Chapter 6
"Ouch!" I mumbled curses as a twig snapped under my feet so painful. I was in a place it was so dark that I could not even see my own hands.
As of now, I had three options left in order to get the hell out of there and figure out what the hell is wrong with me. Firstly, I could scream murder to get anyone's attention, I could just relax and have a nap here, or I could pinch myself to wake up. Something was telling me this was a dream. I went with the first one. I screamed very loudly. I almost regretted it.
"Do not be scared when you are with me, my child."
Shit. "Who's there?"
"There is no time to waste. I have to go we will talk when you have found your mate."
It was the softest, loudest voice I'd ever heard. I didn't have the chance to reply when I felt myself drifting away to sleep.
"I can't believe you are turning eighteen tomorrow," Winter said excitedly as we prepared for the party that was going to take place at her house.
"Yeah, and meeting my mate," I said finishing her sentence. I was over-excited.
"Well, your mate is probably going to be very hot."
"I know right?"
"Hey, guys!" Dad cheerfully said.
I rolled my eyes as Winter fancied my father. It’s been years but she can't get over him.
"No offence but I'm not a guy," I said sassily as I rolled my eyes.
Dad's eyes comically widened acting surprised. "Oh, my moon! Really? I'm sorry I did not realize."
"Haahaa very funny Dad."
Instead of my comeback hurting him he just smiled. He raised his hands in defeat laughing at me "Oh well I know I'm pretty funny".
"That was not a compliment, Chris".
"To me, it was Mike."
I clenched my teeth. Sometimes Dad is so frustrating. I stormed outside to the garden in anger. My middle name didn't really suit me. I sat down on the green grass. I wonder who named me Mike.
Today, we are finding our mate.
You mean tomorrow? Emily tells her as she sighs.
A few hours till we have someone to depend on and cry on.
I will depend on no man, Emily, make no mistake.
I am not depending on anyone. I clenched my teeth together in anger. Emily is being such a nuisance about this mate thing.
"Ugh!" I felt so frustrated as I kicked the tree next to me barely feeling the pain.
"Yo, Mike! Stop abusing nature. Come here!" Dad shouted from inside the house.
As much as I want to tell him to go f*ck himself, he is my dad and I have to obey.
"Yes, Dad?" I said as I approached the doorway watching him.
"Hey, darling go and fetch the liquor bottles from the car."
"Like dad seriously? Can't you do it for yourself?" I scrunched my nose in annoyance.
"Whose birthday is it?"
"Mine, but aren't you the fit one for the job?" I asked him.
He just sat down on a couch and crossed his legs relaxing, which meant one thing he wouldn’t move.
"Oh god, I think I'm gonna break some bones" complains my favourite cousin of all.
"Dude you are a werewolf?" I argued as I laughed.
"So? That doesn't mean I can't feel the impact of heavy stuff."
I drifted my eyes to her hands. "You are carrying glasses small glasses."
"You make it sound so wrong," she scrunched her nose ruining her beautiful face.
"Anyway, happy birthday!"
Dad’s laugh booms throughout the whole house.
"You always say the wrong things at the wrong time." I point out.
"My bad," she said exiting the kitchen.
Ladies and gentlemen, that is my beautiful and lovely cousin, Dani.
"That's why I love her because she ends tension," Dad says pointing a finger at Dani's retreating figure.
"Dad, what tension are you talking about?" I ask crossing my arms. I felt like an adult in this situation.
"Nothing. I've got to go, see you tomorrow." He jumps off the couch and goes to leave. "Remember, straight home after school."
I jump a little at his voice and he grins at my jumpy state.
"And I will know if you bunked."
I rolled my eyes, but I knew he wasn't joking.
"Who's supposed to fetch alcohol from the store?" I shouted through the house knowing they could hear me. I felt my heartbeat raise its pace.
"Autumn, what are you doing to me?" I murmured to myself in pain at the memories we had together. I tried to get myself to calm down because being hurt wouldn’t help me. I ran to Winter’s room feeling the tears coming.
"Hey, where are you going?" Dani shouted as I ran past her.
"Call me when it's about to start," I said in a strained voice. I closed Winter's door with a bang, and I lock it. I immediately let my tears flow freely.
I miss her so much. It's just so unfair. How could she leave but I'm suffering? I wonder if she misses me as I miss her. She was always the one to fetch alcohol for my birthdays ever since we were 16 years old.
I clench my hair restraining myself from destroying everything here. I closed my eyes for a brief moment trying to calm down as I felt hands wrap themselves around my body.
"It's okay" I wailed more as I heard Winter's soft voice.
"I..miss her so much," I said through the hiccup. I didn't even feel like talking about it.
"I know darling me too it is okay to cry," she said while brushing my hair in a soothing manner.
"All the good happy days we had. How could she throw that away without a second thought?"
"It's OK, shhh."
"Do you think she misses us?" I felt myself breaking when Winter doubted replying to me.
"You know I miss when people would call us the seasons and month girls."
"Go to sleep April. I will call you when it's time."
I didn't even protest. I lay my head on her pillow and dozed off.
"Aargh the hangover is killing me," Winter says with her mouth full of cereal.
"Eeuw! Winter are you still drunk? Perhaps because if I remember correctly a normal person doesn't speak with her mouth full." Dani said while cringing and looking away.
"I don't know whether you are stupid or what's wrong with you because you know exactly, I'm not normal," Winter said smiling.
Dani rolled her eyes "Yeah yeah, I know you are a werewolf."
Yeah, so I'm seated here with a hungover Winter and a sober Dani arguing about who is innocent between the two.
"You, Dani you so that I'm sure you look away when people are shifting in front of you."
Dani's eyes widen, "Of course! It’s called privacy."
"See? See what I mean April?"
Okay, so I didn't find my mate at the party. I knew I would later on today because Dad said I was born in the afternoon.
"See, you didn't even get drunk yesterday. You kept telling people not to drink and drive. You even offered them rides! How innocent can you be?" Said Winter leaving Dani blushing scarlet.
I could not have asked for a better morning. I'm being sarcastic. I prepared and packed my clothes. I was returning to my house and Dad was taking his own sweet time or he is not coming so I asked Winter to drop me off at my house.
"I'm home-" I stop mid-sentence as I inhale the wonderful scent that is driving my wolf crazy.
Does Dad have some visitors? But I don't hear any chatter. I followed the now strong scent that was driving me nuts already of hot chocolate and mint in the kitchen to see Dad typing away on his laptop.
I furrowed my eyebrows. What?
Dad? No. I laughed a little in confusion and fear. Dad turns to me and immediately his eyes change colour.
"No, you can't be my mate," I said looking at him and wishing that I should've stayed with Winter.
He smirks and I drop my books on the floor.
Dad never smirked at me.
"That, I am, mate."
"Mate" the words left my mouth without my mind registering it so much that I felt my eyelids drop, I felt him catch me before I hit the ground.