Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 1

The Wedding

I hate her. I hate him. I hate them. I wasn't talking about the wedding, because to be honest it was the best and magical I've ever seen. It was my brother's best and happiest moment in life.

You know when its love when he will take you to the place that makes you happy, and that last place he was taken her and brought is here, the church.

This beautiful wedding.

My brother is crying while watching her one step closer, wife.

My eyes scanned around the venue in Kelsey's house. Kelsey Salvador is my brother's wife. She's beautiful and sexy. I roamed my eyes around her friends mostly boys which that was the reason that I don't like her.

However, it may not be hatred at all; maybe, it may be fear that she might hurt my brother.

"Pleased enjoy the party." She whispered with her friends. "I'll go, and talk to my husband's little precious sister." Before she could find me, I quickly left and went to my friends. The boys were waiting of me with a big smile. They already knew, and when they smirk behind my back, I knew it.

I rolled my eyes to them Childish.

"Hey..." I heard Kelsey whispered near me.

"Aimee..." My friends called my name while pointing behind my back. I gave them a fake a smile before turning around.

"She's heavenly beautiful..." My four boy’s bestfriend whispered behind. She heard it, and her eyes turned smaller. I moved my hands behind me, dismissing my friends.

"Did you enjoy the party?" She sweetly asked.

She's really beautiful sometimes it makes me guilty to hate her.

"I love the house." I complimented instead. Their house looks dark but it was her wedding, everything around just bright and sparkly.

"Congratulations. I'm sorry I didn't brought gifts." I said. She smiles, as she always does, and says, "It's fine."

She held my hand and whispered, "I'm still grateful that you're here. Your existence is already a gift to us. Thank you, and a while ago, you were looking so stunning and beautiful as our bridesmaid."

I smiled but it faded the way she's looking at me.

"I'm now married to your brother." She suddenly said.She whispered like it was a dream. She's happy yet her eyes gleam with sadness with me. "He's been with you all the time, and now his parting with you.Please, remember that you are welcome to our house. We already talked about you and we alread prepare a beautiful room for you-"

I interrupted her, "I'm fine, please don't worry about me."

They don't have to worry about me. This is the reason why I chose to live in the Philippines rather stay and reside with my family in abroad. And, trust me, I'll just be sad within a day but tomorrow I'll be happy. I have my full freedom already.

I looked at her seriously. I'm just a seventeen year old girl, and I want to talk to her woman to woman.

"Kelsey...please don't hurt my brother." I whispered. "And, if you have a problem, call me right away and I'll be there for you." I want her to talk the problem with me instead with anyone else, and that way they are both safe with me.

She nodded. "Don't worry Aim, I will never hurt your brother."

I nodded. There wasn't a hundred percent assurance but I'll trust my brother.

"Have you talked to my family?" She asked. I have not. I knew them through tabloids but I never really meet them in personal. Kelsey dragged me with her.

My eyes flew to her brother as I began to feel uneasy.

It's Kairus Dennis Salvador, Kelsey's second older brother. A young successful business. A popular and favorite of all girls.

I immediately saw him since he was the first to look at us. He wasn't even smiling. He look so proper and formal.

Kelsey spoke out in a hushed voice beside me, "Andrew...,"

My brother smiled as he turned around. I feel a sudden tension but when I roamed around its all normal. Maybe it was just a delusion. As soon as he noticed his eyes on me, he exclaimed, "My baby, Aimee." I looked at him with no humor.

"Don't call me baby." I whispered as he went closer, and embrace me. He just chuckled, and kissed my head. I hate how he always talk to me like I was still his five years old sibling.

She's grown-up now, Andrew.

"Still the pissed baby girl." He chuckled beside me. I wanted to scoff, but I couldn't because everyone was staring at us, especially him.

The Salvador's family, a successful wealthy influential family. They've been a favorite subject to tabloids. It was always a good and wonderful news about them especially his brother, the second brother, Kairus Dennis Salvador. Kelsey is only girl, and their eldest is outside the country, and I heard he'll be here next week.

Kelsey's mother said and stared to my eyes,

"It's lovely to see you, ija." Ija, how are you doing?

I smiled, and replied, "I'm good, and I'm loving the celebration."

Looking his parents it was indeed a good genes. No one in their family born with flaws. They look so perfect, and classy.

My eyes moved to Kelsey's brother. I saw his throat moved upside down. I quickly averted my gaze when he caught my eyes staring him.

"Kelsey was right, Andrew." Mr. Salvador uttered looking to my brother. I lightly giggled as he said, "You're sister is certainly very stunning and beautiful, lady."

At his time, Mr. Salvador was the most handsome and well-liked. He was also a businessman, and Mrs. Salvador used to be an actress. It appears as though the past has suddenly walked again. Like her mother, Kelsey is into modeling, and my brother is a successful businessman as well.

My smile faded when my eyes landed on Kelsey's brother. He was giving me a serious, mocking look. The journalist was right he looks so rigid and proper

My brother is strict, according to everyone around me, but this one? I don't know what to say, he stared at me and it felt like he didn't want me to breathe. I wonder how he handle his sister's friend especially mostly Kelsey friends were boys.

My brother even warned all my boy bestfriends, and they weren't allowed to enter my room nor kissed me in the lips that was his rule.

He remained silent for the entirety of the talking time. He was completely focused on listening and staring, nothing else. And I seized the opportunity to break away from their not quite boring business conversation when my friends called.

I took a one last peek, and he was still watching me. He was just standing but I couldn't breath there. He was so intimidating that even just breathing is feel its forbidden.

Now that I was free and far away, I took that chance to grant my heart. He even dared to gaze at me, so without waiting around I gave him the cold shoulder, rolled my eyes at him, and left right away.

It was so childish, but my heart found its triumph of my little revenge. He's taking all the oxegyn with him around along with his emotionless stares. He didn't do anything but why heart feel so sacred around him. I hate it because my heart felt the fear where it shouldn't be.

He stands as a king that we should fear. He is like a fire that must be avoided and like a fire that must be avoided. How ironic.

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