###Chapter 5
The next morning was also like every morning to Anthonia.
She was up before four to watch the sunrise. It has been a routine for her since she was like seven. She developed the habit of watching the sunrise in summer camp and it mastered her quickly because she was already a lover of nature.
She walked back in with Blossom in her pram. The twins were already in their uniforms, looking so adorable.
" You look so cute like princesses. " Anthonia said, bending down to them.
" Good morning, nanny. " They said.
Anthonia pouted sadly. " I thought, I told you to call me my name; Anthonia. "
" Sorry, nanny. . . I mean Anthonia. " Nia said.
" Go eat breakfast. " Anthonia said, brushing Nia's hair with her fingers.
" Isn't Dad coming down for breakfast?" Ria asked, fiddling with her fingers.
" He will come. " Anthonia said so boldly and confidently.
" I don't think so, he hasn't come for breakfast or dinner since mum's demise. He won't come, Ria. " Nia said, sadly. " Let's go eat breakfast and leave for school. "
Anthonia looked at the girls with somewhat pity and concern. She shook her head, watching them ear breakfast.
Anthonia took Blossom up to Henry's room. He was crawled up on the bed with a picture of Emmanuella.
Whimpers could be heard silently as he tried to cry without notice. She intended to yell at him but this scene made her heart melt.
She dropped Blossom's pram on the floor and slowly walked to him.
" Hey, Henry. " She whispered. " What is it? Why are you crying?" She asked.
" I am not crying. " He replied.
Anthonia knelt down beside the bed and rested her elbows on it. " I know, water is just falling from your eyes. You can talk to me. " She said, teasingly.
He didn't reply.
" The twins want you to join them for breakfast, that's why I am here. Hey, listen, if it is about what I said yesterday's night, I am sorry, I didn't mean to be that harsh but you called for it. You've just been snappish at me ever since I got here, you don't talk to me like human being which isn't that bad because you're giving me reasons to trouble you so much that I love but I really didn't mean to hurt you with my words. " She said and paused. " But, you know I'm right. Emmanuella is deàd and never coming back, don't waste your time mourning her, she must be in a safe place watching over you and the kids. The kids needs their daddy not their father, please for Emmanuella's sake, don't be like this. "
He sniffled and sat up, wiping his tears filled face.
" Emmanuella loves you and it's obvious you love her too. She gave you three beautiful girls, I am envious of her, I mean, have you seen how beautiful your girls are? I know, you just lost your wife, I don't know how that feels. But, your life must go on, it is a must. I'm one hundred percent sure that Emmanuella wants you and the kids to be happy even in her absence. Are you going to live your entire life mourning her?"
Henry stood up and staggered, falling on Anthonia. For the first time since she came into the house, he noticed her brown eyes. He stood up immediately and helped her up.
" Sorry and thanks. You're right, Emmanuella doesn't want this. " He said.
" You're welcome, I will tell the kids to go to school first then you'll pick them up from school, right?" Anthonia asked.
He didn't reply.
" C'mon, Henry. They'll love it and will be so happy. " She said, nudging him a little.
He looked at her and nodded. " Okay, I will. " He said. " I'll do it because you begged. " He said, teasingly.
Anthonia gasped, dramatically, touching her chest. " You liar, I didn't do anything of such. " She replied in the same teasingly manner and smiled at him.
This was the first genuine smile she has given him since she arrived days ago. And if he was being honest, it was a very pretty smile.
" You get some rest, I think you need it. I will tell the kids to leave for school. Bye. " She said and wanted to leave but he held her wrist.
" Thank you, Anthonia. "
" This is the first time you actually called my name without screaming or snapping. You are welcome, Henry. " She replied and ruffled his hair. " Be a good boy and sleep. Bye. "
" I will. By the way, I haven't drawn the contract yet but I will do it today. " He said.
" Alright, I'll be waiting. " She replied and left with Blossom.
By the time, Smith woke up from sleep, she went to the living room and saw Austin in the kitchen, making eggs.
He was wearing an apron over his royal blue button up shirt and jeans trousers. He had his sleeves rolled up to the above part of his elbows. His hair was scattered on his head and was covering his forehead.
