###Chapter 2
The two glared at each other hatefully. If only eyes could kill, then they will be six feet under by now.
" How did you know each other?" Smith asked.
" I met him today and you're right. He's a freak. " Anthonia answered before Henry could.
Henry looked at Smith with a glare then at Anthonia, he intensified his glare.
" Get out!" He shouted.
" Shhh, don't wake the baby up. I'm going, no need to bark. " Anthonia snapped.
" Yes, the baby is sleeping. She fed her and then she slept. " Smith said.
" So, you mean, the baby actually drank her milk and slept?" Henry asked, shockingly.
Since three days ago when the baby was born, she has been crying nonstop and refused to drink her milk.
Smith nodded. " Yes, Anthonia did that. Let her be a nanny to the baby. "
Anthonia laughed. " Sorry but I can't work for him. I hate him so much. "
" Same. Get out. "
Anthonia walked away.
" Brother, put your differences aside and think about your child, your baby. C'mon, she's just three days ago. She's going to die, God forbids, if she doesn't eat anything. " Smith explained.
" You're right. Please call her back. "
Smith ran to the elevator and pushed the button before it could close.
" Please come. "
" Nope, I can't. Sorry but your brother is extremely rude and a narcissist. "
" It isn't his fault, c'mon, he lost his wife three days ago. Of course, he'll be. . . Distance. "
Anthonia rolled her eyes. " Oh, please. Spare me, rudeness is rudeness, no matter what. "
" I know, I know but don't do this for him or me but for the baby. For Blossom. "
Anthonia paused for a while. " Fine, for Blossom. "
They walked back to the living room.
" What do you want?" Anthonia snapped.
Henry stood up from the sofa, walking to her. " I want to offer you a chance. "
Anthonia scoffed, laughing. " Chance?" She laughed again. " It is not only chance but change. "
Henry frowned but forcibly smiled. " You want to dance in my music video right? Then, I accept just be a nanny to the baby for a year. I'll pay you double for the salary you receive and you'll be in my music video. "
Anthonia thought about it. " Alright. I'll do it. "
" Great. I give you 24 hours to round up everything in your life then come here. "
Anthonia twitched her lips. " Hmm, on one condition. "
Henry stared at her keenly. " Okay, what?"
" Apologize for being rude earlier today. "
" I would never. . . Sorry, I'm sorry for being rude earlier today. "
" Good. You're forgiven. "
" Auntie, is Dad. . . Dad!" The girls said coming out from another corner.
" Babies, how was your day?" He asked, bending down to their height and stroking their hair.
" A little bit good. " Ria replied.
" Baby isn't crying, why?" Nia asked.
" Girls, meet Anthonia, baby's new nanny. " Smith said, drawing the girls' attention to Anthonia.
Ria and Nia stared at Anthonia blankly. " Hi. " They waved.
" You made baby stop crying?" Nia asked and Anthonia nodded.
" Are you mute?" Ria asked.
" No, no. I'm not. " Anthonia replied.
" Introduce yourself, girls. " Smith said.
" I'm Ria, the first child. "
" I'm Nia, the second child. "
The girls faced Henry. " Is she going to stay here?" Nia asked.
" Yes. "
" Will she also chaperone us?" Ria asked.
" No. She can't chaperone three people. " Smith said.
" I'll hire another nanny for you girls later. " Henry said. He faced Anthonia. " You can get going, I'll draw a contract by tomorrow. "
" Girls, let's go. " Smith said, leaving the living room with the girls.
" You're weird. Why do we need a contract?" Anthonia asked.
" For some reasons. You can go. "
Anthonia rolled her eyes. " Fine. "
" Your number?"
" Why?"
" It's because of I will have to remind you about coming. "
Anthonia scoffed, laughing. " I didn't know you are a reminder. "
Henry frowned. " Why do you always get me angry?"
Anthonia laughed. " This is just the beginning. "
Smith came back. " I forgot my pizzas, it's already cold, I'll heat it up. Anthonia, please your number. "
Anthonia gave it to her and left.
" Gosh, I hate her. " Henry muttered.
" I think you two make a good couple. " Smith said.
" You are mad, how can you say something like that? I just lost my wife three days ago, your sister-in-law. "
" Exactly, Emmanuella is never coming back. It's better you move on sooner than later, big bro. "
He knocked her head. " You're insané, move on with her, never. "
Smith smirked. " I've a God feeling that you two will end up together. Wanna bet?"
" I don't have time for your rubbish. " Tucking his hands in his pocket and leaving.
" You scared of a little challenge?"
Henry faced her. " Me? Scared? Of Summer?"
