I started a fire in the hearth while I was inside the home. I was gazing at it. and smiled remembering the good old days. When I was eight, my brother Andrew created this magnificent hearth. He truly
did everything to make me happy, to give me comfort and secure. I was surprised that he created it the following day because I had only seen this campfire in animated films.
Even though it is already late at night, I'm still trying to warm myself around here.
It's kind of different attraction. Fire... and this fire will burn you once you touch it.
I jumped to hear a cold voice behind me.
"It's already late."
I don't have to turn around to see who it was because from his tone of his voice I already knew who he is.
That damn, Kairus Dennis Brovarian. This man is the brother of my brother's wife, and my brother just got married a week ago. He was asked to look after me by my brother Andrew, which shouldn't be necessary.
After my brother got married, I thought I could enjoy life on my own. I had assumed that I could now live without being in his close, overpowering sight, but I was wrong. He even recruited Kelsey's brother to keep an eye on me when they were abroad on their honeymoon.
Hello? Just month away and I'm already eighteen!
This is why I wanted fire. I don't want someone to approach me, touch me, or even try to take control of my life. I desire to ignite my own fire. I prefer to make all decisions alone, not in conjunction with anyone else.
I can't drink, party, or can't even invite my bestfriend to see a movie with me here. I'm not even permitted to leave the house this weekend, and if it keeps up next week, I really hope I can make it.
I sighed.
He went home late again. I stood up and let the fire in the hearth live. I whirled around and fixed my eyes on him. He's at it again with his gaze like this. It's odd. It's cold and strong. His jawline's hair is beginning to somewhat grow. He has a mature, yet imposing, appearance.
Kelsey, Andrew's wife said that he attracts a lot of women. She talked alot about his brother, and Kairus is the only single of the family. Kelsey's older bother got married years ago, and while Kairus, the man I'm starring at, is the subject of most of Kelsey's conversations,
His eye shifted to the side and his jaw tightened as he turned away from me. He exudes an air of decency, strictness, and coldness, and he has previously demonstrated these traits both when we first met and up until this point.
He said, "Kill the fire first." His gaze returned to me. I moved closer after nodding, and I could see him moving. I gave him the side-eye and moved past. Without making a sound, I went to the kitchen to fetch a glass of water.
Sometimes I let the fire died watching but since his commanding me, ofcourse, for high powerful human being. I rolled my eyes.
When I returned, he was still keeping an eye on me, as if he were a commander who is ready to fire me.
When my phone rang, I came to a stop next to him. I looked at my phone and saw Gabriel. He is my past suitor way back, and gladly he replied to my text. I craved for fast food, and my bestfriends didn't even texted me back.
Glancing at him, I noticed that he had moved slightly. He slowly backed away from the table and sat down on the sofa as I inched closer to it. He is now looking at the phone next to my ear.
He won't get dressed and go upstairs? While taking the call, I was watching him. When I realized that I was holding the water, I rolled my eyes and moved toward the fireplace.
I gladly greeted to my phone, "Hi!"
He said softly, "Hey...your food is already here. I was about to enter but I see a black car."
I finally turned around and ignore the fireplace. Kairus was giving me a harsh, frigid look, and he was even stricter than my brother. He was gazing at me like he was expecting me to talk about it.
I chuckled and looked outside. "I'm sorry that's Kelseys car. Wait for a seconds-
"Who is that?" Kairus cut me off.
He was standing like he was on guard and I just wanted to push or attack him.
Eyes rolling, I said, "It's my food... delivery."
"You still haven't eaten?" He asked. I'm sure he ate before coming here from work, but I didn't. I'm unable to leave the house and am not a good cook either.
I'm so foolish for allowing myself to be stuck in here when I could easily leave. When I hear his footsteps behind me as he continues to follow me after I left him, I sigh.
Gabriel waved his hand and pointed at the paper bag, and I grinned. He happens to be a classmate of mine, and he was the last person I texted to seek for help because my best buddy had not even texted me back, and I was planning to grill them to death if they ever showed up in front of me again.
"Hi! I'm sorry for the inconvenience!"I greeted him and apologized for the inconvenience, but Gabriel shifted his gaze behind me. His expression... changed. His smile faded.
Like he saw death behind me.
"Who's that?" Gabriel and I both jumped as Kairus asked. I turned to look at him to glare but I couldn't. He was walking quite ominously, as if he were the prince of darkness to be feared.
Although I hadn't turned around, when I heard Gabriel behind me, my mouth dropped open.
"S-sir..." Gabriel greeted, nervous. "I-It's... f-food...de...." He shuttered, "Yes, delivery, Sir."
I turned around, mouth wide opened.
Gabriel looked at me begging and sorry.
Gabriel gently and nervously pushed the paper bag to my hand. He was so terrified. Gabriel said the most jaw-dropping sentences I nevertheless expected.
"Ma'am and Sir, the food fee coupled with the delivery fee is Five Hundred Fifty Pesos."
My jaw fell open. He clearly noticed it. If my best friends were around, I'm sure they would laugh uncontrollably.
Gabriel cast a glance behind me and at me. Even for once, his eyes couldn't remain open. It is blinking, and I know he blinks alot when he's scared.
He averted his gaze.
"Ga-" I haven't started but he cut me. off.
"You can take the change, Aim." He cut me off and said, "I have to go bye!" He truly fled without turning around.
I glared to the last person. "You don't have to scare him like that."
He frowned. "I'm just asking and just ones question he already left. Who was it by the way. Does your brother know who that was?
"This is a food delivery. Tthis is my reward for fucking sticking here and being a nice toddler. I'm so stupid for staying here where I could-
He interrupted me, "You can contact me. If you want food, I can prepare or we can get food-
"This is what I'm doing! But you're scaring all these people! My bestfriends! And him!" I vent out, madly.
He turned his back on me and said, "This is your brother's command to me," as if he were being forced to stay with me. For what?! Damn him!
He walked away, mad.
I yelled, "Don't turn back at me when I'm talking!," but he paid no attention. I followed him.
I continued to scream, "I can't even demand food!" "Don't turn your back on me while I'm talking to you, for fucking sake Kairus Dennis Brovarian! I can't even go out and I hate my brother because he gave all my cards and my money to you! How can I know to budget when you were the one holding my fucking money!"
Despite how frequently I called him, he never so much as glanced back. He entered, and I hurried after him. He walked over to the sofa and grabbed his things.
My lips parted when I first noticed his clenched jaw and menacing aura. My hand gradually retreated from his arms.
He mouthed, savoring those words savagely, "You're so loud. Go to bed and lock the fucking door."
I froze in place as he left. My hands vibrated that wakes me up.
"Who is that man, Aime? He even shake his head, but it looks like he wants to beat me up."
I made my way to my room like a zombie and followed what he said. I locked all the door two times.
For the first time I saw fire... to the rock human being.