Felix was twenty-eight with piercing golden eyes and shaggy blonde hair atop of his ebony head. He was definitely strikingly handsome with his strong jawline and even stronger muscles. Every bit the large and in charge proud male, anyone would imagine of a lion, and Colt would likely still be enjoying their extra curricular activities very satisfactorily, if it weren't for the fact that Felix got a bit too attached to her.
It was completely unnatural for a lion shifter type; normally their males ended up with a harem of women, two at the very least, but Felix had wanted to settle down with just one, and she was his boss. However, as Colt was decidedly not the settle down type and as such, she decided they had to stop what they were doing.
Felix being a cat type himself, understood that desire, and he even respected Colt for being honest about it and ending their no strings attached fun before it got too messy. Though being the natural flirt he is, he does still try it on with her at every opportunity, because frankly with her alabaster skin, midnight coloured hair and eyes such a vibrant hazel colour - he had lost track of just how many colours were entwined together in there - he just couldn't extinguish that attraction he felt towards her. Also that's not to mention what he thought of her figure, she was tall at five foot ten, with legs he was sure went on forever a neat waist, but an ass that just wouldn't quit. To be honest, if he didn't try and at least get her back in bed, he was pretty sure his man card would be revoked altogether.
"Hey there Kitten, it's going fine. Lunch was busy earlier, but it seems to have settled out before the pre evening rush. How was your class? You want me to help you stretch out later?" he asked, winking with all the subtlety of a sledge hammer.
"Felix, behave yourself, I am not in the mood for flirting. And yes, the class was good thanks." she answered, walking behind the bar to make her drink and put her food order through the till to the kitchen.
"Oh, come on Kitten, you know I can help relieve that stress " he said waggling his eye brows as his eyes drank her in.
"Pussy Cat, quit while you're ahead. Before I say something, you'll regret." Colt warned, without even flicking her eyes from the till in his direction as she put her order through.
Before she knew it, Felix had slid up behind her leaving not even an inch between their bodies, his strong forearm was suddenly wrapped about her waist locking her in place as his chest rumbled with a quiet roar. It was the type of roar that made his whole body vibrate against her back and normally made her go weak at the knees. He then stooped slightly to place his chin on her shoulder, and began nuzzling his stubbled cheek into her neck.
It was when Colt felt the scratch of his stubble against her soft skin, however that she struck, elbowing him in the gut, then turning around to send an uppercut to his jaw. He staggered back a few paces, his facial stubble retracting back and giving him back his clean shaven look again.
"You did not just try to scent mark me you asshole!" Colt shouted at him, rubbing her neck with her hand and bringing it to her nose to smell.
Frowning as she noticed the scent of the temporary mark lingering.
"Oh come on Colt, you know I excite you" he purred, evidently turned on by her refusal, "I felt you leaning back against me, Kitten, the way your ass pressed I to my front," he added, while wearing a cocky smile.
"Felix Torr, a lazer pen moving on the carpet is enough to fucking get you excited!" Colt snapped, "And there is a difference between me leaning back and you pulling me backwards? Now, bloody pack it in, or I will be looking for a new bar tender. Do you understand?" Colt bit back at him, annoyed at his brazen attempt to claim her for the night.
Red in the face Felix paused, getting a public dressing down from his boss had somewhat cooled off his libido. "Sorry, I cant help it, there's just something about you, that I.... I'm sorry I should have more control over myself, Kitten," he apologized.
Colt sighed, "Look, I know we have great chemistry Pussy Cat, and I do understand it's confusing especially because your a lion. Which is why we ended things after all," she sighed out, "You really do have to stop this though. I told you I would not mate with you, so please for the love of my sanity don't make me whack you again. I dont like it. Plus, it looks really bad when the boss can't stick to her own rules, even if you were being inappropriate to begin with." She patted him on the shoulder.
"Yeah, I know." Felix sighed. "Sorry Colt. Hug?" He asked, opening his arms with a twinkle in his eye.
"You're relentless, Pussy Cat," Colt smiled, shaking her head and simultaneously avoiding getting caught within the arms of her former lover. "Can you send my food through when it's ready please. I will be back in about an hour to help with the dinner shift okay?" she asked.
"Will do Kitten, thanks." he replied with a salute, before heading off to the stock room for more mixers.
It was two hours later and Colt was behind the bar, serving drinks with Felix as the waitresses delivered the bar meals from the kitchem for those who didn't fancy a full on restaurant set up for dinner. Everything from earlier had been forgotten about and they were back to their usual friendly selves working in a super efficient manner to make sure everyone had their drinks.
Finally the busy evening gave them a lull, and it was one that they both were more than grateful for. Colt took the opportunity and passed Felix a can of soda while she downed a pint of water quickly. Relishing the refreshing taste as her thirst was quenched.
Once finished she turned to him and said, "I might need that new bar tender afterall. I'm so not built to do the relief shifts when required, I'm exhausted here," she laughed.
"Nah, you're a rockstar, Kitten, plus I don't think the tip jar has ever filled so fast" Felix laughed, nodding his head to the jar beside the till that had began to over flow with notes.
"Oh please, we both know thats more to with your flirting technique, and the double bachelorette parties that were in for dinner," joked Colt, as Felix flexed his guns and waggled his eyebrows.
"It helps that they weren't blind" he said arrogantly.
"Oh shut up! You and that ego you cart around are going to flirt yourself into trouble one day. You know that right?" Colt laughed back, throwing a damp cloth at his face.
"Well its lucky for me, and that ego, that my kick ass boss and friend will come save me isn't it?" he laughed straight back, grabbing Colt into a bear hug before she could move away, then simultaneously squeezing her while tickling at her sides.
When he finally stopped, and Colt regained control of her respiratory system, she glared at him and said "After that Felix, I think I might just leave you to your own devices."
"Well, I for one think that is a great idea," Suddenly came a loud and growling voice, from a booth across the bar.
Colt looked over to see a tall, broad shouldered man, with eyes so blue they felt like they were piercing her soul. But, before she could appraise him any further he authoritatively bellowed the claiming words she had always dreaded hearing.
"Step away from the cat, Little Mate. You belong to me."