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Chapter 2 - Sanctuary

“LENA! THERE’S NO TIME! RUN!” Her mother shouted and Lena turned and ran after her father in the opposite direction of the fire. Her mind was all over the place as she focussed on not falling flat on her face! Were they under attack? They were always taught that even their own kind didn’t like them, not to mention other supernatural creatures! Had someone finally decided to kill all of them? Lena had heard the elders talk even when they tried their level best not to. Many of them speculated about a possible war, but over the years, Lena grew used to this kind of talk and she didn’t pay any more attention to it. Had the war finally found its way to their people?

As she ran after her father, branches were hitting her in the face, cutting the soft skin on her cheeks and she didn’t see the log in front of her through her teary eyes. Tripping over it, she hit the ground with a loud thud and almost got the wind knocked out of her. Her father rushed back and helped her up, almost dragging her the rest of the way. They found the river where many of their people had gathered and quickly threw their things into the boat.

Just as Lena took a seat beside her mother, she heard a loud howl and her eyes snapped up. Fear rushed through her veins as realization hit her right in the stomach. That was the sound of the beasts her mother told her about when she was little! She had always thought they were just fairy tales. Something parents told their children about, so they could make sure they behaved! Her father looked at her mother for a moment and Lena could have sworn he whispered “I love you” before turning back around.

“Go!” He shouted at someone and the boat started to move. Lena cried out for them to stop and she wanted to go back but her mother held tightly onto her as the boat started to make its way down the lazy river. The boat turned slightly and Lena caught a glimpse of a black wolf as he fought against her father’s magic. The boat moved slowly down the river and she watched as the wolf tore into her father right before the boat turned the corner and she could no longer see anything. Howling echoed throughout the forest and she could hear their paws slamming down on the ground on one side of the river as the boats moved down the river. Tears filled her eyes as she looked at her mother who was also silently crying.

“Why didn’t he come with us?” Lena cried and her mother tried to wipe the tears away, but they just kept falling. Lena knew why her father didn’t come with them, but she couldn’t think straight. Her father was one of their strongest witches, which meant he was also one of their so-called warriors. They trained in secret and all Lena knew was that he told her that one day she would find out what it meant. He promised her that one day she would be a warrior too. Now she would never find out what it was that her father promised to teach her! Her father was gone!

THE SOUND OF PAWS SLOWLY GREW SOFTER as the boats picked up speed down the river. All around her, people were crying softly while others tried to comfort them. This was meant to be the best night of her life. She looked up and realized it was morning. It was meant to be her first morning as a real witch. She was supposed to have gone with her father to the elder council to start her tests. They were going to test her on every possible power so they could decide where she would start her apprenticeship. Then she and her dad were going to have lunch with her mother before they went looking for berries for dessert.

She was supposed to have been happy. Instead, she had not only lost her father, but her home as well. Her mind drifted to the black wolf and she felt hatred start to build inside her. She didn’t care that they were taught that all creatures deserved love! The beast that killed her father didn’t! She silently vowed that as soon as she was strong enough, she was going to go back to their home. She would find the wolf and kill it! She would rebuild their home if she had to and she would give her father a proper burial even if she only found one of his bones.

Tears started to run again as the last images of her father came to mind.

SOMEONE WHISTLED and the boat slowed down. Lena looked up to see that they were near a human city. She could see it through the forest in the distance. The leaves didn’t look healthy here like they did deep in the forest near her home. They were taught in school that humans poisoned mother earth and you could always tell they were nearby by simply looking at the leaves. Her eyes flashed in her mother’s direction for answers, but her mom looked pale and didn’t talk. They got out and followed a small footpath that took them to a small tavern. A bulky red-headed woman was standing behind a counter and her eyes grew wide at the sight of them.

She rushed out from behind the counter shouting instructions to a dangly looking boy before ushering all of them upstairs. There weren’t enough rooms for each to have their own and Lena built a small bed near the fire for her and her mother in one of the rooms. Her mother told her to get as much rest as she possibly could and when Lena asked why, her mother looked sad and she told her that this was probably the last time they would sleep under a roof, a real roof, for a while.

Beds were pushed together for the elders and the younger people made space on the floor. A couple of young human women who were hardly dressed rushed in with mugs filled with ale and plates with sweet berries, cheese, and bread as if the coven hadn’t eaten in days. When Lena’s mother was asleep, Lena got up and made her way to the door. She wanted to find out where Emily was and if she was okay, but the conversation in the passage drew her attention.

“Are you sure it was him?” The red-headed woman who had been behind the counter frowned as she looked at the two elders. They nodded. Him? Who was he? Lena tried to move a little closer without drawing any attention to herself. “Well, you are welcome to stay here as long as you need. He won’t dare come here. The humans will cut his throat after what he did!” Lena fought the urge to gasp. It was clear that they were talking about the wolf! Who was the wolf and what did he do that even humans wanted to kill him?

Lena needed answers, but she had no idea who to ask. She was about to make her way back to her mother when she heard Emily’s voice crying for her. Emily ran to her friend and threw her arms around Lena’s neck as she cried. In between sobs, Lena figured out that Emily’s mother was one of the warriors who stayed behind to give the boats a chance to get away. Lena’s heart was broken about her father, but she couldn’t even begin to imagine what Emily was going through. She took Emily to where her mother was sleeping and made her comfortable. Staring at her friend and mom as they were sleeping, Lena vowed again to kill the damn beast the next time she saw him!

THE FIRST DAY OF THE WAR BETWEEN the beasts and the blood witches had started. As time passed, Lena would find herself wondering why the beasts hated them so much. It didn’t matter where they ran to, the beasts kept finding them each time, and each time new warriors were sacrificed so that the rest of the coven could escape. Her mother had been right. That first night in the tavern was also the last night they spent in doors.

After that night, they spent most of their time on the river and only made camp on the banks when they needed to stop for food or fresh water. She never forgot the black wolf. The one who killed her father and each time, as she trained, he was the one she thought about. Lena had inherited her father’s magic even though they couldn’t do a proper burial for him and she no longer lived on her ancestral land. She was able to manipulate any element to do her bidding and she moved up in rank quickly on her way to becoming a warrior.

She trained as long and as hard as was needed to gain full control over her powers, but it still felt as if she just couldn’t get there in time because each time she thought she was ready, she was bundled into a boat and sent off with the rest of the coven. As if training to use her powers wasn’t tough enough on land! She was slowly growing impatient and was on her way to speak to their latest high priestess, when they were attacked again. It had been three years since her father’s death and her mother took over one of the warrior positions. Lena knew that even though her mother was strong, she wasn’t strong enough for this kind of battle, and she wasn’t willing to give up her mother just yet, but she was too late. As she was running toward her mother, a wolf came from the side and her mother’s ear-piercing scream rang through the air.

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