Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 4

I stopped talking and started sulking next to him. He just spared me only for thirty minutes. He doesn’t even cared. He continue eating, pleasuring it like he’s not already late. I don't give a damn if I'm running late today; the boys and I have never been at school early, anyway.

I said as soon as he got up, "I want to talk to my brother." Although his body was towards me, I turned to face the widow. I did not phone or text my brother. I don’t want the newly wed to feel stress or to worry about because of my problem with this guy, but I couldn’t endure it anymore.

My impression about him weren’t good anyway, and even that we lived under the same roof, my perception of him didn't improve and really got worse because of it.

“You can speak with him in the car.” He remarked, “We are already late.”

He took both his and my plate. He took a gentle step away and went to the kitchen. I thought he would simply put it, so I was shocked when he started to turn on the water and begin washing the plate.

I turned my head away.

Andrew, I want you back. I mistakenly believed that freedom meant not needing anyone, but I've come to realize that I need you here always, my dear brother.

I wanted to write a letter to you saying,

“Dear Andrew, I believe the guy you trusted to take care of me is the guy you should hide from me. He’s dominant, and my heart feels it. Every time he’s near, his going to make my heart, constantly, nervously. He's going to make my heart race every time he gets close. I'm worried that the only thing that will kill me will be the relentless, quick, heavy beat.”

I stood up when I heard him close it because the only noise was coming from the water and the soft clatter of the plates. I caught a glimpse of him wiping his hands.

With his physique framed in the kitchen, he appeared strange.

“I’ll give you your allowance.” He said, and I nodded. The gesture he made awhile ago made my mouth shut, or perhaps his action shocked me at all or perhaps it was just that I wasn't used to seeing a guy wash the dishes.

He drove me to school as soon as we left the house. When we got at St. Lucias Academy School, the gate was closed as usual. We just take a leisurely stroll through the mall because the previous time we were late, we couldn't enter.

I don’t know how to say goodbye or should I? K With his right hand on the steering wheel, Kairus was glancing behind me. I opened the door, and then sighed. I'm positive I wouldn't be able to enter.

When I heard the door open as I started to move, I turned around.

“Why are you still here?” I asked. “Leave now. You are already late to your work.”

I know he is the CEO of his company but Kelsey says that he never arrives at the office late. He consistently arrives at work early and leaves work late.

He was so adamantly determined that I simply let him to walk alongside me. As soon as the guard noticed me knocking on the tiny door, his expression hardened.

He said, already losing patience with me, "You're late again." I grinned broadly at him.

I know he’s been listening to my failed promises a lot. I hope it works this time.

I grinned sheepishly, "Promise, this would be my last late." I am sure that he is already weary of listening to my empty promises but we deserved chances, right?

“You already using that words again.” The guard remarked, hardly that made Kairus snorted. “You should wake up early. You know that the gate closed at eight. You should follow your Easton, Noel and Dave who come to school early-“

“What” I interrupted him with disbelief. Them, went early? Impossible.

“Yes, they went here so early. I already warned you to bring your brother or any guardian-“

When Kairus suddenly appeared in front of us, we were completely taken aback.

“I’m here.” He uttered, coldly. “I’m the guardian…at the moment. “

The guard moved near to us, and opened the door. “I’m glad that you have guardian now Miss. Anderson. You keeps on saying that your brother will here, and yet nobody ever showed up.” The guard looked at me, but I covered my mouth with my fingers and whispered for him to stop talking. He only rolls his eyes. “I wonder if you really did told your brother about your late issues-

“Shh…My guardian is here. That’s the only important, right? I’m going now. Bye!” I run without looking back at them.

I dash to the second floor, and as I arrived in the classroom, I was practically astounded by what I saw. Easton, Dave, and Noel were there. I wanted to laugh at them. It’s the first time they went here so early. The boys were staring out the window as if it were snowing. When I approached, they turned to look at me.

They pouted. What kind of miracle is this? They grumbled. This miracle, what kind is it? What kind of breakfast they just eaten caused them to come to school early.

The teacher didn’t question me anymore. She just sighed and went to the whiteboard to continue writing.

“Wow, are you all for real?” I uttered so shockingly as I sat down next to Richard. Richard chuckled softly. Richard is the only one who always arrives at school early, but as I mentioned, he is playful, and even though he looks like a gentleman or decent boy, he always join us in our mischievous activities.

Easton said, "I came here early before the sunrise appears," and I laughed. I gazed ahead, but my attention was on these boys. Easton continued, "I think I prefer going to school to being at home, grounded.

“Atleast, we could talk like this.” Noel said behind me. “I’ve been doing the household chores, alone, and no one even talking to me. I just got drunk, and yeah, I puke, but I’m still their golden son.”

I softly laughed when the last two words he said. Golden boy my ass. I turned my head behind, and Dave was staring at my back.

He yawned. “I’m so sleepy.”

In only a few months, our lives will alter. We'll choose a different path right away and take it seriously. Going college seems to be an exciting journey but the boys and I have the same thoughts, we still don’t know what to do.

The future seems so bright and yet so scary. It was like walking through a light that was completely dark. It was promising yet we know that the door we have picked is not always easy. My brother assured me that every walk I’ve made his always be my side, and my parents support me in any ways that even seeing their kids out of their way living. It must have been difficult, but after you got used to it, it stopped hurting.

Easton was supposed to head the company, whereas Dave was the son of a lawyer, Noel was the son of a nurse, and Richard was the son of a businessman. Our promises are important than our responsibility as of now, and surely the thing they promised their parents would come, and they will need to clutch it securely with their bare hands.

My mind flew directly outside.

I wonder sort of things could heal a heart that has lost a loved one? What kind of medicine they to take in order to cease remembering that person, forget the agony, or erase memories?

Even though we have been preparing, I guess we are not at all prepared because tomorrow will tell us otherwise.

Pain will always be pain, and we, human are bound to end. Love will last once our breath lasted, and we will all remain in the mind as memories.

The white cloudy cloud disappeared, and Richard face appeared instead. He smile widely and his eyes sparkled differently, and I will always believe in the eyes. The eyes is the purest and natural part of the body that never ever lie, and the mouth is the liar.

“Should we eat ice-cream?” He asked which he e knew I would never turn down. The boys were pounding their hands excessively excited as I nodded.

Everything to make you happy.

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