Dawn Scarlet
I could hear a lot of noises - different noises to be exact but even if they are different, I could easily distinguish which noise is coming from which living being. There are noises coming from birds - specifically, I could recognize that it actually came from owls, a species of bird that is commonly awake during the night, the noises coming from the grasshoppers that I honestly do not expect that I would still hear, and many more noises.
Is this already what they call heaven? I am well aware of the fact that I died - specifically I was killed by two persons that I do not expect would actually be the death of me. Well, since I am already in heaven, I guess there is really no point in actually having that grudge in the first place, and God would definitely sent me to hell if he could actually read my thoughts and feel my feelings for what happened.
However, at the same time, I cannot help but to ask myself - with that being the case, do I not have a single right in feeling pain or anger to what I have experienced? I have been murdered by two persons that I treated as a family - one of them is really a family member of mine even if I am not sure if she really treated me as one but obviously she dodn't because if she did then she wouldn't have murdered me in the first place. The second person , a man that I considered as one of the persons that I trust with all my heart - he has helped me in many ways and I really looked up to him and so, seeing his face before I lost consciousness and die made my heart really broke into millions of pieces.
That is the worst betrayal that a person could really experience and I cannot help but to hope and pray that no one will ever experience the same thing that I did because that thing is really painful. Oh well, although it is really still painful for me I need to set it aside because I am already in heaven and with that thought in mind, I slowly opened my eyes and when I already got to see my surroundings I cannot help but to froze on where I am and after a while I immediately got up and sat down in order to look around.
"Is this really heaven? Why am in a place like this?!" I whispered to myself just right after my eyes already got a gist of what my surroundings look like. This does not really look like heaven in the first place from what I know, heaven is described as a place that is actually majestic - that you wouldn't really have to doubt that it is heaven because you will instantly feel it.
Well, it was only said by people who teaches theology, the elderly and some people who have been studying the book that is called the Bible however, even if there is really no proof that heaven really looks majestic a lot of people including me believes that it is because it has been depicted that way for centuries.
And right now, just by seeing this place right before my eyes - I honestly think that this is not really heaven nor this is hell. And I can feel it - there is nothing really majestic about my surroundings and not to mention it is evening, is there such thing as evening in heaven in the first place? I do not recall such a thing when it was stated that heaven is actually place that has evening.
This place really is testing both my beliefs is logic - I know I died however the thing is, why am I not in heaven or hell? What is actually going on? I blinked a couple of times in order to assure that I am not imagining things, but the thing is even if I already blinked a couple of times the scenario didn't really change like I am expecting it to be.
I honestly expected that my vision would change after a while into something that is heaven-like however it didn't which means that what I am seeing right now is already the reality and I have to accept it. And I am definitely in a forest! Not only a simple forest but a hella rain forest!
Seriously, what I am doing in a rain forest? I looked around the place and while I am at it, memories of everything that happened in my life flashed inside my mind - it flowed freely like water. And other than memories, something also flashed insides my mind and that is the thoughts that I had before I actually closed my eyes in order to allow myself to succumb to darkness. The thoughts when I hoped that I would be reborn again, that I will be given a chance to live another life without the people that caused me pain, suffering and the most important thing is without the two persons who are the reason for my death.
At the same time, I remembered that I also heard a voice inside my head - well, it is not really a voice inside my head but rather I know that there is really a man that spoke to me a while ago because I heard his voice real time.
"Do you want to live again and find your destiny?"
That is what that man said, however the thing is that is the only thing that I could remember from a while ago, I do not remember what exactly my response is or if I have asked questions however the thing is I know for a fact that I did asked questions because that is how I am. I am really the type of person that would ask questions. But even if I cannot remember the exact thing that happened, I know the feeling.
I know for a fact that I felt calm a while back and that the regret and anger disappeared for a while and I know that I replied with a 'yes' because if I didn't reply with a yes then I wouldn't be able to be here in the first place. Well, with that memory still, even if I did said yes in whatever it is that is being offered to me why am I actually here in such place? Why a rain forest? And now that I realize it, I am wearing kimono like clothes - a type of clothing that is worn by Japanese people; people who lives in the country of Japan.
However, again just like what I have said the clothes that I am wearing right now does not really exactly look like the ones that is worn by the Japanese people: the right term whole be that it is similar yet also different. However, that is not the thing that concerns me the most - what concerns me is none other than the fact that I am in a f-cking rain forest.
