
Colt stood in the shower, the water scalding her skin as the heat penetrated deep into her bones and all around her was a thick layer of steam. Her vision was much more heightened than a human, and in this respect she took after her mother; with her wildcat genetics allowing her a very strong sense of sight, but even that wasn't strong enough for her to see clearly in this haze anymore. Which suggested that despite her enjoyment of the heat, it was probably time to get out of the shower now. A fact which she was loathed to admit.

After another fifteen minutes, she found herself turning the taps off with a groan and stepping out from her cubicle. Colt grabbed the resort's white fluffy towel to wrap around herself as fast as she could, always looking to trap in that warmth against herself as much as possible. Then she headed through into the communal female changing room to grab her things from her locker and go get changed.

Prior to her shower, Colt had just finished teaching her self defence class. It was aimed at teaching people specialised defence moves against specific shifter species types, who may be threatening them. After what felt like a childhood of permanently fighting off bullying attempts through school by her shifter class mates for not being normal, Colt wanted to give something back to the other underdogs of the world. There was nothing worse in her mind than a bully, no matter the level of torture they would dish out, and this was why she wanted to make a safe space for shifters and humans a like; because monsters come disguised in every species and sub-species.

That's where her idea for the luxury Sanctuary Hotel Resort was born. It was a luxury hide away in Montana, where anyone was welcome to go, with the promise of nature, relaxation, fun and most importantly safety. The resort was comprised of a five star hotel block with a wing set aside for their offices, two restaurants and a bar.

Then close by with easy access outside there were the tennis courts, running tracks both cross country throughout the forests - with designated running areas for humanoid forms and animal ones - and a circular track around the tennis courts, for those who preferred to run or jog on a hard track.

About a quarter mile away, there were the spa buildings, including saunas and the pool areas, with gym areas like the one Colt teaches her classes in.

But Colt's favourite spot overall was their newest addition and a total guilty pleasure on her part; the stables and riding arena she has only recently installed, and it is here which she can often be found in her free time.

Conveniently for her they were built next to her small cottage home for easier access, made an easy decision by the flighty nature of horses. With so many predators running in their animal forms, it was easy to decide to keep the horses across on the other side of their land, where they wouldn’t be constantly on edge by all the lions, tigers and wolves flitting around the place. A fact which she had no shame in admitting worked very well for her.

The Sanctuary Hotel Resort, was her baby and as such, with Colt’s ethos was a strict no nasty policy. Okay, she gave the clause a better title on the contract every member or guest had to sign before their arrival. But the idea was simple, so much as one cruel taunt and you were out. No second chances, do not pass go, and certainly do not collect your two hundred dollars - you are out; and violence was a definite no with an added one thousand dollar fine.

The accumulated money from the fines they gave out, were then donated to charity at the end of the year. Usually one which was dedicated to helping victims in their recovery from violence of some sort. It varied from year to year, this year it was going towards a children’s charity aimed at buying Christmas gifts for families who had escaped domestic violence and had to begin again. It was one of Colt’s proudest initiatives.

With all this in place the resort was a huge success. So much so that at twenty-four years of age Colt was mortgage and business loan free, with more than enough money to live comfortably should she quit tomorrow. Not that she could or would, genetically she was an an anomaly with a feline mother and a wolf father but she herself presenting for the most part as human, because since she couldn't shift, despite having a few added abilities. So, feeling part of both worlds yet part of neither at the same time, Colt felt very strongly about giving everyone a safe place to retreat to. Which is why as she was drying her long black hair, the dark skinned beauty who deliberately barged into her couldn't just be let go.

"I think you will find the words, excuse me work quite sufficiently, if you wanted past me" Colt said after switching off the hair dryer.

The woman looked down her nose at Colt, before she snorted, "Know your place half breed, I would hate to have to break a nail demonstrating it to you.” Her snarling tone caused the room to seemingly still.

Colt sighed, "Oh you're going to regret that, Sweetie,” she stated, walking closer to the woman with an eerily calm smile. “I suggest you pack your things and leave.This resort doesn't take kindly towards those mongrels who think they can break the rules" Colt explained back at the she wolf with a tilt of her head.

She was pretty sure the woman thought she was half human, and therefore completely non-threatening. That was a mistake.

"What did you just call me?" The woman asked in disbelief, "You are asking for me paint you black and blue, Freak, do you get that?" she laughed, stepping up to try and intimidate Colt.

“As much as I would love to see you try, and really I would, I think it’s a lesson you need to learn. But, as I’m finished teaching now, I have a better idea" Colt smirked back, at the quickly befuddled woman. "Davis, Mick" she suddenly shouted out, knowing they were nearby, "Escort this over inflated bitch and her ego out, please. I am sure her friends can gather her things for her. She has overstayed her welcome by breaking our code of conduct and is no longer welcome."

"Wait, what?" said the woman, backing away at the sight of the two large bear shifters entering the changing facilities and approaching her.

"Got it, Colt." they replied in unison, moving to restrain the woman who was clearly the culprit; judging by the frustration in her eyes.

"Colt? As in Colt Merrier? But, but your a woman." She said, desperate for some kind of way to refute what was happening.

"Oh my really?” Colt responded, play acting as she ran to look in the mirror, "Holy crap! You're right! When did that happen?" she sarcastically replied, with a scoff of her own. "Goodbye now," she smiled, waving to the woman who was being removed. Then, turning to her leftover friends she calmly stated, "You are all fine to stay so long as you follow the rules, she will not be returning however. The choice is yours."

They nodded in meek understanding, as the suddenly professional seeming raven haired woman left the changing rooms and headed back towards the main building. Her destination was in the more relaxed bar area. Where a rather handsome lion shifter happened to be working, one that she may still have a soft spot for. Colt had only planned to grab a quick snack and a glass of orange juice there, before heading to her office to file away some wage reports.

Unfortunately for Colt she didn't quite realise just how deluded that assumption was, because things around Felix Torr, were never simple.

"Hey Felix, how's your afternoon going?" Colt asked the lion shifter bar tender.

He was twenty-eight with piercing golden eyes and shaggy blonde hair atop of his ebony head. He was definitely strikingly handsome with his strong jawline and even stronger muscles.

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