###Chapter 6
Sorry guys, there hasn't been light for days now.
Henry got dressed in a black leather jacket over a brown shirt with a jean trousers. He also gave his hair a casual look letting it stay neatly on his head.
He came downstairs and didn't met Anthonia. He scanned the place carefully and saw Anthonia in the kitchen.
" What are you doing?" He asked.
She turned to him, not because she wanted to see who is talking to her but because she wanted to see what he was wearing. He told her that he would be ready some minutes ago.
She scanned him from head to toes to observe his clothing. Before, she could answer his question, the baby; Blossom started crying.
" You brought Blossom to the kitchen?!" He shouted on top of his voice.
Anthonia smiled victoriously while picking Blossom up from her pram and straddling her. Henry gave her a blank look wondering why she was smiling. She was smiling like a psychopàth.
" What did you call her?" She asked, rhetorically.
" Blo. . ." He said but he stopped when it clicked. " It was a slip of tongue, I absolutely didn't mean to call my baby that. " He snapped.
She bit her bottom lip, sideways. " Alright, I totally understand. " She said in the same tone of voice he used. " Now, let me answer your question. " She replaced her calm look to an angry one. " She was crying so much so I decided to bring her here while I make her formula, what do you think I rather do?" She asked, snappishly, folding her hands.
He was tongue-tied for a while, thinking about the quick response that will be a very good comeback but he couldn't.
Anthonia waited for what he wanted to say, patting the baby's back as she stopped crying.
" What? Cat got your tongue?" She asked, rhetorically, smiling mischievously. She didn't wait for him to talk back. " Listen, I would like to be with you when you draw that contráct, there are certain things I would like to put a stop to. "
" And what are those?" He asked in a rather calm voice.
Anthonia shrugged, walking pass him with Blossom in her arms with her feeding bottle.
" Anthonia, what do you want to add in the contráct?" He asked, walking to her.
" You'll see it when it's done. " She simply said and started feeding Blossom.
Henry looked at her with unbelievable eyes. " So, you are just going to let me be curious until when he comes?" He asked.
She looked at him and gave him a sweet innocent smile. His eyes twitched with surprise.
There was something familiar about that smile or maybe it's just a coincidence.
" I will leave for the kids' school, if my lawyer comes tell him to wait, okay?"
" Umph. " She replied, nodding her head.
He took one last look at her before he left.
Sun Valley University**
Students were seen walking around. Some were with their groups, holding their books, some were with backpack.
Some were sitting on the grass in the garden, some were seated on the cemented chairs. All of them were with either a book or a laptop.
They were talking to themselves, giggling and laughing to their jokes.
Sun Valley University is the biggest, largest, most beautiful, it is just the best. Moreover, the students at the school are so brilliantly intelligent, they were like mini celebrity in USA; New York.
Sun Valley University has the largest classrooms, libraries, cafeterias, gym for indoor sports, indoor swimming pool, they had things that makes the school a beautiful landmark.
The school was only attended by children of the rich and scholarship winners.
The BA students are in class, there is also a teacher in front of the classroom with a transparent glass used as a board.
The students also sat with computers in front of them.
" Remember to do your project, lessons will be put on hold for two weeks for the preparation of your projects. Also, remember that project carries 100 points of your semester exams so give it your best. That is all for now, bye. " He said and left the classroom.
Students began to pack their things into their backpack, preparing to leave the room.
Smith was packing her things into her bag when someone's hand held her waist from the back.
She swiftly turned back and landed the person a hot resounding slap. She knew it was Wade and she was glad she slapped him.
Two years of their relationship, she thought it was going to end well with two kids and one cat. . . No, she's allergic, one dog. . . Nope, he's allergic to dogs. But still, she dreamt of a great future with him and he just ruíned it with what he did not actually, he didn't ruín her life, he saved it from getting ruíned.
Everyone's attention was turned to them as they were all surprised.
Smith and Wade has been a couple since the beginning of the first year in the University. Everyone enviéd them so much because of how they loved and adored each other so much.
" You slappéd me?" Wade asked, holding his cheek, looking at her unbelievably.
" Yes, Wade. I just slappéd you and I swéar it, you'll receive another one if you touch me. " Smith replied and faced her bag.
He held her wrist, forcing her to face him. She used her another hand to slap his other cheek and he quickly let go.
" Do. Not. Touch. Me. " Smith said, sounding the words one after the other.
" Listen, " He cooed, trying to sound so calm and trustworthy. " I love you so much, baby. You know that, right? I love you, really do a lot. " He said, trying to get a grip of her hand but she kept jerking her hand off.
" We are over, Wade and when I say something is over, it's over for good. I haté you, I haté you so much that I want to kíll you, I bádly want to stáb you a million times for playing with my feelings, you dísgust me. "
Wade's eyes became watery. " But, Smith I love you and you love me too. Let's just forget about what happened and start from where we stopped. " The way he said those words make it look like it was a mistake. It didn't look like a mistake when he was scréwing her, he seemed to be really enjoying himself then.
Smith rolled her eyes, packing her hair in a bun. " Listen, Wade. Enough of your nonsensícal words, do you even hear yourself speak? Read my lips, We. Are. Over. "
He took hold of her wrist, holding it tightly. The class gasped in shock but weren't moving.
Austin walked to them. " Let go of her this instance. " He snapped, angríly, giving him a dirty glare.
Wade smirked. " And who are you to tell me that? You're neither someone to me or my baby. "
Smith squeezed her face in disgust. Baby. . . That four letter words reminds her of memories. Memories that she didn't think will ever end, he was her first everything. First love, first kiss, first to touch her and first to break her heart. Whenever he calls her that, it makes her think she's a queen but hearing that word again just dísgusts her.
