###Chapter 1

Chapter 1


It was a beautiful day to take a walk in the park and that's exactly what Anthonia was doing.

Right from birth, Anthonia loved nature so much. Nature is like her shadow. Wherever she is, she appreciates God for creating such a beautiful place as Earth.

Anthonia was taking a walk in the park with her best friend; Nathasha Benson.

Anthonia and Nathasha have been friends since middle school. Nathasha wasn't the only friend she has, she also has two more friends; Katherine and Stella.

" Hey, do you know that Henry is going to be the new Chanel boutique opening?" Nathasha asked. Anthonia faced her with a blank look. Nathasha shook her head, dramatically. " You're such a dummy. "

Anthonia rolled her eyes. " Oh, please, see who is calling me a dummy. You're the real dummy yourself. "

Nathasha playfully hit her shoulder. " That's mean, you meanie. " She said like a child.

" Oh, baby, momma is sorry. " Anthonia cooed her like a child, patting her hair.

" Whatever. As I was saying, Henry is rumored to be releasing a new album soon. "

" I still don't get. " Anthonia said.

Nathasha heaved a deep breath. " You should go on the internet often. By the way, he would be needing back up dancers. "

" Really?" She asked, enthusiastically.

Nathasha nodded. " Yes, you could go and sign up. "

" You are the most best friend ever. " Anthonia said, hugging her tightly.

" Yeah, you're welcome. "

Anthonia pulled out from the hug. " I didn't say thanks tho, Mel. "

" You should!"

Anthonia giggled. " I won't. " She said and ran away.

Nathasha ran after her, pursuing her. She finally caught up with her.

They laughed their hearts out.

" Enough, I've to go to work. The pizzeria needs me. " Anthonia said.

" Okay, bye. See you tomorrow. " Nathasha said. Anthonia nodded and hugged her and left.


Henry was seated in his studio, trying to write down lyrics for a song.

He lost his wife days ago and he wants to clear his head by writing lyrics for his songs but it isn't flowing.

Henry Harrison is a worldwide known artiste. His songs are top notch, the best. He is a father of three girls; two twins girls, Ria and Nia and a baby, whose he hasn't given a name to yet.

He threw his pen and book away angrily. " Great, nothing. Just nothing is coming to my head. " Tears dropped from his eyes. " Emmanuella, you just left me all alone in this world with our kids. Why did you leave?" He ruffled his hair, calming himself down. " You need to be strong, Henry. You have three beautiful girls as your daughters. You can do this. ''

He left the studio and took the elevator going downstairs.

Yes, elevator. His house is so big, bigger than a castle. The acre of land he used to build the house was more than twenty acres of land.

Ria and Nia ran to him, he bend down to hug them.

" Hey, how are my beautiful girls?" He asked, brushing their hair with his fingers.

" Not good. " The girls replied.

His fake smile fell but he quickly put it back on. " Really? Why?"

" Is mummy ever coming back?" Ria asked. Her eyes starting to be glassy with tears.

" No, dear. Mummy is deàd. "

" So, she's never coming back?" Nia asked.

Henry looked at his mum for help and she came forward.

" Okay girls, who wants to see me feed your baby sister?" She asked.

" Me!"

" Me!"

" Good then, follow me. " She said and they entered the elevator.


Anthonia stretched herself on the bed, yawning. She just woke up from sleep, it is currently 5:00am.

She did her morning routine and got dressed for the Chanel boutique opening.

It was already 6:00am so she ate breakfast.

She's living alone in a cozy apartment, she decided to live alone since university.

Taking her bicycle, she rode to Nathasha's apartment whose house is a couple of miles away from each other.

She knocked on the door but no answer came so she entered.

She went to Nathasha's room and she was lying on the bed, sleeping with a movie playing on her laptop.

Anthonia shook her head in frustration. " God, is this girl okay?"

She tapped her but she didn't wake up. She smirked as she thought about an idea.

