Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 5

I breathed out so heavily, that the cab driver gave us a strange look. He moved his attention back to the open passenger seat next to him. I'm sure that in the back of his mind, he wanted to kick us the way for taking so long to get into the cab, and why no one wants to sit in front.

Before we entered the cab, the boys had been shoving each other mercilessly to sit next to me. To get a seat next to me in the backseat, they were scurrying and fighting. Noel entered first, followed by Richard, and Dave and Easton ran to both doors to yank Noel and Richard out of the backseat.

They just settled when the driver almost started to leave. Now, we are all settled but…I think another bomb is going to explode.

In my left side were David seat close to me, then Richard who’s seating next to David and near the door, silently. In my right side were Easton then Noel.

My eyes moved to my right side, and I crossed my arms while gazing at Easton and Noel. When Noel looked at Easton, the latter returned the favor, not even showing any weakness.

“What?” Easton asked.

I sighed once more as I saw another war coming from them.

"Easton, don't breathe." Noel replied. "From here, I can smell the fire in your breath."

I turned to my left as Richard and Dave discreetly observing the boys over to my right and sneered of what Noel complaint.

Even my sighs go unnoticed by them. I don't think we need to eat ice cream, and what I really need are some glass bottles to shatter against their shaved bald head.

Noel and Easton and their arguments over petty things are the reason why it took us long to leave and even will caused us to be late.

Eyes rolling, Easton challenged Noel while smirking, “Noel, stop complaining. It is no longer my fault that you chose to sit next to me. If you want, you may now begin to stop breathing.”

Richard and Dave chuckled beside me.

I looked the time on my watch. We already waste thirty minutes, and the cab driver is almost pissed on us.

Their eyes widened as I remarked, "You know what guys. If you will still not zip your mouth then I'm going to leave here and seat in the passenger seat." I continued to say, "I'm not sure why I didn't think-"

My eyes widened when David covered my mouth that made me stopped from talking.

"Let's go, Sir Taxi Driver!" Easton screamed. We will triple your reward for holding out for us, sir! He smiled sweetly as he said,”

I chuckled as I heard Richard and Dave also sigh with relief when Noel and Easton stopped talking as the car started run, smoothly.

Richard is not particularly talkative, and he is the one that constantly listens. While, David is in the middle, but he is unquestionably hundred percent talkative when he is chatting to sexy hot babes. You know, flirty thing.

I couldn’t help but to smile in silent as I saw Noel and Easton hands fighting and pinching in silence.

I closed my eyes. Tears of joy and happiness filled my heart as I met them and felt all the extreme happiness they brought to my life every seconds out of sight even how noisy, loud, mischievous, naughty and hard-headed they are.

It’s ironic how we became so close like this where in fact at first we hated each other. We were enemies, and look at us now, we don’t even want to lose each other.

I opened my eyes when the car stopped.

“I’ll pay.” I heard Noel smoothly said.

Easton chuckled, “Of course, you are a…gentle…man…gentleman, rather.”

The boys left the car first. I was about to get out but I stopped in my seat as I watched the boys standing outside the car, and their bowing their heads with a mischievous grin.

I softly laughed.

Boys, and their gestures.

“The princess and the four ducklings.” I said loudly to reach to their heart, and their face crumpled, bitter than bitter.

“It’s the four prince and the queen.” Easton corrected, and he offers his hand.

I accepted it with a smile.

“The queen should walked in the shining shimmering carpet but spare us your majesty for our cutting classes is unexpected.” Noel said behind that made us laugh.

I looked to the two boys, and waited for their speech but Dave and Richard just smiled and they even invisibly took out their invisible crown and offer it to me. To complete their imaginary world, stood up straight, and waved my hands. I’m glad that no one witnesses us…yet.

“The pleasure is mine.” I replied while staring at them in their eyes. This is what we always do when we were three years younger right now. I cleared my throat and tighten my voice into a cold one. “Please, show me the best cuisine in the whole world, the best cuisine that can forget one’s existence.”

Richard took my hand. “My majesty, we will never show you the best cuisine that can forget but we will tour you to the castle…to the beautiful castle.”

I chuckled and gazed to the big mall in front of us.

“Let’s go. We don’t have time left…we have to back to school to get our bag.”

The boys went closer to me. Richard and Noel wrapped their arms both of my shoulder.

“You know we can extend. No one knows we’re here.” Richard said.

“Yeah. Don’t mind our bags we can get them tomorrow or we can buy a new one.” Noel said that made rolled my eyes.

“As if it’ easy. Kelsey’s brother for sure will ask me about it.”

“Ow, I hate that cold emotionless guy." Dave said. “He’s the reason why I’m a broke man.”

Noel laughed. “He stares like he wants to kick our ass, but I know his stares.”

What with his stares? Stares that is watching? Like your heart races so bad that you don’t know if you’re scared…nervous…

“Maybe because his heart is cold because of the tragedy.” Richard uttered.

Tragedy? What kind of tragedy? I looked to Richard.

“What kind of tragedy man?” Dave asked.

“His girlfriend died…”Richard whispered so low that everyone went silent. He chuckled to change the topic. ”Anyway let’s stop talking about him. Let’s go skating or eat first!” Richard said and started walking, dragging me, gently.

My mind still bothered by what Richard, it’s not like I cared but Kelsey and my brother never mentioned that to me.

Is it the reason why he is so ruthless, cold and distant? Is that the result of losing someone—that you pass away at the same time they do? To live in a bare minimum.

I feel a hand on my arms. It was Easton. He smiled and I returned it with a smile as well.

“What’s your order, Madam?” He asked, and I just noticed that we are already in the well-known restaurant. “Don’t worry. Just chose food that you want. It’s on us.” He winked while fanning his self, bragging.

They always the one who pays in everything, my driver, my best man, my best piggy rider.

The boys picked the biggest table. The ordered the expensive and delicious. The boys take their phone and take a photo of us together.

It was so delicious and peaceful until…

“Twenty-thousands?” Dave whispered while reading the receipt. I frown while looking to the boys. This is the cheapest cost compared to the expenses we usually have. Twenty-thousand is just only a bag or a shoes to them.

I can afford but…it just hit me…or us.

The boys looked over at me, and their face paled up.

“I’m grounded…” Dave uttered so shockingly. It was only now that we realized where we had finished eating.

My heart started to freak out. The boys freaked out. They gave their cards and it’s already blocked. The boys place their wallet out in the table and, I placed my five thousand allowance. My card was confiscated.

Richard looked to the waitress. He gave a dashing smiled. “May I talk your manager or perhaps the owner?”

Richard’s family is influential and popular to the world of business, and we know the owner of this restaurant, and we are their solid costumer as well.

The waitress slightly shook her head and gave us a sad smile.

“The son of Mr. Campo and Mr. Baron-“

“That’s us…” Easton cut her off, happily. “It’s me and Noel.” He pointed Noel. The boys starting to hope but the waitress shook her head.

“…are grounded-“

“That’s our father’s doing for sure.” Richard uttered.

We looked each other and looked so dryly and hopeless.

“Prepare for the worst.” Easton whispered.

Noel called his girlfriend but she didn’t answer or the phone is dead. Easton called his childhood best friend that always save him from distress but she answered shouting that his father warned her not to save from his whims. Richard can’t call anyone. We can’t call our family, of course.

Dave texted someone, and gladly, she’s coming to save us.

“Thea?” Easton asked with a smirk. “The nerd?”

“Thea, yes, but she’s not nerd…she...she just wear glasses.” Dave defended.

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