" Anthonia. "
" Whatever. What's the bet?" Henry asked, walking back to her.
" You're going to buy a red Ferrari for me at the end of the contract. Deal?"
Henry exhaled deeply. " What if I don't feel anything for her by the end of the contract?"
" I'll do anything you want. "
" Hmm. " Henry hummed, thoughtfully. " You will break up with that worthless bastàrd you are seeing. Deal?"
Smith heaved a breath. " Deal. But Ace isn't a bastàrd. "
Henry scoffed and left.
Mika's Pizza Pizza**
Anthonia walked back into the building and went straight to the kitchen.
Mika faced her. " Where have you been? I was worried. "
" Sorry, something came up. Can I please ask you a question?"
" Sure, go ahead. "
" Can I please get my month's salary please? The month is almost over just remaining few days so please can I have it?"
" Yeah, sure. What happened?"
" Nothing much. Just got a new job accidentally. "
" Accidentally?"
She nodded. " Beautiful accident. "
" O. . . Okay, I'll send the money to you now. " Mika said, bringing out her phone from her apron. " You'll come back, right? You're a very good staff, I don't want to loose you. "
Anthonia smiled. " I'll try in a year time. " Her phone dinged with a message. She checked it. " You made a mistake, you sent 500 dollar instead of 300. "
" It isn't a mistake, I sent it intentionally. Good luck on your new job. We'll miss you. "
" Thanks, me too. "
They shared a hug and Anthonia left.
Nathasha's House**
Anthonia fell on the sofa, breathing an heavy breath.
" Why are you back from work this early?" Nathasha asked.
" I got a new job accidentally. "
Nathasha sat up, facing her. " I don't get the term 'accidentally' "
" I got a nanny's job. "
" You're going to take care of a child?"
Anthonia nodded, sitting up. " A cute baby girl. "
" From where did you get the job?"
" Henry's house. "
" Henry? Who's Henry?" Nathasha asked, drinking water.
" Henry Harrison. "
Nathasha spit out the water in her mouth and faced her friend shockingly. " What?!"
" Yes. I got a job as a nanny for his baby. I've only 24 hours before going to his house again. "
Nathasha stood up. " His house? Again? You've been there before?"
Anthonia nodded. " Yes, to deliver pizza to his sister; Smith. "
Nathasha screamed. " You met Smith?"
" Gosh, why did you give me the mad girl as a friend?" She asked, looking at the ceiling.
" Just answered my question please. "
" Yes, yes, I saw Smith, okay?"
" OMG, you are so fuckíng lucky. I'm so happy for you. I also got a job at a restaurant. "
" I'm happy for you, Mel. "
" Yeah, thanks. "
" One more thing, I will be staying at Henry's house for a year so. . . "
" You mean you will stay in Henry Harrison please for a whole year?"
" Yeah so please let's have fun today. "
" Alright. What do you want to do first?"
" Drink myself to stupor. "
" Okay, let's go. "
At a shopping mall**
Anthonia and Nathasha spent their night drinking themselves to stupor and got back late in the night.
They are now in a shopping mall about to shop for clothes.
Anthonia purchased a bunch of new clothes and sneakers. She also purchased scrunchie, hair pins, needles, rubber bands, face caps, necklaces, bracelets and earrings.
She has always loved accessories so much since she clocked teen.
" Buy this headphones, babe. " Nathasha said, showing her two headphones packed together in a pack.
" How much?"
" 500 dollars. "
" What?! On headphones? Nope. "
" Would you rather buy one for 300 or two for 500?" Nathasha asked.
" Fine, I'll buy it. " Anthonia said, grumbling.
They took quite a time at the mall buying all sorts of stuffs.
Anthonia got home and packed all all luggages and covered the sofas and beds with nylon.
" I'll really miss this small cozy apartment of mine. I'm moving into a palace today and I'm sure I'll get lost in it but it's fine. I'm doing this for Blossom. "
Nathasha came into the apartment and hugged her tightly. " I'll miss you so much, I hope you enjoy your one year with Henry Harrison. " She screamed. " I can't mention that name without screaming, Anthonia Harrison. Sorry, slip of tongue but it does fits together, don't you think?"
" No, no,I don't think so. I absolutely despise that man, after what he did in the dressing room. "
" Technically, he didn't do anything. " Nathasha said.
" It's the way he talked, he snapped at me and I hate him for that. " Anthonia said.
" Yeah, you hate him for nothing, you're going to spend a whole year in his company and I'm freaking out for you. You're spending 365 days with Henry Harrison, this is bigger than huge. "
Anthonia rolled her eyes. " Yeah, sure. " She replied, sarcastically.