He looks so angelic that Smith couldn't stop staring at him. He dished the fried eggs into two plates and wanted to go to the living room when he saw Smith.
" Hey, Good morning. " They said in unison.
" I made breakfast. "
" I can see that. " She replied. " Let me help. " She said, stretching her hands for the plates.
" Okay, here. " He said, giving them to her. He then went to the cupboard and brought out bread.
" Bread and eggs, hmm. " Smith said, looking at the breakfast hungrily.
" Sorry, I didn't ask if you were a vegetarian. " Austin said.
" Vegetarian? Me?" She scoffed, laughing. " Never. "
" Good. After breakfast, you can go take a shower and brush your teeth with the new brush. I ordered a jean trousers, I couldn't order a blouse because I didn't know your size nor taste so I ordered only trousers, you can wear another hoodie and set for school. " Austin said.
Smith stared at him, surprised. " You bought me cloth?"
" Yeah, sorry for not asking. I just wanted you to wear something nice to school since you always do, I didn't want you to look. . . Not as beautiful as you always do. "
She smiled, shyly. " Beautiful? You think I'm beautiful. "
" Sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. "
" Uncomfortable? I'm not uncomfortable at all, thanks. "
" You're welcome?" He said, unsure of what to say and they laughed.
" No, really. Thanks for the clothes. "
" You're welcome. I called someone to charge the car so you've to take an Uber to school then later in the day after school, you will have your car ready and you can go home. "
She nodded. " Thanks. "
Anthonia was in Blossom's room. She was mopping the room.
She just finished feeding Blossom her milk. She was singing and dancing with the mop stick like it was a microphone.
Henry has just woken up from his nap and taken his bath. He was passing the door to check on Blossom when he saw her.
He was astonished to even move nor say anything. It was when she turned backwards that she saw him.
Startled, she gulped down nothingness, nervously. " You awake?"
He slowly nodded. " You can sing?" He said but it sounded like a question.
" Hmm, no, I mean yes but not really. " She stuttered.
He moved closer to her. " No, I clearly heard you sing. You can sing, why did you just tell me dancing?"
Anthonia exhaled deeply. " Look, this world isn't as good as people. . .I want it to be so I will just go with one then it'll make me blow then I can add the rest. "
" Why haven't you blown up since?"
She breathed out again. " Listen, not everyone is born into a sliver spoon like you so I don't think you will understand. " She said, politely but he got offended.
" Excuse me, I didn't get to where I am now through my parents if that's what you are insinuating, Anthonia. " He said, snappishly. " I am saying that I got to this place now only through my hardwork and I'll appreciate it if you don't repeat that again. " He said and left.
He came back in. " I forgot what I cam here for. How is she?" He said, walking to Blossom's cot. " She is awake. "
" She is good. When is she going to take her shots?"
" Next week, I think. "
" Okay. " She said. " The kids will be closing in five hours time, should I make breakfast for you? The chef has gone. "
He looked at her. " No, thank you. "
She pouted sadly. " Henry, sorry. I am truly, truly, truly, truly, truly, truly, truly, truly sorry. I thought we were friends, why can't you forgive your new friend?"
" Who made you my friend? My friend would never say something like that. " He said and wanted to leave but she held his hand.
" S-O-R-R-Y H-A-Y-D-E-N. " She said after spelling it out. She pouted sadly, making her cute.
" Fine, but on one condition. "
" Which is?"
" Come with me to pick the kids. "
" I can't, sorry. One, because of Blossom, she's way too sit on those children's protective seat. Two, I want you and the girls to have a private daddy and daughters talk. "
" Okay. It is fine. I don't know why I am nervous, it's not like they are going to bite me raw or nothing so yeah, I can do this. " He said, rubbing his palms against each other.
" Good luck. So, breakfast?"
" Ok. "
" Toast and eggs or toast and jam or bread and fried eggs or bread and butter, which?"
" Whatever. I'm not allergic to anything but bad cooking. "
" Hmm, you are saying I'm a bad cook without even tasting my food. If I cook for you, you will lick the plate. " Anthonia boasted, folding her hand on her chest.
Henry scoffed. " Yeah, sure. " He replied, sarcastically.
