7. Danger Danger Danger
Emara Stone
After a few days of break, the college seems different, and alienated.
I check out the buildings, parking lot, and gardens like a tourist. Judging the architecture, quality of material and design of the premises.
I think I would have drafted a better one if they had asked me first.
"Will you sit here all day?" Ethan asks as he waits for me to hop out of the bike so he could hop off too.
I leisurely get down as I look for a hot 6 feet tall lethal heartbreaking maniac. But other than mediocre crowd and the usual monotonous Instagram models, I see none.
Couldn't he come early, so I could stare at him longer? Maybe skip a shower to save time, like me.
"Are you coming or you will bunk again?" Ethans asks irritatingly as he stands not too far away from me with his disappointed look. His bruises have been healed 50%, and the redness on his swollen cheeks and lips are reduced too. But his nose still looks like a beaten papaya.
"You go. I have to buy something from stationary first." I tell him. He gives me a long skeptical stare, then turns around and leaves. As he walks by, people stare at him and murmur words, recognizing him as Ryan’s recent smashed card.
Well, at least he got famous!
After being used as a punching bag, I hope he will leave Rose alone now. I walk to the stationary and order a pen as I look around for Ryan or his jumbo car.
Ryan is like my morning coffee. Seeing him gives me a high voltage shock that a thousand volt currents couldn't. Staring him has another benefit as well, at least for the day I'll know what to dress him in my imagination.
"Your pen."
I turn my head towards the old man at stationery. He squints his eyes in suspicion and comments, "You are the only student who buys a pen daily. How come you lose it every time?"
Mind your shop, ancient man! I narrow my eyes and quietly walk away with my pen. My bag sways weightlessly with just one book and rest hundred pens.
I give a final look at the street then turn my heels towards the class. This time, I silently entered the room while Professor Precisely was writing a program.
Good, the fat cow didn't notice me!
Hardick again saved a place for me. I hurriedly get seated, pull out my rough book and scribble whatever Precisely wrote on the board.
Rose quietly enters the class after some time. Her face looks downhearted and gloomy as she stares at Ethan before getting seated.
But Ethan being a hard nerd, and cold heart geek, he follows his motto ‘Books over Boobs’ and concentrates on writing his notes.
Ohhh... Breakup scene!
Suddenly the doors swiftly open and Drake walks in like a badass principle while jiggling his jeans’ chains. Precisely glares at him like a detonator missile but doesn't make any noise.
I keep my head low and scribble my rough book with notes that I am never going to refer to. I don’t get it, why I am wasting pages?
"Drake, Melvin, Emara, Remi, and Ahmed, please submit your answer sheets." Precisely announces in the class.
Answer sheet? What answer sheet?
On his call, a few students stand up from their place and submit thick bundles of papers. Even Drake, the anti-intellectual is submitting the papers whereas I am here trying hard to process what kind of answer sheet is Precisely demanding.
Am I dreaming? I should probably wake up.
"Emara Stone. Please submit your answer sheet." Precisely calls my name, and instantly everyone turns round to look at me. I never knew until now that people know my name.
I gulp nervously under the limelight. Precisely's eyes gawk at me like a fully loaded tank as he asks again, "Answer Sheet?"
"I was absent." I give my best reply but Precisely doesn't look impressed. He narrows his eyes and spats savagely, "Then you must have more time to write the paper ten times than other people, right?"
A few silent chuckles echoes in the class. I look down uneasily as all the motherfuckers couldn't stop staring at me. So annoying.
"If you don't have it, please feel free to walk out of the class, Miss Stone." Precisely says as he points his index finger at the door. "Unless and until you submit the answer sheet, you are not allowed in my class. Please leave."
I agitatedly curl my fingers in response to the incoming free humiliation and sarcastic stares of others. I pick my bag, rough book, the pen I bought in the morning and silently yet furiously get out of the class.
He can go suck his students and I won't give a damn.
I glance at my phone, though only a few minutes were remaining for the lecture to end, that stinking cow still threw me out of the class. That dickless Dracula!
I breathe out in frustration, it all happened because I didn't see Ryan and his rigged muscles in the morning. I secretly knew he was my lucky charm.
I walk out of the building tiresomely, but suddenly my steps freeze as I see Ryan looking dashing like Gun & Roses wild after-party, walking on his two feet right in front of me.