" I bet that before the year runs to an end, I'm certain you will fall in love with him. " Nathasha said and Anthonia bursted into laughter.
" Me? Fall in love with him? Nope, can't do that. He's out of my league, as you said, he's Henry Harrison and I'm Anthonia Cooper, a nobody. " Anthonia said.
Nathasha placed her hand on Anthonia's shoulder. " Don't tell me you've fallen in love already, have you?"
Anthonia hissed. " Gotta go, I'll call you later. "
" Bye, I'll miss you. "
" Me too. " They shared a hug one more time before Anthonia departed.
Anthonia took a cab to The Zenith Palace and alighted right in front of the bronze gate.
She rang the doorbell and the gateman opened the gate.
" Can't believe I'll be working here and with Henry. It's so annoyingly unreal. " She said aloud, unknowingly.
The gateman who opened the gate laughed. " Oh, my. You're funny. "
" I am? Why? I don't understand. "
" Nevermind, I'm Kenneth, Anthonia. I really hope you enjoy your stay here. " He said.
" I sure hope so too but I'll be the one troubleshooting. " Anthonia said, teasing but truthfully.
He laughed. " A troubleshooter? I don't mind. "
" Really? Alright, see you later, Ken. "
She walked to the place she met the gardener. " Hello. "
" Oh hi, I'm Patrick. I'm really happy seeing you working here, you're so sweet. " He said.
" Oh, please, don't say that. My head might explode. "
He laughed. " No dull moments with you around. Enjoy your stay here. "
" I will, Ricky. "
Anthonia took the long walk until she got to yet another bronze gate-like door.
Anthonia knocked on the door and it was opened. She was still amazed by the interior of the hallway leading to the elevator.
Arriving in the living room, she saw a maid waiting for her.
" Hello, I'm Mae. I'll lead you to your room. " A girl of Anthonia's age said.
" Thanks, where's Blossom?"
" Who's Blossom?" Mae asked.
" Oh, I meant the baby. "
" Okay, she is in her room with ma'am. "
" Alright. "
Henry met them before they entered the elevator. " You can go, I'll take her. "
Mae nodded and left. Anthonia stared at Henry.
She was surprised on how hot he was looking today. He was in a t-shirt that hugged his torso tightly and a faded jean trousers, his hair wasn't styled to perfection but ruffled and a little hair covering his forehead.
She unknowingly smiled when she was flicked on the head.
She touched her forehead. " Ouch, " she feigned pain.
" Did I hurt you? I totally did not mean that. " Henry said, sarcastically.
Anthonia smiled. " I wasn't even in pain, jerk. "
" I know. I was being sarcastic. "
" I know. Why are you being nice?" Anthonia asked, suspiciously.
" I was wondering if you could also be a nanny to the twins. " Henry said.
" I knew something was up, that's why you are acting all nice to me. Why should I be a nanny to the twins? And what would I gain by doing so?"
" You will be able to eyes rape me anytime you want. "
Anthonia laughed. " Don't flatter yourself okay? You're not handsome. "
" But your eyes said otherwise. "
" Okay, I'll let you believe that. "
" Not like you have a choice. "
Anthonia stomped on his feet. " Sorry, it was a mistake. "
He looked at her, surprisingly.
" Can you please lead me to my room? I want to see Blossom. "
They entered the elevator and went to the third floor.
There were so many doors lined up on a straight line on the wall.
" My child is isn't going to bear Blossom, okay?"
Anthonia faced him. " What is her name then?"
" Haven't thought before it, yet but she's most definitely not bearing Blossom. "
Laughing then smirked. " We'll see. Which is mine?"
Henry looked at her, surprisingly again but shook his head.
" Just pick one. " He replied.
" Which is next to the kids?"
" This are the twins room and this is Blo. . . The baby's room. " He replied, showing her two bedrooms.
" I will take this then. " She pointed at the middle door, opening it with the key in the doorknob. " Woah, I was expecting differently. " She muttered.
" What were you expecting?" He asked.
" I was expecting it to be as jerky as you without warmth but I guess your wife was the one was arranged this. And yes, I'll be a nanny to the twins. "
Henry nodded.
" One more thing, please don't be nice to me because I won't be able to troubleshoot if you are nice because I'll be the jerk then so please be mean. " Anthonia said.
Henry laughed heartily for the first time in days. He laughed to the extent that his eyes were glassy.
" I'll try my best. " He said, smiling.
" You should laugh more, it makes you more handsome. "
He stopped smiling. " Settle in then you can come see Blo. . . The baby. " He said and left.
Anthonia fell on the bed and sighed softly. " This is going to be long year. "