The medical career in my country is studied for six long, tedious and bloody years.
I knew I would suffer a lot during my time as a medical student right on the first day of class, instead of taking a pleasant and calm tour on campus while the guide explained to us where was what, and how to get where, all of us first-year students were taken directly to the nearest hospital morgue.
To this day, I firmly believe that was nothing more than a shock strategy. As if they were telling us "if you have the stomach to put up with this, everything that will come after, will be a piece of cake" or something like that.
I must say that the very next day at least thirty students had given up the race.
I was never a bright student, my grades were a mess, I barely passed on exams, and teachers were exasperated by my penmanship. They constantly complained that my doodles looked like hieroglyphs or characters from some Asian language. However, thanks to the fact that I was quite intelligent, I managed to pass.
The only subject in which I excelled was in English, ( kind of impressive, me being Cuban) if I am honest I would have rathered becoming a tourist guide but circumstances ( my dear mother´s push ) prevented me.
But … you aren´t here because you are interested in my pathetic, stressful and difficult student experience, no. You want the dark, dirty, and macabre details of what actually happened with my roommate, right?
You want to know who murdered her and why and you don't give a shit if the killer chases me down the hospital darkes corridors , tries to scare me to death or suffocates me in my sleep, right?
Well then, I hope you guys are holding on to your seats because this horror show starts Now.
and you will surely think:
´´Oh no… this will be so boring, there won´t be no cute guys to drool over, nor hot scenes to fantacise with.
Have I said that?
What werewolf story to be respected, doesn´t have the usual and indispensable hot , eyecandy and sensual boys to eat with Nutella?
They must be three, right? We have to comply with the cliché.
They must be the most handsome of all campus , the most popular, the richest and the most sons of bitches... Obviously.
Well, I present to you the twins Mark and Matt Montalvo, tall, athletic, brown eyed, black haired (imagine the rest, I know they are excellent at it) they are practically identical except for the mole that graces the insufferable Mark kissable chin . Of course they aren't alone, nope.
With them comes their younger brother, the tasty Ramses, similar to them but much more... likable, if you ask me.
I would like to lie and say that I adore the twins, that I would kiss the ground they walk on, that I have an altar to their names and that I pray to them…nah.
I pray, yes, but for a fucking lightning to strike them!
I had the misfortune of meeting them when I was in fourth grade. No, they didn't study at my school and yet there they were, at the exit, making a spectacle of themselves , showing off their mountain bikes and causing everybedys admiration (well, envy) . They were there to pick up the girlfriend of one of them (yep, such a tender age as ten they already had ´´ girlfriends´´) and meanwhile they dedicated themselves to they they did best, bothering.
They were a hemorrhoidal crisis back then, I swear.
My shock was great when I found them in my own classroom the day I began seven grade , after that, suffered them throughout my sad, pathetic and unhappy high school, those three years were the most terrible of my existence.
The twins seemed particularly interested in making my life miserable.
I remember with special affection (note the sarcasm) the time when I had to stay to clean the class room and when it was almost over between the two of them, they threw a bucket of water on me.
Luckily, after high school we went our separate ways during and I finally felt like I had gotten rid of them.
When I found out that they would be my fellow students during my medical carrer , I almost had a fit, I almost collapsed, but magically it seemed that I had ceased to exist for them. They ignored me, they didn't look at me, they didn't even notice that I was there.
And how that made feel ? Absolutely and positively happy!
The Montalvos´ tyranny was finally over!
They had matured, they were already too grown up to go around with idiocies and childish jokes. They were a pair of eighteen-year-old boys then, more interested in flirting with girls and experiencing the freedom of being in college than in tormenting poor me, the girl who'd dragged them around for years.
And well, as the firsts years went by I was surprised by how little they studied and how well they did in their exams, plus, it became common to see Mark roll his eyes when I didn't answer a question correctly or hear Matt laugh under his breath when a teacher recriminated my unfortunate grades. On the other hand, it was always fun watching them stutter and break a cold sweat on English exams, those were the only moments I felt vindicated.
Ramses started in the first year when we went to the second and what came after is history.
´I'm going to a disco with some friends tonight. Do you want to come?´ Amalia asked, applying an obscene amount of mascara to her eyelashes. She looked at me through the mirror leaning her head over her left shoulder waiting for my answer.
´´ We have an exam first thing Tomorrow morning´. I protested.
"So?" She asked sardonically.
"SO? Are you crazy I couldn't possibly face an exam tomorrow at eight after returning from a disco at six am.´´
My reasoning seemed obvious, I didn't understand how she didn't get it. I watched her make a disgusted face and then she proceeded to paint her mouth with crimson lipstick.
"Well, I can. it doesn't bother me.´ She looked at her reflexion in the mirror, for the last time, checking that her blond hair was just as she wanted it, she took her bag and shot out.
´´Chaito! ´´ She exclaimed before closing the door behind her.
I compressed my lips, blinked for a few seconds, and shook my head a couple of times.
Amalia was one of those girls: a noisy and slutty party girl, she had fun going to dance in discos all night and coming back the next morning. Still, she was considered an exemplary student, with outstanding grades, and all teachers held her on a pedestal.
What was her secret?
Ah, well, she was a real ninja cheating on exams.
But shhh.
We don't want anyone to find out. I never said anything even though I could have ratted her away thousands of times. Besides, why would I do such a thing? What would I gain by embarrassing her and watching her perfect girl´s façade crumble? Nothing, in the end everyone would have said that I was envious and that I had done it out of pure spite. So, I bit my tongue over three million occasions and didn't say a word every time I noticed her cheating on a test.
Over time sha will change. She is studying to be a doctor, at some point she will take a more responsible attitude... I thought.
Years slowly went by and Amanda continued to cheat during exams, I continued to be a mediocre student, the twins seemed to change girlfriends every month or so , however, when we were halfway through our internship, I returned one afternoon in March to my dormitory and my scream of terror was surely heard in the entire university and I dare to assure you that even in its surrounding areas.
Amanda layed cold, hard, limp, and lifeless on our bedroom floor.