family members are coming including hajjah"

Our smiles died down immediately Abba said that. Even Mami looked unhappy for some seconds. We all know how hajja is. The typical strict and nagging old woman full of bitterness.

'Ohh" I said turning to look at mami and zahra 'That will be great" I added in a dry tone which everyone seemed to pick on

"Come, I want to tell you something" Abba said standing up while Mami took his bag and followed him upstairs

"How amazing Humaira" Zahra said handing me an ice bag 'Hajja is coming" she groaned and I took the ice bag and held it to my forehead

I turned to zahra sighing deeply 'Let's go upstairs and moan" We headed up to our room leaving Zainab in the living room watching Doc mcstuffins.

I closed the fridge and Zahra washed her hands in the basin when Mami entered the kitchen

"Have you guys eaten? She asked and we nodded

'Okay. Humaira" She patted the seat next to her 'Let's talk"

Zahra took that as a cue and then left the kitchen leaving my heart thumping. It's a never a good thing 'to talk"

'Na'am Mami"

"Come sit down first" She gestured to the seat again and I quietly sat down then turned to face her

"First hear me out and then you decide" She started and I looked at her hesitantly then nodded.

"So Hajja decided, that since you guys aren't getting any younger, you and Zahra should both get married. I know any moment from now Haleema will talk to Zahra about it on the phone"

'Marriage!!" I exclaimed getting wide eyed

"Let me finish" She said and I took a deep breath 'She thinks you two should be introduced to your cousins first"

I laughed and pinched my brows "Cousins? What cousins?

"Galadima and Dalhat" She replied and I groaned. Everybody knows how much of a scoundrel these two are, especially Dalhat

"And who's supposed to be for me? I asked already dreading the answer

"Dalhat" Mami replied and I face palmed myself

"Why do I have to be the Indian protagonist with unfortunate destiny" I groaned dropping my head into my hands.

"Look Humaira. Nobody is forcing you into anything. You guys just meet, talk and see if you can sort things out and if you can't then you walk out and find someone else. Humaira you aren't getting any younger. Its not that I am rushing or pressuring you, far from it. I just want you to start considering the idea of it. Marriage at this your age is the most beautiful one. You get to grow together, make mistakes, learn, unlearn and relearn"

I sighed and Mami reached out to hold my hand 'I promise, no one will force you into anything, if you don't want it then that's it. We can't force what you don't want"

I took a deep breath" Alright Mami. First we just get to talk. Nothing more" I emphasised and she nodded

"Nothing more unless you find him handsome or cool or dashing"

"Mami" I groaned " I can't believe I'm having this discussion with you"

"Ohh please" She waved her hand with a laugh 'I'm your mother"

"Goodnight Mami" I said standing up and taking my water

"Humaira wait" She said and I turned

"Are you sure you have no one? Mami asked

I looked at her confused 'I'm sure Mami. Why?

She moved her head to one side and said "Not even the handsome, well behaved and kind pilot?

I suddenly wished for the ground to open up "Mami he's just a friend. What's up with you tonight" I replied whining

"Just a friend huh" She laughed getting up and walking to meet me

"Okay maybe a close friend" I added and as if on cue, Hafeez's call came in

Mami looked at the phone and smirked a bit then said "Exactly what I'm saying" She laughed and walked out of the kitchen. I looked at her retreating figure and narrowed my eyes. Mami is quite in a mood today.

I looked down at my phone and picked it up "Hello Aira" Hafeez's voice came in and I smiled

"Hafeezuu how are you" I said as I turn off the lights in the kitchen and started walking up the stairs

'I am fine and stop spoiling my name"  He said in a grumble

'Whatever" I opened my room and made my way to the bed. Zahra is fast asleep

"How's your forehead?

'Alhamdulillah" I plopped on the bed 'Mami massaged it"

'Woooahh" Hafeez laughed 'And you didn't die"

I joined in the laughter "You could say that"

"So how's everything and everyone"

"All good Alhamdulillah. Hafeez? I called out


"I need an advice"

'Alright then"

"So this strict grandmother of mine set us up with our cousins because she wants us to get married. And this cousins are total douchebag"

'Woww. Do you want that?

"Of course not. I rather stay single that get married to any of them"

"Well you don't know maybe they changed. Don't jump to conclusions"

'Well I guess, but I highly doubt so"

"So what advice do you need"

"They will be coming to Abba's launch next tomorrow. Oh and by the way Abba said he's personally inviting you"

"Thank God I can make it. So they are coming and then what"

"We will get to meet, talk and try to "sort things out". And yes I air quoted the sort things out" I said and Hafeez laughed

"I knew you would"

"So if things work out then boom and if they don't then nope"

'Alright then. I think you should give it a try and let's see if he's worthy of you. And don't worry about him being a douchebag. I am here if he tries to misbehave"

I smiled 'Thank you Mr pilot and acting soldier, I really appreciate you"

"You are welcome miss trouble acting nice. Stop, it's weird" He replied back and I chuckled

"Allahu yahdeeka Hafeez"

'Ameen. Goodnight then"


I ended the call and laid on my bed dragging my quilt to my chin and saying my duas.

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