Chapter 2

Eliza’s POV

He’s here again. I walked into the club and see the birthday boy from yesterday. Seems like he’s alone this time around. I picked up the pace and skipped to the back room to get ready. “Looks like he couldn’t get enough of you yesterday,” Tabitha tells me.

“Yea, he’s like every other horny guy out there.” I replied. Today I decide to curl my hair and wear black heels and a black lingerie set. I love how the darkness of the outfit contrasts with the paleness of my skin.

Pearl walks backstage from her set which means it’s Tabitha next and then me. I didn’t have a chance to go home and change into my contacts so I have to wear my glasses. I pray that I just look like a sexy librarian.

Tabitha’s song ends and I go out on stage to do my routine. I see many familiar faces as well as new ones but the face that stands out the most is the one from yesterday. He’s burning a hole into my body like he wants to devour me whole. I decided to be friendly and shoot him a wink which earns me a shit-eating grin. Damn he’s got dimples. My weakness. I finished up and head backstage and hang out for awhile, I do two more routines for the night and a couple private lap dances before I head out. As I’m leaving I hear someone yell, “Hey, Cherry wait up!” Pulling my coat tighter around me I turn around and come face to face with birthday boy.

“Where’s the fire? I didn’t have a chance to talk to you yesterday and I came all this way to see you again.” He said. “Come out and have a few drinks with me. I don’t bite. Hard.” He winked.

I search his face for any malice and he seems somewhat harmless, just another normal horny man.

“Umm sure. Just a few then I need to head home.”

“Do you wear contacts?” He asked.

“Yes, I forgot them today.”

“That’s what I thought. You had bright blue eyes yesterday.”

“Sorry to disappoint.” I grumbled.

He raised his hands in a surrender pose, “I didn’t mean it like that. Your green eyes are beautiful as they are. You don’t need to hide behind colored contacts.” I felt myself blush a little at that.

“So, what’s your name?” My curiosity finally got the better of me.

He reached out a hand, “Tanner.”

I returned the gesture, “Lizzy.” It’s a nickname, not really lying I tell myself.

He grabs my hand, making me shiver from the cold and we walk to a nearby bar.

“So how old are you Lizzy?”

“I’m 22. How about you?”

“I just turned 24 yesterday, as you saw.” He replied. We talked awhile and just enjoyed each other’s company. At one point he leaned in like he wanted to kiss me and I froze like a deer in headlights. I know that I strip but I’m not experience at all sexually. I’ve only kissed a couple guys at a few parties. I felt the cool press of his lips against mine and his tongue requesting access against the seam of my mouth. I tentatively open up and allow him to sweep in, tasting every corner of my mouth. Breathing heavy, we finally pull away from each other. He reached out and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ears. “I’d like to see you again Lizzy.”

I searched his eyes trying to decide what I want to do.

“I’d like to but I don’t have a lot of free time.” I confessed.

“No matter, we can meet here when you get off work until I can convince you that you have enough free time.” He smiled down at me.

Over the next couple days Tanner came over after I got off work and we would go to the bar and relax, getting to know each other. He was very easy to talk to and I was glad that he didn’t pressure me to take things further.

I just got to Derek’s house to watch Tammy. Things seemed to be alright with him, he gives me the same level of attention as before which is a relief.

I rounded the corner into the living room and see Derek, Tanner and a random girl sitting on Tanner’s lap. I could feel tears well in my eyes, I should’ve known he was like every other guy. I thought he respected me. I accidentally dropped the books I was carrying and see his eyes shoot up.

“Lizzy?” He calls out. I shake my head and take off running out the front door. I feel a hand grab my elbow and pull me back.

“What are you doing here?” He asked.

“I work here during the day. I watch Tammy.” A look of understanding dawned on his face.

“Why are you so upset?” He asked.

I scoffed. “Maybe it had to do with the woman sitting on your lap, I thought you respected me more than that!”

“I do respect you! Besides, we aren’t dating, so what does it matter?” He growled. Hurt, the tears start flowing freely and I take off, not listening to him yelling my name. When I make it home I shut the door behind me and let all my tears out. I’m not looking forward to tomorrow. I’m just thankful that I’m not stripping tonight.

The next morning I walk to Derek’s house, hoping not to see Tanner again. I go to knock on the front door when it shoots open. I felt arms pull me into a rock hard body and I was surrounded by Tanner’s scent.

“Talk to me,” he murmured. I resisted and tried to break free but he had a tight grip on my waist. Next thing I know, his lips crash down on mine. He held the back of my head, preventing my escape while his tongue invaded my mouth. I struggle for a minute but then relent, kissing him back.

“Can you forgive me for acting like an asshole?” He asked when we broke away.

“Give me time.” I told him. He nodded and gave me another short kiss until we hear someone clear their throat. I look over to see Derek smiling widely. My stomach dropped and I paled, I really hope he doesn’t recognize me.

“So Lizzy? I think Tammy is waiting for you.” He smirked. I blushed and scurried away, leaving the two men.

Shortly after, I’m playing with Tammy in her room when there’s a knock on the door. Derek opens up and called me into the hallway.

“What’s up?” I asked him nervously. He then pushes me against the wall and shoves his tongue in my mouth while grabbing my ass and squeezing. I push and resist but he doesn’t budge. I finally free a hand and slap him which stops his assault.

“You’ll regret that bitch!” He growled out before he stomped away. I do my best to stifle my crying and clean my face up before returning to Tammy. I think of texting Tanner but what would I say? Your friend attempted to assault me? For now I try to focus on pushing those thoughts out of my head. I turn my attention to Tammy playing with her horses and smile. She’s the best part of my job.

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