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Chapter 3 - Life without her parents.

LENA CRIED FOR HER MOTHER as someone grabbed hold of her and pulled her into one of the boats. A wolf she hadn’t seen yet was standing over her mother and hatred flared deep inside Lena. She would never forgive the beasts for taking her family from her. She didn’t care why they started the war. She would never forgive them and, even if it took every ounce of magical energy she had, she would make sure they paid for what they had done!

She couldn’t send a spell in the wolf’s direction from the boat because her magic was still not entirely under control and she could very well tip the boat instead of harming the wolf, so she had no other choice but to look on as the boat slowly made its way away from her mother.

CAMPSITE AFTER CAMPSITE, the wolves attacked and her people died while she trained to become stronger and control her powers. The first power she was able to control fairly easily was wind. She could make a small little cooling whisp or she could drown you in a tornado in a matter of seconds. Her second power was water, and she was able to manipulate it in her second year of training. Earth was really tough since it was heavy and didn’t like moving, but she soon figured out how to manipulate it by doing her will and, at the end of the third year, she could convince the earth to literally move.

However, it wasn’t enough yet. Another year passed and still the beasts kept coming as if they were possessed or something. Lena finally passed her exams to become a warrior and she didn’t want to think that they might have just told her she passed just so they had someone to distract the beasts while the last couple of people tried to get away. She was able to control the fire, but it took all of her energy and after she threw a third fireball, she would be too tired to do any other magic, but it just had to be enough. All they needed was for her to distract the beasts long enough that the rest of the coven could get away.

Over the years, they came across one or two people who escaped previous attacks, and the stories they had to tell were horrific, but they hadn’t seen survivors in a while now. Lena’s stomach turned to think that some of their people were still in the clutches of these monsters, but they couldn’t go back to save them. They had to keep running. They had to keep moving if they were going to survive the war. At least, that was what the high priestess told her before, but Lena was slowly growing tired of running. They were blood witches for goodness’s sake! They were the strongest magical creatures ever made! Other witches feared them, so why were they running?!

THE NEXT TIME THE BEASTS ATTACKED, Lena was ready for them, or so she thought. She tried to convince her people that they had to stop running and take a stand, but there were so few of them left that none of them believed they would be able to win a fight anymore. Even the high priestess had been killed in the last attack, and things were looking grim as Lena took a stand to give the last boat they had left a chance to get away. She heard screaming coming from the direction of the boat. She had just enough time to see it sinking with people screaming before something knocked her over the head and everything around her went dark.

WHEN LENA OPENED HER EYES AGAIN, she was sitting in a cage on the back of a truck with her hands bound in iron chains. They looked old and she realized they were enchanted when she tried to do a spell to get out of them and she couldn’t. Looking at her surroundings, she realized that they were actually pretty close to her home she left just a couple of years ago and her heart broke as images of her father came to mind. She couldn’t see any of the beasts around, but she knew they could shape shift and the men that were in the vehicles were probably the beasts.

She had no other choice but to wait and see where they were going and what was going to happen to her. She couldn’t see or hear any of her people and her heart sank as she realized they were probably all gone. A loud roar of applause erupted as they pulled up to a very high brick wall and when they drove past a huge iron gate, people started throwing things at the cage.

Rotten food hit Lena against her head and she ducked, trying to protect her head with her arms, while she could hear people laughing. She once thought she would never be able to hate anyone, but she hated these people more than anything. The vehicle came to a stop and the man behind the steering wheel climbed out. His eyes locked with hers and his mouth opened for a moment.

His eyes turned black as the night and Lena could feel the spirits stir deep inside her as he mouthed something she couldn’t hear. He turned away instantly and started shouting for the men to unload the cage as he stormed off. It took Lena only a moment to realize who he was, but she didn’t have long to think about it as her captures were carrying the cage with such carelessness that she kept hitting her head on the side. The cage was dragged into a dark room and she was left alone. She could feel tears threatening to take control, but she would not cry! She would never give them the satisfaction of seeing her cry!

ALARIC PACED UP AND DOWN THE THRONE ROOM, pulling his fingers through his hair when his guards walked in to inform him that the girl was locked away. He was so stumped that he honestly didn’t know what to say. His men were excited about celebrating their win over the blood witches and he thought he would be too, but the moment their eyes met, he knew she was his mate.

How could the moon goddess punish him like this? He couldn’t mate with his enemy! He couldn’t make one of them, the pack Luna! His people started to fill the room and he had no other choice but to forget about the girl for now. He took his place on the small stage in the front as his beta, Maximillian, handed him a large glass filled with something potent.

“We have been at war with the witches for years now, and I’m proud to say that today, we won the last of the battles!” Alaric announced, and his people cheered. “All but one blood witch has been wiped clean off the face of the earth and none of our people will ever have to suffer at their hands again!” He shouted smiling as he saw the happiness around the room, but he didn’t feel it. “Now let’s celebrate!” He shouted and roars of applause went up as food was carried in and the beer kept flowing. He had to talk to one or two people and was congratulated by a couple of others before he finally made his way out of the throne room. He felt as if he couldn’t breathe! As if someone had stolen all the air right out of his lungs!

IN THE DARKNESS OF THE PASSAGE, Alaric took a deep breath as he tried to calm his heart and his mind drifted to the beautiful woman just down the hall. He heard his friend’s footsteps long before he spoke and Alaric rolled his eyes. He should have known he wouldn’t be able to hide anything from Max.

“Hey bud, what’s up?” Maximillian’s voice interrupted his turmoiled mind and he sighed. He really didn’t want anybody to know, but he also knew he had to tell someone. Looking at the door for a moment before walking further away from where people could hear, he turned to look at his best friend. They were at the end of the passage and there were no rooms around where someone could be hiding and could overhear what he had to say.

“She’s, my mate.” His words were hardly audible even to his own sensitive hearing, but from the look on Max’s face, he knew Max heard them. His eyes were wide and his jaw dropped as he gawked at Alaric for a moment and then shook his head.

“Nope, that’s not possible. No wolf has ever been mated to a blood witch.” Maximillian kept shaking his head as if it would change anything and then took a huge sip of his beer before looking at Alaric again. “Are you sure? I mean, maybe you got it wrong. She is really beautiful and if she wasn’t what she was I would have done her …” Before Max could say another word, Alaric had his fingers around his best friend’s throat and he was pushing him up against the wall growling.

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