She wasn't the only dísgusted by him and his four letter words. Her face matches Austin's face, his face clearly shows that he was utterly dísgusted by Wade and his word.
" Who told you that?" Smith asked Wade.
He took her gaze away from him and faced Smith. " Who is he then, baby girl?"
" He is my boyfriend. " She replied and before anyone could react, she kissed him.
He looked completely frozen for a millisecond for him to realize and understand the situation on ground.
He slowly wrapped his hands around her waist, drawing a little closer and giving her the go ahead to deepened the kiss.
She forgot she was in the midst of people, she forgot she was on Earth, she forgot that she was just having a fíght moments ago. The only thing that was in her head was doing what she was doing presently.
She didn't want to stop kissing Austin, how he gave himself. . . His lips. . . His soft, pink, sweet plump lips.
He let her take control of the kiss and just played along with her.
Hundreds of butterflies was dancing in Smith's stomach. People say, first kiss are the best, sweetest and you remember it for the rest of your life but this. . . This kiss is the type of first kiss she missed, this is the type of kisses she wants to receive for the rest of her lips. She wanted to be in Austin's arms forever, she wanted to kiss Austin forever, she wanted Austin. . . AUSTIN!
She slowly pulled away. She kissed Austin? She just kissed Austin? And she enjoyed every bit of it, what in the world is wr0ng with her?
Their faces were just an inch apart as they tried to calm their breaths, they moved away from each other and saw that Wade was there anymore.
The students were leaving, muttering to themselves. When they were all gone, Smith quickly locked the door.
" Austin. " She called for his attention because he looked like he was in a trance.
" About the kiss. . ." They said at the same time.
" You go first. " Smith said
" No, you. " Austin said.
" No, you go first. "
" No, I insist. " Austin replied.
" Okay, " Smith said, taking deep breaths. " The kiss, I didn't mean it. I just did that because of Wade, you understand right?" She said though it made her heart ache.
" Yes, that's what I wanted to say. Let's forget that ever happened. " Austin said, looking at her straight in the eyes.
Smith's heart broke into pieces. The guy she feels so many emotions for just told her to. . . Wait, she started it. She didn't have any right to be sad but she is and for a guy she just knew less than 24 hours.
She nodded. " That was exactly what I wanted to say. " She said, trying her absolute best not to cry. " I have to go. " She started to walk away.
" Wait, " He said, making her stop on her track.
Why was he calling her back? What does he wants to say? Does he want to change his mind?
She turned to him, still holding her tears in. " Yes?" She answered.
" Erm, about the project. When are we going to do it?" He asked as though nothing just happened between them.
Her mouth couldn't produce words for the first few seconds before she tucked her loose hair behind her ears. " We should exchange numbers, I am about to go do something now but I will call you when I'm done, yes?"
He slowly nodded. " Your number?" He asked, looking at his phone ready to dial the number she calls.
" Let me have it. " She said, stretching her hand out for the phone. " Dial yours and I dial mine in each other's phone. "
He gave his phone to her and she gave him hers. They both dialled their numbers and gave it back.
" See you later. " Smith said and left. But she came in back. " Austin, " She called and he faced her. " If anyone asks, please say yes. "
" Yes? To what?" He asked, clueless of what she meant.
" To us dating. " She said. " Please, I'd really appreciate it, thanks. "
After he nodded, she gave him a quick glance and left.
He raked his hair, backwards and sat down on one seat. " It is true what they say that, first kisses are one of the best thing that happens to a person if he or she kisses the one they like. " He muttered, looking at the ceiling.
He reminisces about the kiss, smiling and touching his lips. He felt like he wasn't on Earth anymore when she kissed him. He had always liked her from first day of his first year when he saw her at the registration unit with her hair flying in the mid morning air and her pretty smile.
His world stopped for a moment when he saw her. She looked at him when their eyes met, she looked away but he didn't. He liked her right from the first time he set his eyes on her.
Kissing her was what he has always dreamt about, having her as his girlfriend and then his wife then the mother to his two children has being his dream.
But, she kissed him and said, she didn't mean to. He wanted to ask her on a date, yes, he knew he was being too fast but what's the rísk? He also didn't want her to see him as someone she could húrt easily with her words so he also said they should forget about it.
Forget about the kiss that is on repeat in his head, he couldn't even if he tried but it is obvious she doesn't like him. But the kiss said otherwise but he doesn't want to keep his hope high so he just let go of the thoughts and stood up, ruffling his hair.
He took his backpack and left the class to the cafeteria to buy water, he was thirsty.
" Is it true what I heard?" His friend; Frank asked, startling him.
" It depends on what you heard. What did you hear?" He replied, opening his bottled water.
" That you kissed Smith, the pretty girl whose boyfriend is Wade. "
" Ex boyfriend and no, she kissed me. " He replied, walking away from the vendor.
" How was your first kiss?" He asked, naughtíly, wiggling her eyebrows.
" It was. . ." He said, pretending to want to tell him. Frank's ear opened in excitement. " None of your business. " He
Frank pouted, sadly. " I thought I was your best friend, that is not fair. "
Austin rolled his eyes and left him there, going to the rooftop.
There are many rooftops here because of the many buildings it has. .
He met Smith there, listening to music on her headphone. She first saw his sneakers so from the sneakers she looked up and saw his face.
" Hey, " They said together and smiled.
He was expecting awkwardness from her but she treated him the same.
" I will leave you be. " He said and made to leave.
" No, it is fine. The rooftop is big enough for both of us so feel free. " She replied.
He bit her bottom lip and nodded. " Alright, good. "