" Oh my God! It's the Golden Boys. " She screamed.

Nathasha sprang up. " Where?"

" In your dreams, you're never going to see the Golden Boys if you keep sleeping late, don't you have to go look for a job?"

Nathasha scratched her hair. " I stayed up all night binge watching The Originals. "

" Wow, congratulations. " Anthonia replied, sarcastically. " Go get ready. "

Grumbling, Nathasha got up and went to shower.


A new Chanel boutique is opening and many celebrities came for the opening. Many fans were outside screaming as the celebrities arrived.

The celebrities entered first and went to the VIP section to shop while others shopped at the normal section.

Anthonia and Nathasha sneaked into the VIP section.

" I just saw him enter that room, follow him and introduce yourself. You can do this. " Nathasha said.

" I'm doing this just because I want to be known as a dancer all over the world not because I'm crazy over him like you. I'm not his fangirl. "

" That's because you're an anti-internet person. C'mon, go. "

" Okay. " Anthonia said and left Nathasha.

" Oh shít, I forgot to tell her that he just lost his wife. She's sharp-tongued, he might reject her. Oh, heavenly father, save his soul from Anthonia. "

Anthonia entered into the room Henry was seated.

He got up immediately and shot her a disdainful glare. " Who are you and what are you doing here?"

" I'm Anthonia Cooper, I'm a dancer and I would love to be featured in your next song. " She said, straightforwardly, smiling.

" Okay. First off, I don't care if you are Summer or Winter. Secondly, I don't also care if you are a singer or whatever and thirdly, I'm not releasing any songs. "

Anthonia folded her hands, dropping her smile. " Okay. First off, you asked for who I was so I told you. Secondly, you're rude and thirdly, okay. "

He seemed taken aback. " You're a fan?"

Anthonia bursted into laughter then stopped mid way. " No, it's not only fan but AC. " She laughed again. " Bye, see you. . . Never. "

She got out of the room and went back to Nathasha, frowning.

" Why didn't you tell me that he was a two-faced and rude person?"

Nathasha scratched her hair. " I forgot but you're sharp-tongued and he is really nice. "

" That wasn't what I saw and heard. I just hope to never come across him EVER. "

" No, Anthonia. He is just. . . Sad, he just lost his wife so of course, he'll. . . Hmm, distance. "

" You are not well, you're making excuses for him because he is your idol, well, I don't care if you lost his wife or his whatever, he's rude and I hate it. I need to go to the pizzeria, it is time for my shift. Let's see tonight. "

" Alright, bestie. See you. " She said and hugged Anthonia. " Love you. "

" Hate you too. " Anthonia replied and got hit on the head by Nathasha. She pulled out of the hug. " Ouch, that hurts. "

" Serves you right. "

" Love you, Mel. " Anthonia said and left.

" Silly girl. "

Mika's Pizza Pizza**

Anthonia walked into the building and went into the kitchen.

" Good afternoon, ma'am. " She greeted with her usual sweet smile.

The owner of the building turned to her from what she was doing. " Haven't I told you that you shouldn't call me that? I'm Mika so please call me by my name. " Mika said.

" Sorry, can't used to it but I'll try, ma. . . Mika. "

" Good, someone just ordered three boxes of Pizza so get ready for the delivery. "

" Okay. Address?"

" Zenith Palace. "

" Wow, that's a really nice place. I heard from my friend that one big celebrities lives there alone in the whole place. " Anthonia said.

" Oh, okay. Delivery the pizzas and get back here please. As you can see, the place is full of customers. "

" Right. " Anthonia nodded.

" Here are the pizzas. " Kyra; one of the worker there said, giving Anthonia the boxes.

" Thanks, bye. "


Zenith Palace**

Anthonia stopped the bike in front of the big, long and wide bronze gate.

She stopped the bike and came down, looking at the gate weirdly.

' How am I going to get in? Should I knock? No, I don't think they would hear it. Maybe there's a doorbell or gate bell. " Anthonia thought

She looked the gate thoroughly and found a button. She pushed it and waited.

