Dinner of one
“Come on, Kenzy, we're going to be late!”
“I will be out in a moment.”
I give up on choosing between dresses, grabbing the nearest one, and pulling it on. I was going to do something with my hair, but I procrastinated too long and it's too late.
Hannah is waiting impatiently.
"I don't want to be late, we'll make a bad impression.”
“You do realize that we're not engaged, right? You are just filling in for Raymond because I can't have them alone. A good impression isn't necessarily. Besides, my family knows you.” I explained over the room.
“I know, but I still don't want to give them any more reason to berate you than they have already.”
That's true enough. My family is going to be a nightmare.
Hannah drives, and all too soon, we're pulling at my mom's driveway. Marcus's car is already here. There are cars parked all along the sides of the streets. My mom always favored big gatherings.
She opened the door, her eyes going from me to Hannah. Her mouth pop open in comical surprise.
“Kenzy! where's Raymond?”
“Nice to see you again, Dolly." Hannah takes my arm and practically drags me inside.
Everyone clusters around me, looking at Hannah in dismay. I steel myself.
“I have something to tell you all. Raymond and I have broken off our engagement.”
My pronouncement is met with shocked silence.
Then the room explodes.
Everyone started asking questions at once. I fold my arms, trying to pick out one or two to answer.
“Alright, enough !” Hannah comes to my rescue. Kenzy has just gotten here, let's not mob her.”
“But maybe we can fix things between Raymond. You've been together for so long....surely you can try again.”
“Sorry, mom, but I'm going to be strictly dinner for one of the foreseeable future. Raymond and I are done for good, and I have no interest in dating at this moment.”
I'd hoped she will leave it at that, but of course, she has to keep pushing.
“Maybe I can talk to him, get him to consider...”
“Mom, I broke up with him.”
“But why, sweetie? The two of you are so good together.”
I know she's trying to help, but I'm grating on my nerve. He cheated on me, ok? With our neighbor's daughter. She's nineteen.”
If my first statement was met with shock, it's nothing to what happened now.
A deadly silence smothers the room. Everyone is looking at me with pity. I hate it.
“I'm starving. When are we eating ?”
“Thank God Marcus is here. As always my big brother comes to rescue me.“Right through here, Kenzy, Hannah .” He chivvies us toward the dining room.
I wouldn't be surprised if one of the many relatives my mom invited faints.
Hannah put an encouraging hand on my back. “That the head part is done. I don't think any of them will dare bring up the subject again.”
“Maybe not tonight, but you watch. They'll be on me like a pack of hounds soon enough. You know how my mom goes on about making sure to have children while I'm still able.”
Marcus snorts.“For God's sake, you're twenty-five! Mom's just neurotic.”
Before he says anything else, everyone started coming in. The conversation is tense at first, but eventually, everyone loosens up a bit.
The rest of the dinner goes about as well as can be expected. I suppose it's nice enough, but I'm counting the minutes until it's over.
As soon as I'm home, I want to text Dylan.
He will get a laugh out of the whole announcement fiasco, and he 'll find some way to make me feel better about it.
Despite his secret, I feel like right now, Dylan gets me better than anyone else does.
We get home about four hours later.
I sometimes wonder if Dolly is part squid. The way she holds unto Marcus and me is evocative of grasping tentacles. I love my mom, but she can be too much at times.
When I checked my phone, I have a WhatsApp message waiting.
Dylan: How goes the war.
Kenzy: I survived with minor wounds, but I fear they may fester.
Dylan: That bad, huh?
Kenzy: I kind of shocked them into silence when I blurted out that Raymond cheated on me with a nineteen-year-old.
Dylan: LoL yeah that would do it.
Kenzy: They left me alone after that, but the sharks are circling.
Dylan: I'll protect you.
What is he going to do, chain my family up?
I've been working on my investigation, but I haven't made any progress. I still don't know what he's doing with all those chains.
Kenzy: Are we on for tomorrow?
Dylan: Can't wait, dear.
Kenzy: See you then.
I find myself smiling at the phone on the dresser.
Hannah hasn't commented on the fact that Dylan and I are seeing each other every day. I told myself I'm making up for the lost time, but really, I just can't seem to stay away from him.
I scroll to his profile picture. It's a good one. He's leaning casually against the wall, his hands behind his head, looking to the side at the camera. It displays his full form in a way that makes me forget that Dylan and I are just supposed to be friends.
I check that the door is closed. Hannah is probably in bed already. I lay back, pushing a hand through my pants.
Lightly at first, I started fingering my clit as I looked at Dylan's pictures. I imagine kissing him and having him kiss me back.
The thought spurs me on. I started rubbing my clit faster, closing my eyes as I imagine Dylan touching me, pretending that it's his finger rather than mine. I'd tell him to hurry up to get his cock inside me.
I'm breathing heavily as I envision the scene. Dylan looked up at me, his eyes filled with heat.
Fuck I need him so badly.
My pussy is aching and empty. I reach over into my drawer and pulled my favorite dildo. I'm already wet and ready.
With my left hand, I push it slowly in and out of my pussy, while my right handwork on my clit.
I close my eyes, imagining Dylan climbing on top of me. He leaned closer, his hot breath ghosting over my cheek. I turn my head, capturing his lips. We kiss, fast and wet and frantic.
I run my hands over his skin. A sight sheen of sweat is building in me. Dylan is breathing as fast as me- as though he's sprinting rather than laying on the bed.
“Get inside me” I murmured to the Dylan in my head. His cock was hard and dripping. Precome smears across my stomach. I moan at the feel of him pressed against me.
My legs were already spread, but I opened them further, inviting him in. Dylan doesn't need to ask twice. He pushed in so, so slowly. It's amazing and infuriating at the same time. I can feel my pussy stretching.
Dylan is an average-sized guy, but his cock seems way out of proportion to his body.
God, he's so big. I wonder if he's really this size, or if it's my overactive imagination.
He starts thrusting into me, grunting each time his cock bit the bareback of my pussy.
I'm close, so close.
I thrust the dildo faster, my other hand going in a frantic circle over my clit. I'm starting to get cramps in my wrist, but I don't care.
In my mind, Dylan is thrusting faster, pounding into me really hard as he searches for his own release. I imagine what his face will look like as he comes, how he'll hold me tight as he pumps into me.
That vision has me tipping over the edge. I cry out Dylan's name as the organism sweep through me. My pussy contracts frantically, pushing the dildo out, but I'm done with it anyway.
My hand lingers on my clit, drawing it out for as long as possible. Finally, it fades leaving me sated and relaxed.
As I catch my breath, guilt starts to well up in me.
What have I done? I can't wank to Dylan, that's just plain weird. He's my friend.
A smoking hot friend.
That doesn't matter! It's creepy.
Didn't hear you complaining when you were crying his name out of pleasure.
Shut up, Kenzy. You're going to ruin things for Dylan if you carry on like this. He just got back, and you want him to vanish for another six months.
Having arguments with myself in my head is surely the first sign of madness, but I'm still too high off the organism to care much. Still, it was wrong. I really shouldn't do that again.
There's plenty of porn online. It I want to wank to something. I'll have to download some of that. Dylan is off-limits.
Somehow, I doubt that's a rule I'll abide to stick to for long, but that's a problem for another day.
A knock on the door brings me out of my thoughts. “Kenzy, are you okay? I thought I had you yelling .”