Anthonia put some bread in the toaster and it was done in two minutes. She dished it out and gave it to Henry with a jar of jam.
" I'm going to be with Blossom. " Anthonia said.
De La Rosa's Restaurant**
De La Rosa is the name of a five star rating restaurant across the globe. It is in every single county, not one but many of them in many countries.
Nathasha Benson; Anthonia's friend happened to get a job there. She just started working there one day ago.
She was dressed in a chef-like cloth but it was a gown. Her hair was in a bun.
" Excuse me, " A man called her attention in a very annoyíngly way. The way he was eye ràping like he can take off her clothíng with his eyes.
She walked over to him. " Yes, how may I help you?" She asked, trying her possible best to remain calm and not to puke on him and his table.
He was an old man about sixty something years of age. He was looking at her in an unpleasant way.
She tried her possible best to hide her disgust.
" Of course, you can help me. You're so sweet. "
Nathasha squeezed her face in disgust. " Excuse you, what do you want?"
" You. " He replied, touching her butt. She slapped him and he sprang up.
" HOW DARE YOU?!" He hollered, gaining everyone's attention in the place.
" You disgusting dög, how dare you yell at me?" She snapped.
A man around his middle twenties came to them.
" What's happening?" He asked.
" This bítch slapped me because I asked for a glass of champagne. " The man lied, glaring at Nathasha.
" I didn't. . . Well, I did but not because of what he said. " Nathasha defended herself.
The man looked at both of them, keenly. " We have cameras at every section of this place. If you look at it and find any anyone at fault, that person will be imprisoned. "
The old man's face changed. " Err. . . There's no need to do that, I forgive her. She is just like my daughter. "
Nathasha scoffed. " Daughter? This man over here touched me and I swéar it, I want to give him the béating of his life. "
Travis; the young man faced her. " Are you telling the truth?"
" Yes, yes I am. " She said.
" Then, I'll phone the police and they'll watch the CCTV cameras with us. "
Everybody was still watching the drama going on. I mean, who would want to miss out on this drama?
The old man shook his head, vigorously. " No, fine, she is right. I touched her, don't call the police. It'll ruin my reputation. "
Nathasha looked at the old man with every hatréd and disdaín she could summon.
" Reputation? You touched a lady without her consent and you are talking about reputation, to héll with your reputation. " Travis snapped.
To say Nathasha who shocked would be an understatement. She was beyond shocked, she stared at Travis utterly and completely shocked. He just defended her, she was totally not expecting it. It is obvious that rich people loves money so much but here, Travis De La Rosa just defended her instead of this old Moneybag.
" Nathasha, feel free to file a police report against him. The De La Rosa will back you up. " He said.
No, if she files a case against him, he'll get out within twenty four hours with his influence and he will most definitely come for her.
She shook her head, negatively. " No, it is fine. " She replied.
" You sure?"
She nodded.
" Alright, " He said and faced the old man. " Leave here and never come back, else. . ." He didn't complete his sentence as the old man left in shame.
Everyone faced their businesses while Travis faced Nathasha who was still slightly àngry.
" I'm really sorry about that. " They both said.
" Why are you sorry?" They said in unison again.
Nathasha smiled. " I'm sorry for making you loose your customer. " She said, fidgeting with her fingers.
Travis scoffed. " Oh, please. My parent's restaurant is scattered all over the world. I'm less concerned about loosing a lousy old man. You can take a day off if you want and come back tomorrow. "
" You really not màd?" Nathasha asked.
" No, of course not. I am Travis, by the way. " He said, extending his hand for a handshake.
She took it. " Nathasha. "
" I know. "
She gave him a quizzical look.
" Your name tag. "
Realization dawned on her face and she bit back a swearword. " I forgot. "
" It is alright. So, you're going?"
" Going where?"
" Home. "
" Home?"
" I mean, your house for the day off I'm granting you. "
" Oh, I'm so stupíd, sorry. "
Travis smiled and he noticed that their hands were still together. She noticed too as he was staring at it.
She snapped her hand out of his immediately and regretted it. Her body seemed to have lost something. " Sorry. And yes, I'd love a day off. "
" Alright, you can go. " Travis said with kindness and support in his voice. She nodded and left.