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Chapter 18

It's been five agonizing months after Abba's demise and even when every single day from that have been nothing but pain I was able to live through it except for today.

I glance down at my phone sending it a heated glare and watched the call end. I've not been a full percent into the normal life but I'm trying. I have lost someone very very close to me but I am trying very hard not to let it change the way I see and do things. I'm very sure Abba will be extremely disappointed if he was here to see me resort to doing nothing so I've been attending writing events as much as I can, until today. I had to turn down an event today and instead kept watching the organizers call end. Call after call

With a deep sigh, I plopped down on the bed gazing over to space thinking about how my life took a sudden turn. First I lost my father and now my mother wants to leave too. After completing her Iddah, Mami decided to go back to her home town and even when both I and the rest of the family think it's a good idea, it still hurts me that Mami and Zainab, the only family I have left will also be leaving.

Although it's not a permanent change, Mami will be leaving with Zainab and she will complete her education there and since I'm almost done, I'm staying at my Uncle's until then. Abba's company is being run by my uncles and some of his business partners and so far none of them showed any selfish behaviour although I don't expect any to. My father trusted them enough to leave a will for them to handle the business when he's no more.

"Maimai" Zahra called as she peeped her head through the small creak of the door. I raised my head to look at her as a motion for her to continue

"Are you ready? We are leaving"

I closed my eyes, briefly nodding and opened them looking the place she once stood. While I am going to my uncle's place, Zahra is also going to her paternal aunt's place to stay before she's done with her culinary school.

After making sure I picked all that I will need, I took ahold of my trolley with my handbag swung on my shoulder and dragged it downstairs where I found Mami and Zainab already in the car. I dragged my bag with the help of the driver and placed it in the booth then joined them after hugging Zahra. I then promised to come by tomorrow since she's not as far away as mami and zainab.

The drive to my uncle's was silent, with everyone indulge in their own little world until the honk of the car snapped me out of my day dream as I glanced around the duplex my uncle live in. After the car drove into the passage way, I slowly came out and took my bag then stood right in front of Mami's door as she came out.

"Humaira" She grabbed my hands and stared at me 'it's only for some time and then you will be home with us. Plus you will come by whenever you get a vacation. Just picture this as you going over to another state or country to study"

"Of course Mami" I squeezed her hands and smiled at her 'I will be visiting you any chance I get" I swallowed the lump in my throat and tried hard to look calm.

'Don't forget your manners, you are a motivational speaker I don't need to tell you how to handle whatever life throws your way. Live life and be happy, don't hold things against anyone. Never let what is beyond you upset you. What you can't change shouldn't change you"

"Insha Allah Mami I will keep it in mind and if I forget I can always call you to remind me" I said dragging her into a hug

"And I'll always be there to answer you" Mami replied and Zainab wriggled her way into the hug.

After the hug, I let them go and stand by as they went back into the car. I didn't leave my spot until their car was out of sight and my hand was aching from the wave.

I look back at the duplex and sigh before dragging my trolley into the house.

I wonder what awaits me.

"Assalamualaikum" Was my first word as I placed my right foot into the house.

"Wa'alaikumus Salam" One of the maids replied coming out of the kitchen

"You are welcome" She said further as she collected my trolley

"They all went out, only Khadeejah is home and she's in her room"

I nodded "Ohh okay. Can you please take me to her"

"Sure, let's go" She offered a little smile and walked up the stairs while I followed.

Khadija's room was the third in line as the maid carefully knocked on the door. After a few minutes, my cousin whom I met only a couple of times opened the door with a tight look on her face. She looked at the maid and the bag in her hand before her gaze landed on me as her expression turned to confusion.

After a few seconds, her face broke into a smile and she came out to hug me.

"Masha Allah Humaira you are here. We were expecting you all day" She said as soon as she let me go

"We spent time getting ready" I replied with a small laugh

"Please do come in. Thank you Rahma" She said taking my bag and leading me into her room.

It was almost the size of my room or maybe even bigger. It wasn't extremely fancy but not so plain also. It was just the right theme for someone with the right taste.

"Please do make yourself comfortable Humaira let me get you some food" She said as I sat on the couch

"Thank you. I want to have a bath and pray first" I said keeping my handbag

"Yes sure. The bathroom is by the first door. When you are done, your food will be here. I know you will uncomfortable for the first day to eat with us all later plus you might be hungry"

I couldn't help flashing her a real genuine smile.

"That's so thoughtful of you, thank you"

"You're welcome. By then Mummy and my siblings are back and I will come call you. For now take a bath, settle in and rest. No stress" She said smiling before going out of the room.

Heaving a sigh, I stood up with the intention to bath, pray, rest, call Mami, hafeez and the girls and then try to settle in and rest.

Maybe I could use a tip from Khadeejah too. No stress

At least before I know my fate in this certain home.

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