Chapter 4. Fleeing the Kingdom
Tom knew the reason why his mother didn't agree with him leaving the kingdom. Aside from the fact that they were about to separate after hundreds of years of supporting each other, just like Regina said, living outside the kingdom was not easy. The nature of werewolves is to live in groups and they are also very territorial. Being a solo werewolf, living separately from the pack, or not belonging to any pack requires more caution and vigilance. Death is the worst consequence in cases of trespassing on the territory of another pack of werewolves by a lone werewolf.
It's not just another pack of werewolves, there are more dangerous things outside the walls of the royal fence that he doesn't know about. Whether it's a wild animal or anything that can hurt him, that may never be imagined in the mind of a young werewolf like him.
Even though Tom knows that Regina doesn't agree for his good, he still can't obey his mother in this matter. He still decided to leave the Megana Kingdom. he will prove that he can survive and leave the kingdom he has lived in for hundreds of years. Not him, he is not reluctant. Tom also felt sad that he had to leave his friends. But, he has already decided and he won't change his mind.
Before dawn, Tom put various items that he will bring into his bag and finished the preparations. Not much to carry. only some warm clothes, like coats or sweaters, bearing in mind that winter is coming soon. He also brings dried meat to fill his stomach on the go, if he doesn't find prey, although he always hates the taste of dry meat that isn't authentic. Lastly, he carries a weapon that he always uses, a knife. Ah, besides that, he has also finished a goodbye letter to his mother, Regina.
Tom stared at the letter that was under the inkwell on his desk and stroked it slowly. Guilt suddenly overflowed in his chest. "I'm sorry, Mom." He always wanted to say good things to his mother, however, Tom was aware of his character who was too emotional and stubborn. His lips moved uncontrollably. He hopes that through this letter, Regina can catch what he wants to say without being accompanied by a harsh tone of voice.
This isn't the first time Tom has thought about running away and leaving the kingdom. So, he is very sure that no werewolf is better prepared to escape at this time than himself. he had observed everything and created the most perfect escape plan from the Megana Kingdom for himself. he already knows when the guards change shifts or where the blind spots are that are out of sight of the guards. Tom always knew he was great.
First, what he has to do is run away from the house. Of course, he can do that even with his eyes closed. Opening his bedroom window, Tom easily climbed down from the second floor. He can also jump right out of his bedroom window, but he's sure it will make more noise, which jeopardizes his escape plan.
Gazing once again at the house that has hundreds of years lived with his mother, Regina, Tom sighed and clenched his fists tightly. Wait for me to come back, Mom, he whispered to himself. He turned around and started sneaking along the old route he prepared well in advance.
Tom can walk around without worry and is completely off the radar of the guards. He had covered himself with dirt, covering his scent. Until it's shift change time, there are only a few minutes before another guard immediately takes his place, Tom immediately runs without a sound and climbs over the royal guardrail. And finally, he left the Megana Kingdom.
Not feeling relaxed, precisely this moment is the most important. Tom immediately accelerated his steps while trying to cover his tracks as hard as he could. When people realized he was missing and then looked for him, Tom emphasized to himself that he shouldn't be found. Even if he has to hide until the end of the world once, he will do it. he won't want to meet Arcyl until that jerk gets off his throne or when he's strong enough to pull him down from the throne.
That morning Regina woke up with a more restless heart. Her son Tom's words kept echoing in her mind. even when she is asleep. After cleaning herself and changing her clothes, her footsteps subconsciously headed toward Tom's room. Arriving at the door, Regina just stood there silently without daring to do anything. She was afraid of facing the worst.
Steeling herself, Regina grabbed the doorknob and pushed him open. “Tom? Are you awake?" Walking into the room, her eyes were immediately attracted to the window that was left open just like that, releasing the cold morning air and allowing the light of the rising sun to enter the room. For the first few seconds, Regina was chilled by the unexpected cold. She pulled her coat closer. Next, she can see an empty bed. Tom's room was currently empty.
Regina gulped again calling, "Tom?" He didn't notice his voice that vibrated full of hope and anticipation of the sadness that might hit her.
She walked further into the room, looking around more thoroughly. The backpack that was supposed to be hanging on the wall is missing, along with Tom's knife and shoes. Opening the wardrobe, she can see the shrinking contents with the naked eye. Other than that everything is neat and in its original place. Regina didn't realize that her tears had dripped, wetting almost all of her face. “No, Tom. You left me." Her legs suddenly went limp, when she finally fell and sat on the floor. Her feeling was as if her heart was being squeezed by a giant hand, her chest was tight.
Once again looking around the room, Regina immediately got up and approached the table with a piece of paper pressed against the inkstand on it. She roughly wiped away the tears that were blocking her view, then grabbed the paper. She read word for word from familiar handwriting, clearly her son's. Her tears seeped back from her eye sockets until she couldn't hold back the sobs.
In the letter, Tom said many things. I don't know if Regina should be sad or happy when she finds out that Tom thanked her after all this time even though it's only in a letter. Besides thanking her, her son also said goodbye to his three friends, Nathaniel, Liz, and Millie. Lastly, Tom promised her to return to the Megana Kingdom after he is stronger or when Arcyl is no longer in power. Regina has to wonder again about how much her son, Tom, hates the Royal Leader, Arcyl.
Tom's steps stopped in an unknown place. Foreign. The smell and air are different even though as far as the eye can see he's still staring at the expanse of trees. Turning around, he found a thin shining membrane, as if separating the two worlds. Is he in another world?