Chapter 5
The past week has been quite gruelling for me. All appeals to my dad to change his decision proved futile on all fronts. I've used my siblings, my mom, and even his Beta. Everyone has tried to talk to him and he was adamant, saying it was the best service I could render to the pack.
The day of my departure has been set for tomorrow since he said, "I have to be a gentleman and go seek out the woman I want to marry."
What a load of bullcrap.
I sighed as I laid on the hammock in the garden and stared at the sky. It was already sunset and the sky had an orange glow as the sun dipped into the horizon. It looked really peaceful as the evening breeze made the hammock even cosier. I didn't want to stand up from it.
"You really are leaving tomorrow, huh?" Reggie's voice invaded my thoughts as I whipped my head to the side to look at him. "Did I startle you?"
"As if you ever can," I said as I looked back at the disappearing sun. "You know, I never get tired of watching this sight even though I've been seeing this same view since I was a child."
"I remember you would drag me here in the snow and watch the sunset until we both catch a cold," Reggie laughed.
"That helped us build a high tolerance to the cold, better than most of the guys in the pack though," I replied. "You're welcome."
"Yeah.....," he said as he sat down on the hammock beside mine. "Like we didn't have to be bedridden for a few days multiple times."
"That's the price you pay for power," I laughed.
"Yeah," he said. "One of the giants would be leaving the pack tomorrow. It'll be lonely being the only one who's seven feet tall in the pack."
"You're 7''1," I replied. "You've always been lonely."
"Fuck you," he laughed. "You know what I mean."
"Stop talking like I'm being sold off or never going to return," I sighed. "It's only gonna be until my marriage. I'll be back once my marriage is finalized."
"Then you'll be too busy for single guys like me," he laughed.
"Of course," I decided to play along. "When I have a kid, I'll teach him to headbutt you in the balls until he's taller than them."
"Now, that's just petty," he replied and we both laughed about it for a while before we fell silent again.
"Is he really gonna let you marry someone you have no attachment whatsoever to?" Reggie complained. "You'd think that he would at least listen when your mom talks to him."
"That man only listens to himself," I sighed. "And my mom wants the marriage too. She hates the bloodshed more than he does. If all I have to do is marry a girl and unite both sides, she would gladly give me up as long as my life is not threatened. They are too duty-driven, and they expect me to be like them. They've taught me to always uphold my duty to the pack before anything else."
"Duty, huh?" he sighed. "Are you gonna be sleeping out here tonight?"
"Yeah," I nodded.
"Okay," he said with a guttural voice as he laid down on the hammock. "I'll join you. Someone has to keep your sorry ass from sulking."
"Yeah, right," I laughed. "Or you're just being a baby and sticking close to me because you'll miss me."
"Keep dreaming," he retorted.
We joked, laughed and talked about a lot of things for a few more hours before he eventually fell asleep, leaving me alone with my thoughts again.
It was the first time that I was taking a trip out of the pack, and it was incredibly difficult for me to accept it because I wasn't going to explore the world. I was going into the enemy's territory to marry someone who I know nothing about.
We're like a tight-knit community in the main pack. Even though we control the whole of the North, having branch packs and spreading across the whole North, the main pack was built simply like a gated community with everyone inside being a close relation to the Alpha or veteran warriors who have earned their place in the community. I grew up here for all twenty-four years of my life and I barely left it for a whole day on my own.
I stared at the night sky for who knows how long before I finally gave in to sleep and let it overwhelm my senses.
The trip to the South the next day was a lot quicker than I expected. It was almost rushed.
I was woken up as early as 5:00 am the next day and immediately told to prepare for school. I wasn't even allowed to see my siblings as they urged me to hurry.
"What's going on, dad?" I asked, confused by the present situation.
"Nothing much," he replied. "I don't want any unnecessary drama from your siblings so you are leaving before they notice it."
"What's so wrong with-"
"Do as your Alpha says," he ordered. "Get in the car."
I obeyed and did as I was told, and the car was off. I was leaving my home without any farewell whatsoever.
"You shouldn't blame your dad or be mad at him for his behaviour today," Arnold, his Beta said. "He was only trying to protect you."
Arnold has dedicated his whole life to serving my father and the Moon Pack for longer than I can remember. He had no life outside the pack. No family, no kids and no relations. My dad had saved his life once when they were younger and he dedicated his life to my father's service until then. We usually tease him most times, saying he loves the Alpha more than the Alpha's wife does.
His words might be biased because of his immense love and respect for my father, but Arnold never lies. Not in the many years I've known him had he told one lie. He'd rather be silent than tell a lie.
"Why would you say that?" I asked. "He's already sending me into enemy territory. What on Earth is he protecting me from?"
"As you know, even though the Alphas of both kingdoms have settled for peace, there is still bound to be friction between both sides. Friction that could lead to rebellion," he explained. "This is to make sure that you aren't attacked before you enter the South kingdom."
"What if I'm attacked in the kingdom?" I asked.
"You can fend off a few fools," he replied in his usual stoic manner. "Besides, the king of the South would be placing you under his personal protection so you have nothing to worry about."
"I don't want to do this, Arnold," I said. "I really don't want to go through with this. I would do anything to ensure peace between both kingdoms. Just not this."
"We don't want you to either," he replied. "But we all have no choice but to accept it. Your father is more worried about the future. He's seen the hatred in the hearts of young ones like you guys and the even younger generation. That was the same hatred we grew up with and I will tell you right now, war is not a pretty sight. I've had first-hand experience with it multiple times and I don't want to relive it ever again."
"And I'm the sacrificial lamb?"
"You are not a sacrifice. You are a bridge."
With that, he stepped on the gas and drove even faster towards the Southern kingdom, and soon we arrived at the kingdom of the South. A place with different werewolves and a totally different culture.
"Now remember," he said as he drove closer to the agreed meeting point. "First of all, absolutely no fights. Avoid throwing punches at anyone unless you don't have a choice. Second, be on your best behaviour. Annoying them just so that you don't marry their daughter is only gonna get you exiled from the pack. These are the words of your father. Be sure to remember them."
"Yeah," I sighed. "Stop being so uptight. You've said this thing over and over again."
As we neared the meeting place, we were greeted by a weird site.
The meeting place was in front of a gated estate which I assume is the place where I would be staying. The houses within it looked high-end, a little too extravagant for my liking since I was taught to appreciate simple things.
The most surprising aspect of it is that there was only one person waiting to welcome me.
A brunette woman who was about six feet tall, and as I alighted the car and got closer to her, I realized she had blue eyes and pointed ears.
"Hi," she smiled as I got closer. "You are?"
"Xavier Russell," I replied.
"Oh, the heir of the Moon Pack," she said extending her hand. "I was sent here by my father to welcome you."
"And you are?"