Sunlight reflects from his glossy skin and sharp cheekbones like a diamond, Sapphire. He looks like a god who got misguided and accidentally fell on earth.
Ryan is tall like Burj Khalifa and sexy like Mia Khalifa!
My eyes ran over his leather jacket, his puffed and rigged chest that is getting bigger and bigger as he walks closer and closer to me. My heart skips some of its beats as his cruel eyes narrows down at me and directly penetrate mine.
I instantly look back to cross check if he is gawking some chick but other than Him and I, no one else is walking on the street. Holy molly Fuck!
Did he recognize me as the harasser's sister?
I adjust my cap and slowly shift to the left to make room for his built body to pass, but to my surprise he shifts left too.
I instantly shift to the right, and he curiously follows my action and shifts to the right too. Like playing with his prey.
Panic dances in me like disco as he strides straight towards me with a despicable look and a predatory smile. As if he caught a butterfly in his tangled web.
Fear creeps in me as I imagine my squashed face with a rotten papaya nose. No! Run, Emara. RUN!
"Hey! Stop." He growls and clamps his huge caveman palms on my arms. His voice rings in my head, as if screaming Danger Danger Danger, but I couldn't move.
Ryan towers over me dominatingly as he slowly takes off my cap and lets it fall carelessly on the ground. Is he going to punch me too for being Ethan's sister?
My hair descends next, unfurling curls after curls, falling down to his hands that clutch my arms. Ryan’s eyes widen in surprise. His pupils expand impossibly vase as if he has been awe-struck by the lightning firebolt.
I couldn’t breathe under him. As if his athletic body somehow sucked up all the space from my surrounding and I couldn't look away from him for a tiny second.
The pressure from my arm releases as he lifts his hand and.. Wait! If he is not punching me, then what is he doin.... Holly Octopus' pussy!
Suddenly Ryan crashes his hot sinister lips on mine. My lips feel on fire as if they are introduced to a wet volcano. I try to breathe out of the situation as his lips move smoothly over mine, sucking them immorally between his. Oh my groceries!
My heart beats like a church's bell and so do my ears as I feel his hand gripping the back of my neck, locking me from escaping. My knees wobble like jello but that's doesn't affect Ryan's kissing skills. He holds me in a steel grip as his tongue smoothly brushes inside my mouth.
This must be a dream! A fucking hot dream. This has to be a dream, otherwise, why would he kiss me?
My heart whistles, shrieks, and makes exciting noises as I start to kiss him back, slowly. Our lips flirt with each other passionately as if we both are getting suspended in the next moment.
The whistles soar like a siren as slowly Ryan's lips detach from mine. Current passes through my spine as he takes my bottom lip in between his teeth and bites it sensually. The sting pains beautifully.
I open my eyes and see him smirking at me. Behind him I see a huge crowd howling at us. They all have phones in their hands and their eyes reek of excitement as they record us.
What are they doing in my dream? Lol.
But my focus stays on only one man, that is my dream knight Ryan, who is corruptly staring at me, waiting for some more action. His hand slides to my waist as he inclines to my ear and purrs in his hot husky voice, “Enjoyed?”
Everything feels so real!
I blink once, twice, thrice but he is still standing there in front of me. In fact, nothing vanished from the scene, instead I notice how beautiful he looks with a zoom in.
"You are cute." He purrs again and leans down with wicked intentions. As soon as he conquers my thirsty lips again, the crowd goes crazy. They howl and scream, the shutter sound of cameras continues and so do the whistles.
Ryan's rough hands carelessly fondle my ass as he deepens the kiss by inserting his hot tongue into my mouth. His minty cardamom taste bombards in my mouth as his tongue smoothly rolls over mine.
I grab his leather jacket for support as he pushes his tongue to go deeper, deeper into my mouth. Mercy, god!
Suddenly, I heard a loud, aggressive, a bit familiar growl, "What the hell are you doing with my sister?"
Time froze.
Earth stopped spinning.
Netflix paused.
Someone's daughter swallowed.
The crowd goes hush, to pin-drop silence as my eyes open up. In an instance, I see a flying fist coming from behind me that crashes on Ryan's nose directly, throwing his head back like a bag of potatoes.
His hands leave my waist as he stumbles back by the sudden brutal punch he took. Blood leaks from his nose and falls to his leather jacket, drip by drip.
Drop by drop.
And suddenly everyone gasps, "Ohhhhhh fuckkkkkk!"