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Chapter 5 - Surviving the festival

ALARIC STOOD AT HIS WINDOW and his wolf was howling in pain as they watched his people trying to clean Lena up before the festival. He would have done it himself if he had been able to, but his wolf was making it impossible to go anywhere near her! His men had caught Rebecca in the room a couple of times and he couldn’t wait for the next morning to be over. He would no longer have to worry about his baby sister and her ridiculous ideas about him finding his mate, or about the influence the damn witch might have on her.

Not that anybody was ever able to influence Rebecca! Nobody in their pack was as stubborn as that little one! She was his parents' little surprise after they were told they couldn’t have any more children. Twenty years passed and nothing and everybody had made peace with the fact that it would always only ever be Alaric. He smiled as he remembered the day when his mom found out she was pregnant again. His parents were so incredibly happy.

Why couldn’t Rebecca understand that if it weren’t for these damn witches, their parents would still be alive? Alaric couldn’t allow the witch to live! The supernatural council would never allow her to live! Unable to look at what was happening any further, he walked away from the window. He didn’t want Rebecca to see Lena being killed and he still had to convince her that she couldn’t go to the opening day of the harvest festival. He wondered which was worse, watching Lena being tortured or telling his baby sister she couldn’t go to the festival she had been looking forward to for months.

As expected, she was furious with him even after he promised her that she could go the next day after Lena had been taken care of. He tried every explanation in the book, but she wasn’t buying any of it as she glared at him with her arms crossed firmly over her chest. She had already picked out her dress and everything and it tore him apart to say no to her, but he just couldn’t allow her to go. Alaric knew that the death of the witch was going to be a celebration for everyone there, and if he took Rebecca with him, it would just ruin her for life.

She hadn’t lived through the war that he and his men had. She hadn’t seen what they saw. He didn’t want her seeing that. To be sure she didn’t sneak out, he arranged with Max to make sure that Rebecca’s room was guarded. He sighed as he walked back into his office. His heart was heavy when it was meant to be happy. Life really wasn’t fair! The goddess wasn’t fair! His fist went through the wall before he could help himself and Max ran into his office seconds later.

“Dude! Don’t break it!” Max rolled his eyes. He was the only one besides Rebecca that knew why Alaric was in such an incredibly foul mood! To make sure he could help his friend through this, he handed him a drink and started talking about the days they were young and chasing tail at school, but he couldn’t have chosen a worse subject!

LENA BOBBED AROUND IN THE CAGE as it was being carried past people who were shouting at her and throwing things against the bars of the cage. The smell of rotten food was overwhelming and she fought the urge to barf as she knew it would just make the people around her happy to see her suffer like that! She wondered what she did to them to deserve this kind of treatment, but suddenly understood why her kind kept to themselves!

It also made absolutely no damn sense why the wolves took the time to hose her down when they knew full well that the people were just going to throw things at her again! She tried to look past what was happening around her to try and figure out where exactly she was.

She could see elves and dwarfs clearly in the crowd, which surprised her since she knew they never showed themselves. Under any circumstances! The cage was put down on a small stage in the centre of the square where a group of people were talking. From their clothes she could tell that they were leaders of their different groups. Their eyes flared with hatred whenever they looked her way and it made her wonder again what the hell she had done to deserve that!

It was her people that had been attacked without reason! Her people lived in the forest away from everybody! But her idea of her people would soon be shattered. She watched as the Wolf King walked up the couple of steps and spoke to the group. Within a mere couple of minutes, he had told everyone lies about her people, and from the looks of things, they were believing him! Her people never killed others! They never maimed or attacked people like he was saying! They kept to themselves!

She was found guilty of her entire coven’s crimes, and sentenced to death, but for some odd reason, he told the crowd that it had been decided she wouldn’t actually be put to death. According to this beast, it had been decided that she would work as a slave for the rest of her life to serve as an example to others who thought they could harm the innocent! The crowd seemed upset about this, and one of the rulers even stormed off the stage.

“Thank you everyone for coming.” Alaric silenced the crowd. His eyes flashed toward Lena for a moment and she could have sworn she saw pain filling them before he turned his attention back to the crowd. “As you all know, this is the last blood witch.” Applause erupted in the crowd as they seemingly celebrated that her entire kind had been killed! Lena wished she could use her magic to kill all of them! “We know that you have all come to see her killed, but we have agreed that it would be best if she served as a slave for the rest of her life.” People started to boo Alaric as he reiterated their decision and Lena was unsure if she was happy about this or if she would rather they kill her and get it over with!

“People! People please!” A beautiful elf stepped forward but she didn’t once look at Lena as she raised her hands to silence everyone. “We do not want to begin our celebration with death. We have all seen enough of it over the past couple of years. I agree with King Alaric. Let this young witch serve as a warning of what happens to people who think they can harm others without cause.” WHAT?! Lena frowned at the words.

Her people never harmed anybody! She wanted to jump up and tell the elf that it was her people who had been slaughtered for no reason! She wanted to tell all these monsters that they were wrong! Her people were peaceful! They kept to themselves and loved all others, but something deep inside her told her to keep quiet. In the middle of the crowd, she noticed the small blond child instantly!

Rebecca was standing there smiling at her and it filled Lena’s heart with the smallest ray of hope. Out of all of these monsters there was one little girl who seemed to believe her. If she fought these monsters alone, she might die just like they wanted. If she kept Rebecca close, she might even be able to escape and take revenge on all of them! Alaric must have noticed what she was looking at because he rushed off the stage and grabbed the young Rebecca, dragging her into the crowd.

The group of leaders tried a little longer to placate the crowd that gathered and when they were done, the crowd dispersed. Lena was left on the stage for everyone to look at and, in the distance, she could see Alaric fighting with Rebecca. Lena was surprised to see the small frame fighting back. It was clear that Rebecca wasn’t scared of her brother. She also didn’t agree with him, and she was making him understand that perfectly.

As the day went by, people would walk closer to the cage and spit at her. Others who were too scared stood a distance away and threw old food, but nobody dared to come too close. Without food or water, Lena slowly grew too tired to fight anybody and she must have fallen asleep at some point. She woke with a start when the cage started to move and she was carried back to the truck where they loaded her on the back.

She recognized the wolves from before and closed her eyes. What else could they do to her? They had her bound and locked in a cage like an animal. They accused her coven of the world's worst atrocities, but they never elaborated on what her people apparently did. They didn’t have a trial where she could lead evidence in her own defence. She had been found guilty and was being punished without anybody really knowing anything about her.

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