A middle-aged man came out of the mini part of the gate. " Good day, you are?"

" Anthonia, I'm here to deliver pizza. "

" Oh, yes. I was informed. Come on in. " He said and pushed a remote control and the gate lifted up.

" Thanks. " She got on the bike and drove in.

" The parking lot is over there, then the gardener will direct you in. "

" Alright. "

Anthonia drove to the parking lot and parked the bike.

" Hello, I'm Anthonia from Mika Pizza Pizza, I'm here to deliver pizza. "

" Good afternoon, after the walk on the garden, you'll see a bronze door like the gate then enter. There is an hallway, you will see an elevator, enter then put the button that says living room. "

Looking around the place, she was amazed. It looked just like a fairytale.

There was even a pond in the place and hockey field apart from the main garden.

Anthonia looked at the middle aged gardener blankly and shockingly. " Is this a house or an hotel?"

The man laughed. " It is an house. "

" Okay. "

She went as she was directed and came into the hallway.

It is long and wide. It was even bigger than her whole apartment and it was just an hallway.

It was painted white and brown. There were sculptures and painted art pieces in the hallway.

She entered the elevator and pushed the button that says living room.

The elevator opened and she exhaled deeply.

' How do people live here? I really don't understand rich people. " She said aloud.

She heard a laughter and faced the direction he came from.

Stiffly, she apologized. " Sorry, I'm sorry. It came out wrong. "

The laughter came again. " It's fine, I totally agree with you. My brother is a freak. " The girl that looks like Anthonia's age mate.

Anthonia smiled. " Mine too. "

The girl laughed again. " I'm Smith, you?"

" Anthonia. Here's the pizza. "

" Ah, thanks. " Smith said and collected the boxes.

" I already transferred the money to the place but lemme give you a tip. Come with me please. "

Anthonia nodded.

The living room was even more rich than the hallway.

There was so many sculptures and painted art pieces surrounded in the living room. It was also painted white and brown even the sofas are white and brown.

There were also so many awards on the shelf.

" Your brother is a musician?" Anthonia asked when she saw a guitar shaped award.

" Yes. " Dropping the boxes on the table, she gave Anthonia money. " Here. "

" This is too much for a tip, this is 20 dollars. ''

" I know, but I've been stressed since today, you made me laugh. Thanks. "

" You're welcome? By the way, if you don't mind me asking, why is the baby crying?"

Smith heaved a breath. " My niece, she's. . . I don't know. "

" Her mom?"

" She is dead, she died three days ago. " Smith replied.

" Can I see her?"

" Sure. "

They walked to the place the crying baby was.

" Where can I wash my hands?" Anthonia asked.

" Over there, there's a wash basin in the kitchen. "

Having washed her hands, Anthonia came close to the crying baby.

" Hello, I'm Anthonia, you?" She said in a baby voice. She facepalm herself. " Sorry, I'm a dum dum. Can we be friends? Can I shake your little hand?"

The baby already stopped crying. Anthonia gave her index finger to the baby and the baby wrapped her hand around it.

" Yay, I've a new friend. " Anthonia said still in a baby voice. " Can I carry you?"

She carried the baby gently in her arms, rocking her. " Have she eaten anything? She seem really light. "

" No, she refused to drink her milk. " Smith replied.

" Get me her milk please, heat it up a little. "

Smith nodded. She left and came back few minutes later.

" Thanks. " Anthonia took the feeding bottle and fed the baby who drank it hungrily.

Immediately after eating, she slept.

" Sweet dreams, Blossom. " Anthonia whispered in her ear after dropping her in her cot.

" I've to go now, bye. "

" Wait, how. . . " She was cut off by a running person.

" I'm here, what's wrong?" The person said.

The two girls turned to the person. Smith smiled, relived while Anthonia frowned, angrily.

" You!" Henry and Anthonia said together.

Next Chapter