Real beauty
One of the staff told me that everyone was in the gourmet area of the house and showed me where it was. I thanked him and walked towards that huge table. The table was very colorful with fruit, bread, juices and cakes. I sat down to say good morning to everyone and waited for the couple.
Again, everyone was already serving themselves, while I waited for the owners of the house. I swore that richer people had better manners, but these people proved me wrong.
They all ate animatedly while chatting about parties, money and beauty. I was overcome with fear that my ears would explode at any moment.
Soon I spotted Vidia and Fernando walking towards us. They were different today, Vídia was holding Fernando's arm while laughing at something he had said. Fernando was touching Vidia's hand, which was crossed over his arm, in an affectionate way.
I was surprised, because I thought there was going to be some kind of crisis because of his attitude the day before. I took a deep breath, reproaching myself again for thinking that. Vidia was right, I needed a vacation.
That table was full of delicious things and it was sad to know that I wouldn't be able to try a bit of each.
"I'm on a new diet, I can only eat liquid or pasty things". One of the guests began to speak up, deliberately.
"I fast for more than 12 hours every day". The other adds.
Everyone at the table listened attentively and praised them for their efforts. I understood why they were talking, after all, I was the only one who was 'overweight' according to society. My fatness wasn't about me being gluttonous and eating too much.
I've always been overweight, ever since I was little. I was bullied a lot at school and that's when they nicknamed me GG. They took the initials of my name and my surname, making a bad joke.
After a while I stopped trying to lose weight and just focused on my health. I was healthy and that was what mattered. I also started to love my body and feel comfortable with it.
It wasn't easy and sometimes I still feel ashamed or afraid. But then I remember the person I am, then I remember that I am beautiful. Inside and out. I'm well and satisfied.
"And you, dear?" The girl who only drank liquids asked. "What kind of diet do you follow?"
I looked at her with an arched eyebrow, not believing that she was trying to put me down.
"The non-teething diet." I answer normally.
"What do you mean?" She asks confusedly, in an extremely nauseous voice.
"Actually." Vidia interrupts me, before I can complete the joke. "Giulia's not on a diet, is she?"
Vidia tries to lighten the mood, but everyone looks surprised to hear her answer. Everyone looks at me as if I were from Mars.
"But you don't think it's pretty, do you?" A lady asks with wide eyes.
"Are you talking about me?" I ask, pretending to be doubtful. "Because if the answer is yes, of course I think it's beautiful. I have a beautiful, real and healthy body". I say in a mocking tone, remembering the crazy diets these people go on.
"You didn't have to be rude, we're trying to help you". The crazy fasting woman said. "How do you intend to find a man?"
"I don't intend to find a man, let's start here." I reply seriously.
"Have you noticed how delicious these strawberries are?" Vidia says with an amused smile, trying to get away from the subject.
"The girls were trying to help, can't you be a little kinder?" An older woman joined the conversation, giving me a scolding look.
"Of course I can." I replied, putting a fake smile on my face. "Would your graces kindly go and mind their own business?"
Everyone looked at me in astonishment, as if I had uttered the worst thing found in the Italian dictionary. Vidia looked at me desperately, begging me not to kill them with words. I just raised my hands in surrender and everyone took their attention away from me when Vidia brought up some subject about traveling.
Soon the men went off to one side, possibly to drink and chat, while we went to sort out the wedding decorations. We entered a room with several sofas and a small team waiting for us. As soon as we sat down, Vidia pulled me to sit next to her and the team started handing us various catalogs.
"I was afraid you weren't going to control yourself and go for Lisa's neck". Vidia spoke in a low, but humorous tone of voice.
"I wanted to know if her diet was really working, then I'd have enough strength to throw her away." I speak seriously and Vidia laughs.
We talked about the details of the wedding and Fernando's mother denied all of Vidia's wishes. And so it went for the rest of the day, with Vidia's mother-in-law deciding everything. Mel changed the color from green to gold, just because Vidia was excited about it.
When we finished everything, the party was to her liking. I like Fernando's mother plasticized. I could have thrown a heavy object at her, but there were too many witnesses.
I started to eat a fruit salad slowly, I'd just gotten a bit nauseous. Possibly because I'd eaten so much yesterday. Soon Fernando and Vídia stood up, smiles on their faces.
"I hope everyone is making their preparations for the first official engagement party." Vidia says, almost jumping up and down with excitement. "This is a very important day for us, a time to gain the blessing of our family and close friends."
They start talking about the traditions of getting the whole family together and exchanging vows. I was just trying to pretend that I was up to date with everything, when in fact I didn't even remember this party.
"My cousin will be there and he's the head of the family, so it's important that everything goes perfectly". Fernando was serious, conveying the importance of this occasion.
"He'll decide if the wedding goes ahead, so we have to do our best to prepare for today's party." Vidia speaks normally.
Decide if the marriage will continue? What kind of family is this? Everything was getting stranger as the days went by and the events unfolded. But what kind of family accepts that? If the boss said no, would the whole wedding be canceled? Extremely medieval and strange.
I spent the day helping Vidia organize the party that would welcome the whole Savaio family and the 'great powerful boss.' We did everything with Mel's disapproving look on our faces, but we ignored her. We finished everything and I took the opportunity to rest.
I dozed off for a few minutes, but was woken up by the shouts of some girls in the corridor. I woke up stressed and with a headache because of them, who were screaming like gazelles. I walked towards the door, determined to complain about their lack of respect until I heard what they were saying.
"Philip is hardly ever seen at this kind of event, so I'm sure he's excited to approve the marriage or reject it". One of the girls said and everyone laughed.
"Of course Philip is coming to break things up, otherwise he wouldn't have wasted his time with this party. He certainly disapproved of marrying any woman. You have to have status to marry a Savaio". Another line and again everyone bursts into laughter.
I open the door abruptly, making a loud noise that startles everyone. There were four girls who were part of the group of godmothers. I looked them up and down and made my look of disgust very clear.
"Don't you have anything better to do than scream like a bunch of gazelles?" I asked in a serious voice, crossing my arms. "You're lucky I'm in a good mood, otherwise I'd make you swallow every word."
"Who do you think you are to talk like that? Do you really think we're doing something wrong? We were just telling the truth and that can't come back." One of them says, approaching me.
"Don't worry about it, I can shove it down another hole". I speak in a threatening manner and just as I was about to advance on that project of a person, I feel a wall being placed in the middle and separating me from the girls.
Actually, it only looked like a wall. It was Fernando, who appeared out of nowhere and stopped me from teaching that brainless girl a lesson.
"I think you ladies should get ready, after all, the party starts in a few hours and you have a lot to do."
His gaze was serious, as was his posture, but his voice was full of irony. The girls were embarrassed by his insinuation. It was nice to see, but they deserved much more. They left quickly and soon Fernando and I were alone in that corridor.
"Who is this head of the family?" I asked.
"He's my cousin." He explains, turning to me and his face still conveying seriousness.
"Your cousin is the head of the whole family?" I ask confused, knowing that the head is usually the oldest.
"Yes, he's responsible for the family business, for our well-being and status." Fernando explains, putting his hands in his pockets, but now his countenance is lighter.
"And he can do what the girls said?" I ask, knowing that he heard.
"Yes, as I said, he's responsible for our well-being. Including decisions about weddings." His gaze seemed a little lost, meaning he also thought like the girls.
So I asked him a question, the question that would really tell me whether Fernando loves Vidia or not.
"Who do you choose?"
"It's not that simple, I'm a Savaio. To have that surname is to have a lifestyle worthy of it. My cousin will decide what's best for us, it's not about me." Fernando replied, raising his head.