4. Donate Vagina
Emara Stone
“Now, pull out a blank sheet from your book and get ready for the test.”
Everybody whines as Precisely declares a surprise attack in the name of test.
Why hasn't he died yet?
I honestly don't like Precisely, in fact, nobody likes him. You know that annoying hair of strand stuck in between your food, that's him.
“Anybody who scores less than B will write the paper ten times or I will not let them sit in my class or the exam.” He says while starting the projector.
By this moment I am convinced that Precisely was conceived through anal sex, coz there is no way of being that much of an asshole naturally.
I blindly write the test, like I take my life’s decision. Too cool to care for tomorrow!
As soon as the lecture ends, everyone rushes out like diarrhea. They couldn’t hold themselves in his class, and neither could I.
I see Ethan and his group of nerds walking ahead of me, so I turn right. Though we are siblings, we hardly talk to each other in college.
As soon as I exit the building, I see Ana casually leaning on to the wall with a pink chiffon top and boyfriend jeans. She looks so hot, that if I were a guy, I would definitely date her, mate her and rate her 11 out of 10.
"Ana bae." I scream and run towards her with open hands. "Ema boo." She yells back and hugs me tightly. Ana is a psychology student and the coolest girl in my life after Britney Spears.
I can even take a bullet for her, after wearing the bullet proof jacket, of course.
We walk inside the cafeteria and order coffee. “Do you know Ryan talked to me today?” I tell her as we get seated at the corner window-side table.
“Bitch, don’t tell me.” Ana fakes jealousy and we laugh together.
“He was standing so close to me that I could have licked him.” Words come out running from my mouth like Niagara Falls.
“Emara.” Ana holds my hand and speaks in a serious tone, “You live only once. You should have licked him.” She is right! I could have clean licked his face better than any face wash.
I don’t know why I get scared in the moments where I am supposed to show my valour. I take a sip from my coffee but forget to gulp it down as suddenly I see him walking all tall and square in the canteen.
“Ah! Talk about the devil and he will show his face.” Ana comments as she stares at him as well.
Pure fatal homicide walking on his two feet.
Ryan walks in drastically with his side bitches, Daniel and Drake. My organs jump in excitement, and I feel like to pull out papers and draw them live.
Daniel is wearing a black jacket and a jeans so low that I can see his underwear's red color. The guy's got more stickers on his jacket than my fridge.
Whereas Ryan looks voguish, his hair is nicely set to the side as if he groomed them in front of the mirror for hours, and his tanned skin glows along with his tainted lips.
The lips that could only be touched if you are an Instagram beauty, an agency model, or probably someone with an hourglass figure. His right eye is still swollen, but other than that, he still looks stunning enough to walk the ramp.
They get seated at the table across ours. My eyes couldn't help but stare at Ryan, who seems highly pissed as if someone took the air out of all four tires of his car. He talks back roughly with his bitches, they look like they are having a heated argument, probably debating whose funeral to attend next.
I wish we had sat closer to them so I could hear what he usually talks about with his monkeys, what he thinks while eating, breathing, or while just existing.
Of course, for my research work. Totally in a non-stalking way.
I stare.
And stare.
This man is a work of art and I would happily donate my vagina, if he asks.
"What do you think, how long is he?" Ana whispers beside my ear as she gawks at Ryan too with interest. "I don't know, six feet something." I reply distractedly as my eyes don’t leave his built anatomy.
"Lol, Ema. I was talking about his cock." Ana chuckles humouredly.
"How long is he?" I snap back at her as my curiosity flies to La La land. "I don't know, could be 6.5 or 7 inches." She says while sipping her coffee.
I look back at Ryan, my sight focuses like a DSLR on his fly, and I zoom in till I see his zip's color, grey. "How did you estimate?" I ask her with interest.
"You see his hands..” My focus travels from his fly to his hand, his knuckles look ruptured and his fingers appear long as they hold a cheese grilled sandwich in between.
"It is said men's penis size is almost the same as the distance between their thumb and index finger." Ana finishes her cup and shows me her palm for a demo. I watch her hand attentively.
"This is how long their cock is." Ana points the free space between the tip of her thumb to the tip of her index finger. I instantly check my palm for curiosity, thinking if I were a boy how long would my pee-pee be?
Oh! it's too short. Good I am not a boy.
"So always check a man's hand first before going on a date." Ana gives me one of her chief dating tips. "Thanks, I never knew." I am bamboozled by the theory.
Suddenly my attention focuses on Ryan, who stands up and walks away along with Daniel and Drake. My eyes follow him like his personal secretary, even after he disappears.
“Heard he got suspended today.” Ana says after pushing her coffee aside. “No! Why?” I ask dejectedly. The only reason I come to this torturous college every day is so I could stare at him in between my classes.
“He punched a student brutally this morning, and the video went viral.” She pulls out her phone and shows me the video. My blood cells freeze as I see Ryan ripping the life out of a bleeding guy.
He beautifully choked him.
Watching him raw and in his wild state, something electrifies in my body like a current. As if a switch is turned on in me and I breathe deeply. He is so good at being bad.
Perfect psycho for my story!
‘Do you still think she is sexy?’ He growled through the phone, and I felt my pussy clenching. Oh! It’s about a girl. I wonder who is that girl for whom he is not only ready to spill blood but also to get suspended later.
"Do you wanna come to a party?" Ana suddenly asks bringing me back from my jogging thoughts, "My classmate is throwing a party, it's not that far but its gonna start late and end up late too, so you need to be ready with excuses."
I have never been to a college party before though it has always been on the top of my crime bucket list. "Sure! I am born for that." I say and Ana smiles a big one.
"Cool, come to my home by nine. We need to get red carpet ready first." She adds a wink in the end. I couldn't help but smile wide for her.
Ana is like the female version of Tom Cruize, always ready with escaping ideas.
Suddenly people start running outside. I peek from the table's side window and notice boys sprinting with their phones while screaming, "Ryan is fighting."
Ryan is fighting? Ryan is fighting!!!
I instantly take Ana's hand and pull her off the seat. "Let's go and see him fighting." I yell excitedly. All this time, I have heard him fighting but today, I will be actually witnessing the maniac Ryan live.
It’s such a great day. Thank you, God, thank you!
"What, no! The video is going to get forward anyway." Ana says calmly, but I feel nowhere near calm. "Seeing him live is different." I screech.
Watching his fists move in the air leisurely along with his falling hair and bloody eyes. It's different. It will be like an orgasm for my eyes.
We walk out of the canteen and simply stroll where the crowd flows. The excited mob takes us to the venue near the IT building where they have already formed a circle around Ryan and the one who is going to have a broken face.
I duck my head and plod inside the crowd to witness Ryan's punches from the front view. I see his back, broad shoulders and muscled arms pulled back, ready to strike the one in front of him.
Like a fierce lightning bolt his fist collides with the poor guy's bleeding face.
As if the time got slow, my blood, bones, muscles, orgasm, everything freezes. My eyes open wide and my mouth wider in shock as I scream in angst,
"Oh, no! ETHAN!"