A rainforest is an area of tall, mostly evergreen trees and a high amount of rainfall and since it is already night time, there is no really rain but the place is foggy as hell not to mention that it is really dark around the area. I am just grateful - more than grateful in fact that the place where I am in is being illuminated by the moon light - meaning this area that I am in is not that covered by the trees around the area. However, even if I am grateful of that fact, I am still scared - scared of the fact that there may be dangerous animals around the area, animals that are carnivorous and will eat me.
Well, I have already digested the fact that I am neither in heaven and hell because I have been reborn however if I am reborn and that I am going to get killed now by a carnivorous animal. That will definitely suck!
Then a strong wind suddenly blowed which is caused me to feel cold - I do not know if it is just that my clothes are too thin that is why the wind easily penetrated my whole body but even if that is the case, I decided to start walking - the cold will not stop me from walking my way out of this place.
I walked and walked until then I saw something that moved from a far and not only that but I also saw light, however the thing is that I know that the light is not coming from flashlights.
"That should be torches" I whispered. I cannot help but to ask myself on why are there actually torches - those people could have just used flashlights because they are more convenient than torches not to mention that in torches are a very old idea, there is no way that someone would still know in the first place on how to make one and how to maintain the flame it emits.
Well, whatever the reason is, I decided to follow where the the torches are going and when I am already near them I heard a voice. However, the thing is I noticed that something is actually different.
"Look for him morons! We need to accomplish our mission and it is impossible for that bastard to go that far because of the wounds that we inflicted him" - I heard one of them said and the I frowned - I frowned because of the fact that I noticed that the language that they used is different from the language that I am using or I am used to using and hearing. I know because it is very obvious in the first place, however the thing is I am quite curious on why am I able to understand such language in the first place.
Maybe that is one of the perks of being reborn in this place - but that is also a good thing because of the fact that I could ask them for directions on how will I be able to get out of this place, because it is obvious that they are informed about the surroundings. However at the same time, I am hesitating if I will really go near them because I am feeling quite a different vibe and when I heard a voice again, that made me confirm what I am feeling.
"Killing him in that state should be easy" and after that I heard chuckles - however the chuckles are obviously evil. And so, I put my hand on my mouth to prevent me from making any noise. It would be bad if someone notices me around the area, I have a feeling that they will kill me or something for overhearing such conversation - I will wait for them to actually get farther away from me before I actually come out of the place where I am hiding.
But serious, it really bothers the hell out of me. Damn, even in this place there are killings that are happening?? I am not stupid not to realize what they are actually planning and what I can say based from what I have heard is that whoever they are about to kill is already wounded: badly wounded to be precise.
But the thing is, where is their target in the first place? If that person is already wounded then he or she will not go far. He or she will rest somewhere near and that there are no trees or anything and that the person is actually comfortable.
I cannot help but to think that whoever that is could be important and if that is the case I have to find whoever and wherever he or she is and cure his or her wounds as much as possible. I just want to mind my own business however, the thing is I also do not want to just let this be after what I have heard - I am a doctor in my last life and saving lives has always been my virtue.
I immediately run towards the direction where those people came from. Even though it is dark, I can still see through the ground because of the moonlight. So I tried my best to look for red spots on the ground as I ran. If that person is badly wounded, then there would be droplets of blood on the ground. I just kept on running until I notice some blood on the tree trunks.
I immediately walked towards the tree and I touched the blood and because of its consistency I can say that the blood has been attache on that tree for about 20 minutes already however it is obvious he could not have gone that far. I then walked a little bit farther and when I saw that there are no longer marks on trees or on the ground I cannot help but to clench my teeth - if that person is not around here then he or she could have went to the other direction
"Shit now I have to go back" I said and I am about to go back when suddenly I saw a pair of feet not far from me. I calmed myself down and however that is all useless because I suddenly felt a cold thing on my neck. And when the moon light illuminated my surroundings, I was amused with the person that appeared right in front of me.
In front of me I saw a beautiful man with deep green eyes, his face is all sweaty and his clothes are torn and are stained with blood. But damn he still looks sexy - I do not usually compliment men, however this man right in front of me is deserves it.
"Who are you?" - he suddenly ask in a low tone and from his voice, it is pretty obvious that he is already having quite a hard time.